Hey there!!!
I was busy and tired.

To be honest, I'm still busy and tired, but at the moment I'm sitting in front of my second morning coffee. I need that to be able to continue. We are having guests today. It's birthday week. Yay.
Thank God the family will come in the afternoon. Weather prognosis says, it will be sunny then. Or at least not raining, I hope. That's the other side of the coin, if you have a summer birthday. You have to prepare both for outside and for inside. But if you can stay outside, it is great.
We were lucky yesterday. We went to a corn maze with my big daughter and some of her friends for her kid's birthday party. The maze isn't difficult or big, but you have to find the 15 questions hidden everywhere inside and answer them correctly. That's always fun for everyone. Also there is a large playground there with lots of tables and benches, most of them under roofs.
We were there last year, too. And I think we will continue to go there on her birthdays until the kids are too old to have fun there. I saw a maybe 15 year old boy and he didn't look bored. So yes, the future birthday location is secured.
And yuck! I just got touched by a wet cat!!!!
I did kind of a re-read of Peace Talks this week. I didn't have time to read, so I listened to the audio book. Nice.
You can do that while doing boring work like laundry or cleaning. But careful when baking: "did I put in the sugar already or not...?"
I'm not sure if we will travel somewhere. I have two weeks extra from when I worked so much over time during the beginning of Covid19. Perhaps we will drive to Austria. There is a lake, we like and there's family around. But we will ask our relatives first, because it would be bad, if there was a second lockdown and they wouldn't let us go home again in time. The kids both start at (new) school in September.