LOL! Nobody was posting anything, it's not only you. 
How are you doing, Regen? How is school in Germany? We are doing a little better (I guess, because of Spring) about covid, so we are opening schools for a couple of hours every day, so children can reconnect with classmates and teachers before the end of the year. Classes themselves are still virtual.
Ah, that's a relief. You are not mad, because I ignored you. LOL
The cases here have increased a lot since September, so we are again in some sort of lockdown. They call it lockdown light. Sounds like some diet. LOL
The increased cases were not from schools, kindergarten, workplaces and restaurants, but from people having parties and getting drunk and saying f**k corona. There has been a significant change in the age of the infected people. Now it's more younger people, less old ones.
But still they shut down the restaurants again. At least they are allowed to do take away food. So we are ordering from the two local restaurants once a week, so that they at least get a little bit money. And I left a generous tip there.
It is called light because schools and kindergarten stay open with the kids having to wear masks all day.
The children are not allowed contact to others than their group or class. During the breaks each age group has their separate area to stay in. And during lessons they open the windows every 20 minutes for 5 minutes to change the air in the rooms. So the kids are allowed to wear their winter jackets in class, because otherwise it would be really cold.
They have been doing this since school started in summer. But back then the classes were separated. One half at home, one half at school.
But learning at home turned out to be difficult for a lot of kids. And it shows in lack of knowledge. Not only those whose parents were not good at school were disadvantaged, but also those whose parents had to use the computer for work, those whose parents had to work away from home (hospital staff, police, firefighters ... have family, too), those with several siblings who had to share one computer or those who can't afford a computer at all and many more.
And as there is a law, that every child has the right of good education and equal rights and there was not one case here where a child was the reason for an outbreak, they decided to keep the schools open as long as possible. And to decide individually, if either just some classes or the whole school has to go into quarantine when there are cases.
So, we'll see.
And next time I'm going to eat a cheeseburger, too.

The restaurant is only about 300 m away. We can walk there and take the food with us. They are making really good food. This Saturday I had Gyros with tsatsiki and some French fries. It was ok, but the gyros in the Greek restaurant in another village is way better. But their tsatsiki tasted better. And they do yummy beef.