I love playmobil too. I have a vampire couple on my bedroom cupboard. The female has bat wings. Pretty cool.
It is amazing what funny and detailed things there are today. I love to look for that in the stores. You can get that almost everywhere now. Mostly it is very expensive, but there are small figures in a surprise bag to put together yourself, that are sold for 2€. I buy them as little presents for kids.
And I've heard about Rothfuss, too. I wonder, why I have never read some of his books. They are even in the library.
It's the first of the king killer books. A colleague lent me the book.
That was funny. It was during the nightshift week, when Peace Talks came out. I told him that I was so excited about the book. So he asked what it was. Turned out he likes similar books. So I recommended J. Butcher and he recommended P. Rothfuss.
And he saw my reaction after I went to the fire stairs after midnight to get access to the internet to see, if the book was already there. And it was!!!
I may have expressed my joy in a loud way.

Maybe I'll just force myself to finish the police book. I have started before Peace Talks, but put it away. It is no high literature. Mostly I don't really like the protagonist's attitude. He is a cynical asshole, but sometimes it is really funny. But I'm not sure I can endure several books or even the one I read now. I fear this is the second time I really prefer the movies to the books. The first one being "The Name Of The Rose" by Umberto Eco. I really tried to read that, I managed about 80 pages I think, but it was sooooo boring for me, sorry, Umberto.