Hey, guys. We watched 2 episodes. My husband almost fell asleep during the second one, so we had to stop there. I think Zachary Quinto is a really good bad guy.

I loved him as Sylar in Heroes and I even loved him as Spock though I couldn't believe anyone could play Spock like Nimoy, but he did a really good job. And I love him as Charlie Manx.
OK, now to the books I read. I wanted to write more before, but I can't do that while watching TV. LOL
I finally found the Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss. The first one was given to me by a colleague. I'm not sure he warned me that they are not finished, but if he did, I forgot. He gave the book to me in the week Peace Talks came out. I told him, that I definitely wouldn't be able to read that at least until somewhere in October. And I was right.
It took me some days to get of through the first few pages, but I noticed, it was really well written. You could feel that even in the translation. I loved it.
I knew it was supposed to be a trilogy and found another two books in our public library. But reading the titles I found out, that the second book had been made into two books in the German translation. Wtf! And the original was published in 2011. But he seems to be writing the last one at least. Amazon has a publication date alternating between 2025 and 2035. I hope the second one is a joke.
And because I had time this weekend, I asked myself, why the book was splitted in the translation.
And I came to the conclusion that it must have been the language. Sometimes you need more and longer words in German than you need in English to convey the same meaning. And in the translation it also has to sound good. And these books were translated in a very beautiful way. I was impressed.
Then I understood, why it got split up in two: The original book has about 1000 pages. The German translation has more than 300 pages more.
I compared other books and most of the time the translation was about 30-33% longer than the English one.
I have never thought about that. I put the two books (paperback) on top of each other and they were really heavy together. And as thick as my hand with the side on the table and the thumb on the upside.
Now I have to calculate with all my other books, to see if I am right.
LOL. What funny ideas one gets, when finally having some spare time.

But I'm sure for every professional translator this is old news.
My father noticed me of course and he had his fun pretending to stand up, so I had to sneak back. So some day he watched those movies (not all of them) together with me and explained all the time how this was done and that was done and how the actress that got killed pretended she was dead, but in real life she was hopping happily around singing happy songs and smiling.
From that time on we went to movies together and he would explain to me how all the special effects were done and how the music was done to make you feel happy, sad, tense or frightened. It was fascinating.