Author Topic: Weird? Pretty much.  (Read 384452 times)

Offline Regenbogen

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #300 on: October 26, 2020, 12:52:03 PM »
Hey, weirdos !  ;D

Got myself lost in other books, but I'm back now. Just needed some distance from the DF and it worked.  8)

We have one washing machine for 4 people and depending on circumstances we do laundry every second or third day.
I don't know any one who has more than one machine. A friend has 4 kids. She does laundry on a daily basis. But her machine is bigger than mine.

More later. Have to go pick up my little one from school. It's raining a lot. Autumn so far has been wet and muddy.

See you.

Offline Dina

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #301 on: October 26, 2020, 06:11:18 PM »

It's finally sunny here. I will go to the autolaundry in a while.
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Otlan

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #302 on: October 26, 2020, 06:21:46 PM »

Too funny not to post this XD .

@Fcrate: If I had Internet at my House Amigo, I'd start an RPG group with you and teach you to play DnD n_n . I miss playing -_- .
Rest Well Mdodd, and Please Watch over Us...

Relinquo spes totus ye quisnam penetro hic...

Strong like bull, smart like tractor, smooth like brick - smell like goat!

Offline Dina

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #303 on: October 26, 2020, 06:39:55 PM »
That would be awesome
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Regenbogen

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #304 on: October 26, 2020, 07:37:43 PM »
Kids are in bed. I'm happy. So we are going to watch NOS4A2 season 2. I hope they don't sneak down without us noticing. This is definitely not for children.
I did that as a child. Sneak into the living room to watch some movie I was not supposed to. Most of the time, when I succeeded I had to sneak back into bed again through the dark. That was horrifying. But my own fault, I know.

I would work the nightshift this week, but I called in sick. I will start tomorrow night instead of last Saturday. So I will work only 4 nights instead of 7. That's OK. I think I can manage that without being completely healthy.
On the upside I had time to read. I read 3 books in the last week. Two of them this weekend. Go me.

Offline Otlan

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #305 on: October 26, 2020, 07:59:22 PM »
That would be awesome

*Huggles tight* Hi Di-Di n_n ! What would be Awsome?

@Regen: My parents just let me watch Scary movies XD . The two worst ones were Chucky and Arcnaphobia -_- . Hope you guys enjoy your show though with no kiddies n_n !
Rest Well Mdodd, and Please Watch over Us...

Relinquo spes totus ye quisnam penetro hic...

Strong like bull, smart like tractor, smooth like brick - smell like goat!

Offline Dina

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #306 on: October 26, 2020, 08:37:27 PM »
It would be awesome that you and Fcrate played together, Otlan.

Regen, excellent about reading so much! I hope you get better soon. About terror movies, I was always scared for them, so I wouldn't even dream to spy on them. In fact, when I heard disturbing music and hurried to my bed as fast as I could. I still don't like terror movies and, for example, I thought NOS4A2 was not for me. I did watch Helstrom, which is a "terror" series inspired in a comic by Marvel, but it is not really that scary. Sort of Supernatural (which I love). It's not "real terror". You may have a jump here and there, but in general you are not really scared.
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Otlan

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #307 on: October 26, 2020, 08:49:38 PM »
It would be awesome that you and Fcrate played together, Otlan.

Regen, excellent about reading so much! I hope you get better soon. About terror movies, I was always scared for them, so I wouldn't even dream to spy on them. In fact, when I heard disturbing music and hurried to my bed as fast as I could. I still don't like terror movies and, for example, I thought NOS4A2 was not for me. I did watch Helstrom, which is a "terror" series inspired in a comic by Marvel, but it is not really that scary. Sort of Supernatural (which I love). It's not "real terror". You may have a jump here and there, but in general you are not really scared.

Oh! Ya, it would be if we could XD . Maby we could even rope you into it Di-Di XD .

Which reminds me, are they still selling the Dresden Files Table Top Game?
Rest Well Mdodd, and Please Watch over Us...

Relinquo spes totus ye quisnam penetro hic...

Strong like bull, smart like tractor, smooth like brick - smell like goat!

Offline Dina

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #308 on: October 26, 2020, 09:05:47 PM »
I think so. Also, there was a sale on STEAM of a card game, I don't know if it is available
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Regenbogen

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #309 on: October 26, 2020, 10:31:14 PM »
Hey, guys. We watched 2 episodes. My husband almost fell asleep during the second one, so we had to stop there. I think Zachary Quinto is a really good bad guy.  ;) I loved him as Sylar in Heroes and I even loved him as Spock though I couldn't believe anyone could play Spock like Nimoy, but he did a really good job. And I love him as Charlie Manx.

OK, now to the books I read. I wanted to write more before,  but I can't do that while watching TV. LOL
I finally found the Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss. The first one was given to me by a colleague. I'm not sure he warned me that they are not finished, but if he did, I forgot. He gave the book to me in the week Peace Talks came out. I told him, that I definitely wouldn't be able to read that at least until somewhere in October. And I was right.
It took me some days to get of through the first few pages, but I noticed, it was really well written. You could feel that even in the translation. I loved it.
I knew it was supposed to be a trilogy and found another two books in our public library. But reading the titles I found out, that the second book had been made into two books in the German translation. Wtf! And the original was published in 2011. But he seems to be writing the last one at least. Amazon has a publication date alternating between 2025 and 2035. I hope the second one is a joke.
And because I had time this weekend, I asked myself, why the book was splitted in the translation.

And I came to the conclusion that it must have been the language. Sometimes you need more and longer words in German than you need in English to convey the same meaning. And in the translation it also has to sound good. And these books were translated in a very beautiful way. I was impressed.

