While reading I sometimes have difficulties with the background stories. For example in Small Favor. The Three Billy Goats Gruff.
At first: wtf is a gruff?

And I don't know the story. I looked it up.
But I was interested in the translation, so I asked my friend what it says at that point. And in fact, the 3 Billy Goats Gruff was replaced by a story which is widely known in Germany: the fairytale by Brothers Grimm " Der Wolf und die sieben Geißlein" The Wolf and the Seven goats
There are no bigger brothers and no trolls. There is the wolf who tries to trick mother goat's kids into letting him in while she is gone.
It really doesn't make sense to replace the story, just so that the readers have a tale they know.
And she sent me an excerpt out of Changes, which made her laugh. The part where Harry visits Monoc headquarters. When he sees the finger nails of the receptionists. He decides not to say anything, but his mouth did without the rest of him agreeing. LOL
So I sent her the English part with the comment yes, it is funny, but this will make you laugh even more.
They completely left out the "go go gadget wisdom". But why? We know the series. It was on TV here, when we were children.
But at least the translation isn't wrong, like I read in the Farseer series by Robin Hobb. There is a page where he says that a boy has his father's eyes. In the translation he says the boy has my father's eyes. And this is not the only error.
But sometimes translation errors are funny. Like when I was reading Dead Beat: the title of the book with poems about the Erlking. Only 4 words and 3 of them wrong. LOL. I thought, omg did no one tell Jim before the book was published? But ok, it isn't that important. Then in Turn Coat it was Peabody's fault and Harry made fun of him.

Made me laugh.
And Dina: I'm watching bees, too. I like them. I always plant lots of flowers and keep the lawn " messy" so that they have enough pollen to collect. Also there a several people in my village who are bee keepers. So if I buy local honey, maybe my garden contributed to it.