Thanks for your good wishes for the ill people I know.
@GW, thanks a lot for passing my greetings (regardless when they are actually sent). And yes, the tajin is worthy a try.
@Regen, I am glad to hear about the old woman and how sweet from her to buy chocolate

Also, how is Neverending Story going?
I hope your little one can go to school safely soon.
I am also glad about your vegetables

And Fcrate and I did not invent the May the 4th be with you thing. It's the Star Wars day!!! In USA at least it's a thing, and since I have several friends there (many of them from this forum) I adopted it. My real life Argentinian friends and I also exchanged the greeting, they are nerds like me, but even my Disney+ account reminded me of it, as they released "The bad Batch" (a new SW animated show) to celebrate it.