Hey, all you weird people!

I am so sorry. I tried to say hello several times in the last days, but each time I logged in, something urgent came up.
I am a little bit frustrated with the lack of information about JB's writing progress. I know, I should not complain, he will update, when he is ready. But I can't help my feelings. Sorry.
On the other hand I am tentatively happy, because there is hope that I could switch department at work soon, meaning in the next few months, depending on how well the negotiations will go, once my bosses know, I want to leave. I know, they all want to keep me, but I don't want to stay. So, deal with it, bosses. You should have been nice to me before.

In fact, they have been nice to me, but they have been ugly to others. But I have eyes and ears and I won't work for people like that, and I they know, because I tend to speak my mind. I did everything I could for the others, but now it is time to look after myself.
I used to hate hearing my voice, but I made peace with it long ago. I still feel awkward when I have to SEE myself, though.
I introduced my oldest daughter to the DF. She is very mature for her age. But she can't read it in English yet. I managed to find the books in the online library. And I needed to test them, of course. I think I told you once, that my friend wasn't that thrilled about the translation, but I can say, it's mostly OK. I just intended to read Storm Front, to try out the online library and how it was translated, but I ended up with the first three. Now I'm taking a break and read Good Omens.
And I put my feet into the river a few days ago. They didn't freeze, lol.
Edit: I don't know, if I have told you, but for some time in my life I thought about becoming a translator. But as I'm not comfortable around people, I wanted to translate script. But I thought, that might be boring doing that all day, all year, all life. So I didn't.