Author Topic: Weird? Pretty much.  (Read 384642 times)

Offline Fcrate

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #900 on: April 27, 2021, 04:59:23 AM »
Listen, I don't mean to break your heart, only manage expectations. Did you hear the uproar last summer about it?
Well, I didn't, but I decided 4 years ago that it's a bust and stopped looking for a release date. I assume it's not coming?
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Offline Dina

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #901 on: April 27, 2021, 05:08:14 AM »
It's another GRRM?
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #902 on: April 27, 2021, 05:16:19 AM »
I don't know that Mistborn is really a good starting point for Sanderson. It's a series that gets significantly better on rereads when you can connect the dots on stuff you learn earlier. Vin gets a lot more interesting as the story goes on but the early story does drag a bit.
OK, thank you. Where would you suggest I start?

Listen, I don't mean to break your heart, only manage expectations. Did you hear the uproar last summer about it?

Do you mean the release of a book named Slow Regard of Silent Things or something like that?
Was that even last year? I think I've read that a lot of people thought it was the next book, but in fact it is only a side story.
Maybe it is a nice story, but I'm not interested in the character.
If there is the last book about Kvothe one day, I'm going to be excited, but if not, I'm OK with it. I would like to see the story come to an end, but if not, I will remember it for it's style of writing.

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #903 on: April 27, 2021, 05:17:46 AM »
Well, I didn't, but I decided 4 years ago that it's a bust and stopped looking for a release date. I assume it's not coming?
I don't look either. I'm sure we will notice when it is out. If ever.

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #904 on: April 27, 2021, 07:45:09 AM »
I think this is an accurate assessment. It was actually the Wheel of Time series that got me into Sanderson. He breathed new life into the series making it funny and allowing the story to move forward again. He turned Egwene from one of my least fav characters to maybe my second fav. I loved her ending arc.
To be honest, I still hated Egwene's character. I don't know why. But I agree with you, Wheel Of Time is when I first started getting interested in Sanderson. I looked for more of his books after that.
OK, thank you. Where would you suggest I start?
I also started with Mistborn, and while I loved it, I agree it's not a good starting point. Gets a bit confusing. Sanderson has regular books, and Cosmere books, Mistborn is Cosmere. The Cosmere books are all related to one extent or another, they all happen in the same universe, albeit in different planets. I would suggest starting with "The Emperor's Soul" novella. It's a little different but it explains the fundamentals of the magic systems nicely. Personally I loved this book. Follow it by "Elantris" which happens on the same planet but on a different continent and time. If you're still interested after that, go for "The Stormlight Archive" series, books one and two. After THAT you can read Mistborn. If you manage that you'll probably end up reading everything Cosmere.
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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #905 on: April 27, 2021, 08:37:25 AM »
Cool. Thanks, Fcrate.
There seems to be some kind of anniversary. The E-books are less than 2€ on amazon. I can live with that. LOL
That's something new to read after my Mercy Thompson reread.

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #906 on: April 28, 2021, 04:34:24 AM »
To be honest, I still hated Egwene's character. I don't know why. But I agree with you, Wheel Of Time is when I first started getting interested in Sanderson. I looked for more of his books after that.I also started with Mistborn, and while I loved it, I agree it's not a good starting point. Gets a bit confusing. Sanderson has regular books, and Cosmere books, Mistborn is Cosmere. The Cosmere books are all related to one extent or another, they all happen in the same universe, albeit in different planets. I would suggest starting with "The Emperor's Soul" novella. It's a little different but it explains the fundamentals of the magic systems nicely. Personally I loved this book. Follow it by "Elantris" which happens on the same planet but on a different continent and time. If you're still interested after that, go for "The Stormlight Archive" series, books one and two. After THAT you can read Mistborn. If you manage that you'll probably end up reading everything Cosmere.
Personally, I agree with The Emperor's Soul but I would not read Elantris until/unless you're invested in the rest of the cosmere. Elantris suffers very strongly from "First book syndrome" in that basically every other book he's written is better than it. I think Warbreaker and the Emperor's Soul are a good starting point for the cosmere.
Is it just me or is it getting a little solipsistic in here?

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #907 on: April 28, 2021, 06:26:10 AM »
Thank you too, DC.
I've now the Emperor's Soul on my e-reader. It might be a while until I can start, but I will sooner or later.

