I believe education is good here. And IMO it is important. The more you learn and know as a child the more chances you have with jobs as an adult.
As for the computers: depending on what your job is, not everybody needs a computer at home. We used ours for writing letters (and printing them) or email, or for some years now for online banking, since the banks reduced their staff and their buildings outside the cities. Or for playing games. LOL And I think most people did the same.
Also we "inherited" a around 20 years old computer from an old neighbour of my parents, whose son had passed on 2 years ago. It belonged to her son. She had no use for it, so she gave it to us.
So we had in fact two computers at home when the lockdown started.
And, fun fact, my husband had to bring his computer from his workplace to work at home.
So counting, we are 4 persons with 3 computers. But we bought only one of them and my husband's belongs to the company.
Now everyone can work at the same time.
There are people here, who can't read or write, but I don't know any personally.
I know some who are not good at reading, writing or calculating, but this is not, because they went to bad schools. More like their talents lie elsewhere.
But if for example you are a really good mechanic, but you can't calculate or read, then you can go on working for someone, but you would have enormous difficulties and depend on others helping you, if you wanted to become the boss of a group of mechanics. Just an example.
Yeah, Fcrate is right, I was jealous too for you being able to sleep long, though I don't have to get up before 6am this week.