I assumed the pine cones were in the bottom of the water, allegedly giving the water some oil or smell.
Glad you liked it, it was a running gag that Miguelito hated the sea. I love Mafalda, which is a classical Argentinian comic stripe, from the 70´s. She has many things about politics or real world things, but other were just cute kids. Argentinians love Mafalda (her creator died almost a year ago).
Here, another of the same arc

Mafalda: Poor Miguelito!
Mafalda's dad: What is wrong with him
Mafalda: Since the day he imagined the sea was a soup, he can't see it without feeling sick.
Mafalda: But...There he is! In the sea!...
Mafalda: Bravo, Miguelito! You took courage!
Miguelito: No, I took alka-seltzer.