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #908 on: April 28, 2021, 01:16:44 PM »
You may be right about Elantris, DC, but there are some good reasons for reading it in that order. Most of them are tldr, but one is that if you read it later, it's as horrible as eating an apple after a chocolate cake :D
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Offline Dina

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #909 on: April 28, 2021, 07:05:25 PM »
LOL, I liked that comparison  :)

I have a busy day but I wanted to say hi to everyone, I will probably be back later.
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #910 on: April 28, 2021, 07:29:45 PM »
The comparison is awesome.  ;D
We are listening to Never ending Story. Finally I convinced one of the children to join me in listening to the audio book  ;)
It is told with different voices and sounds.
I have the book, too. It is written in red and green. This fascinated me as a kid. Red is for the real world. Green for Phantasien.


Offline Dina

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #911 on: April 28, 2021, 07:48:08 PM »
Yes, I have the book too! In Spanish, and I think the translation must be good because it feels very natural. I still can't get over Artax's death though. I am glad I was not too little when I've read the book because I have always been over sensitive to animal deaths (Hedwig!!) and it was worse when I was little. That said, I really liked the story, the two colors, the ouroboros in the cover, the name Xayide :-)

I saw the movie before reading the book, and in the end of the movie Bastian gives the Empress a name that is not revealed. I was shocked to see that in the book, the name was known! (By the way, in my head, I had named her with a name of my own)

I have only read another Ende book (I know I told you this before), Momo, which I loved even more (no dead horses).

I think a neverending story audiobook with diferent voices must be very fun! That reminds me, when I was a child, here we had a collection called "Musicuento" ("cuento"=tale). They were discs (Longplays!) with short stories narrated by some actors, with a lot of songs. But which was amazing for me was that it also had the story with really amazing drawings, so you can read it at the same time that you hear the story and enjoy the art too! They were very well done, I love them. They were not so cheap, so I didn't have all of them, but I had Cinderella, Puss in boots, Plum Fairy and one or two more.
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #912 on: April 28, 2021, 08:20:35 PM »
Sounds nice.
I watched the movie, too, before reading the book. I think I was in elementary school. And Artax' death hit me, too. But the ancient Morla was great in the movie. And disgusting how she sneezed on Atreju. LOL
We had a teacher in 5th grade who let us watch several movies and analyse them. And write stories in the style. We also watched Ivanhoe, Prince Valiant and Princess Bride.

I always played I was Atreju. I even played the swamp scene with Artax dying, which was difficult, but I maneged to use some mud from the garden. LOL. My mother was not amused.
And I once sat on the original Fuchur in the Barvaria Filmstudios in Munich. It is still there.

In the movie Bastian did say the empress' new name. It was during the storm, everything was very noisy and he called her "Mondenkind". Only once, but he did it. I'm sure the name has been translated. In English it might be Moon Child or something like that. She cried a lot and said " say my name" several times, but he still refused to believe she was really talking to him, until she called him by his name.

I still hate it, when animals die in movies or books. Each time I watch a new movie and there is a dog, I warn the movie not to dare to let the dog die! But most of the time they do. With a few exceptions.

And I cried when Hedwig died!!!!  :'(

Offline Dina

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #913 on: April 28, 2021, 08:30:39 PM »
I played that I was a friend/somewhat crush of Atreyu, but I always was with him in the swamp and together we managed to survive it with Artax (we gave hope to each other).

Yes, in the book the name of the Empress is Moon Child, but in the version of the movie I saw I was pretty sure that Bastien shouted the name but the public did not hear it because of the thunder noise. Perhaps in my version the volume was not so high! ;-), I don't know, but I was pretty sure the name was not revealed, that is why I invented one myself.

Have you seen Stranger Things? In the last season there is a reference to Neverending Story that I loved.

I was in denial about Hedwig for several pages. As the cage has been dropped I hoped they would manage to find him alive somehow, perhaps having performing magic of her own or something. I never forgave JKR for that. Besides, I had to control myself and not cry or throw the book or something before I did not want my husband to know I was upset. It would have been a sort of spoiler. But I insulted her mentally. A lot.
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #914 on: April 28, 2021, 08:37:12 PM »
But I insulted her mentally. A lot.

I've seen Stranger Things. But I didn't notice the reference. What was it?

And yes, I didn't understand what he shouted into the storm the first time I watched the movie. But my father had it recorded from TV, so I got to see it several times. My first thought was "what a silly name", but now it is OK. ;) Doesn't matter. At least she has a new name and everything is safe.