Hello everyone!
GW presence made my day. He is indeed the same person, at some point on his life he forgot how to access his account, so he made a new one. Then I don't remember if he found the password or had it reset by the mods, but anyway, the two accounts are available.
I hope you know how happy I am to see you, GW (((((((((((GW)))))))))))))
Now, answer my mail or you will have to face an angry Dina. And you know, that may mean maggots.
Arjan, so cold! It's freezing my imagination.
Regen, my RPG was actually quite boring, as it mostly involved a shopping spree. I have a new armor and cloak, though and I look awesome.
Also, we had chocolate egg yesterday and it was great

. Actually we had two. One had pistacchio and a touch of sea salt. The other was dark chocolate. Yum and yum!