Then I understood, why it got split up in two: The original book has about 1000 pages. The German translation has more than 300 pages more.
I compared other books and most of the time the translation was about 30-33% longer than the English one.

I have never thought about that. I put the two books (paperback) on top of each other and they were really heavy together. And as thick as my hand with the side on the table and the thumb on the upside.

Now I have to calculate with all my other books, to see if I am right.

LOL. What funny ideas one gets, when finally having some spare time. ::)
But I'm sure for every professional translator this is old news.

My father noticed me of course and he had his fun pretending to stand up, so I had to sneak back. So some day he watched those movies (not all of them) together with me and explained all the time how this was done and that was done and how the actress that got killed pretended she was dead, but in real life she was hopping happily around singing happy songs and smiling.
From that time on we went to movies together and he would explain to me how all the special effects were done and how the music was done to make you feel happy, sad, tense or frightened. It was fascinating.

Offline Fcrate

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #310 on: October 27, 2020, 08:14:32 AM »
@Otlan: Would be awesome. If you're ever available for that, give me a shout.
@Regen: Kingkiller Chronicles is amazing, but maybe the long wait ruined it for me a bit. I suggest you hold off on reading "The Wise Man's Fear"  until 2022 at the earliest.
Meanwhile, there was a novella about Auri. Did you reach the Auri's part yet? You'll love this character.
About the translation: it's actually the opposite for us in Arabic. I remember buying the Harry Potter books back when they were first published, and the books were roughly the same size, although the translation was horrible, even if I didn't notice that at the time. I knew it was bad, but not exactly how bad. When we got to book 5. I missed the first print, and on the second one, a translator who actually knew what she was doing took over and it was beautifully done. It was 65-75% of the original book, which I bought a year later at the book fair.
And still, no matter how beautifully done a translation is, I still prefer the original nowadays. Somethings are completely dependent on the culture and can only be approximated.
I'm also not a fan of horror movies. I read lots of horror when I was a kid though, and it was always fun. I once tried to read it as it meant to be read, in the dark, 3 am, on candlelight while everyone is asleep. I had nightmares for a week.
هل أخذت الغاب مثلي منزلاً دون القصور
فتتبعت السواقي وتسلقت الصخور
هل تحممت بعطره وتنشفت بنور
وشربت الفجر خمراً من كؤوس من أثير

Offline Dina

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #311 on: October 27, 2020, 08:58:47 AM »
I was never a fan of nightmares either  :D

I had never read Dresden in Spanish because I've had bad experiences with other books (example, Harry Potter 2) and the titles themselves are...meh. Of course, it is difficult to translate the puns in the titles (Like Fool Moon, full moon) but even so, it seems that they are not even trying. For instance, Summer Knight was translated "El caballero", which of course means "The Knight". It leaves out the Summer part at all (of course, it is impossible to make the pun with Summer Night in Spanish). Anyway, I think the size of the books in Spanish are roughly the same than in English, but I am not sure. I never thought about that.

I did not know if Arabic was "short" or "long". They say it is sweet though. I always remember the first time I'd heard the legend about the language. Fcrate, I am sure you are familiar with it, so correct me if I say something wrong, but I tell it for the other folks. The story goes that eons ago, when God was creating the world, he has angels doing the "furniture". And the angel that was taking the bag with all the sand for the beaches and dunes and stuff had a problem, the bag broke and a lot of sand fell over Arabia (in the wide sense of all the area). Of course, as legends go, that couldn't be undone. But to make up for that, God gave a few extra gifts to the Arabs. First was the most beautiful night in the world, so the stars could cheer the hearts of the people, and show them their way in the desert. Then, the camel, who was able to take them long distances without needing as much water as a horse, for instance, and who would be invaluable for them. And last, the most beautiful language in the world, so they could tell stories and poems about the stars, and the camels, and the desert, and the love, and the life, and God, I guess. :)
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Fcrate

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #312 on: October 27, 2020, 10:17:37 AM »
Actually I've never heard about that part before. The old Arabs worshipped quite a few gods, but nothing much of them survived the coming of Islam, except their names.
As for Islam itself, there is a verse in Quran that God gifted us the camels for ease of travel through the desert, and iirc the sky to gaze upon and remember His name, but nothing specific to Arabs themselves, but humans as a whole. There is nothing in Islam to say that Arabs were especially gifted with anything. In fact there's a quote by the prophet that says "No blessing upon either Arab or Foreigner except for piety" which means the pious of whichever race is the most gifted. But I digress. Your legend is quite beautiful though. :)
هل أخذت الغاب مثلي منزلاً دون القصور
فتتبعت السواقي وتسلقت الصخور
هل تحممت بعطره وتنشفت بنور
وشربت الفجر خمراً من كؤوس من أثير

Offline Dina

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #313 on: October 27, 2020, 06:01:14 PM »
Oh  :o
Well, I suppose there are variations for every legend. It is pretty though.
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Regenbogen

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #314 on: October 31, 2020, 04:06:50 PM »
I made a wand: ;D 

My daughter and some of her friends wanted to dress as death eaters. We have black cloaks with cowl  ;D  (I was thinking of holding a skull instead of a wand, but the kids don't know about Bob, LOL.), tattoos painted on the left arm, black masks and my cool wand.

But as we are in some sort of second lockdown now, they have to stay at home.

At work I painted tiny skulls on flasks of diluent and other things. During Christmas time I always paint little Santas and angels everywhere.

My daughter painted this:
« Last Edit: October 31, 2020, 04:09:35 PM by Regenbogen »