Hello, weird people!!!!
I've been absent for a while and still need to read all the new posts on the boards. It will take me a few days, because this week I'm working the nightshift again. There is no internet available for me at work, and even if it was, I wouldn't have the time to sit down and read a lot, so it will take me a few days.

I was very busy with work in the last weeks. A lot of people calling in sick. One even has a broken wrist and had surgery recently.
The nightshift is OK. I like working in teams, but I enjoy being on my own a lot more. During the night I am all alone in my part of the laboratory. It's a lot of work but I like it. I'm more of a night time person anyway.
There was a heavy storm a few minutes ago. The windows have been rattling and the crane looked as if it was about to fall down. There were sirens everywhere for a while. Now it is raining. But I like the rain. It cools everything down. It has been hot and humid weather before the thunder storm.
My little one is learning to play guitar now. My brother in law is teaching her.
2 weeks ago we have visited a 12th certury castle in the vicinity. That was fun. We managed to be in time for the guided tour. It was very interesting. And they had ice cream, cake and coffee. I wanted everything, so I ordered ice coffee and cake. The kids ate all the cake, but I managed to snatch a few bites.