Author Topic: Samples of Play: Aspects creation  (Read 3480 times)

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Samples of Play: Aspects creation
« on: March 31, 2020, 03:28:24 PM »
My group has moved from D&D to FATE and we had our first session.  Since I've been playing FATE as PBP for year, I was easily able to navigate the adventure by creating advantages for myself with my skills: creating and discovering aspects, reading NPCs etc..

The other players were having a more difficult time with the cooperative story-telling aspect of the game and using the mechanics of Aspects.  I was trying to lead by example by doing different actions with my character but I also didn't want to hog the spotlight.

Does anyone have any non-combat sample play-throughs off hand.  I could make one myself, but it's time consuming.

Offline narphoenix

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Re: Samples of Play: Aspects creation
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2020, 10:49:54 PM »
This is one for a one player game played by me, with VeloJello as DM. Not sure how helpful this is, but you specified noncombat:

[9:08 PM] VeloJello: It takes a few minutes, but eventually, a tiger with traces of a highly flexible/stretchy hero's costume on it appears, running down the alleyway. Accompanying the tiger is a young man with a bright blue costume, who is floating. The two take a second to make sure that Anthony is okay; the young man stares at Anthony blankly as the tiger slowly begins to return to a human shape. The young man speaks while Tigris transforms, perhaps unintentionally hovering in front of her while she's shifting. "Tigris said Eldritch was probably in trouble, but you're clearly not, so, uh, what the hell's happening here?"
[9:16 PM] Death's Spook: “Trouble is not quite the right word. Or rather, immediate trouble is not quite the right word. I’m looking for information, and needed to preempt attempts for people to make the wrong impression. I would like to know: who is Greer, and why do they think I need a babysitter?”
[9:17 PM] Death's Spook: He’s looking at Tigris: it’s pretty obvious that he’s only taking answers from her
[9:23 PM] VeloJello: [Anthony rolls Empathy at 1 to get an impression of Tigris's relationship to the floating person. He can determine that they seem to be teammates, but not much else about them is readily apparent.]

The floating guy laughs. "Oh, God, that practical joke? They -"

The first words out of Tigris's mouth as soon as she's able to speak are, "Highflight, shut up." She shoots him a long-suffering look, but the only real idea that Anthony gets from looking at the two of them is something he probably has inferred already: they're teammates.

Tigris looks at Anthony; her face is still a bit weird, but she can talk as she gradually becomes more and more human. "I don't know much; I only arrived here about a week ago. Greer seems to fancy themselves as some sort of liaison between the powered and the unpowered." She shoots a glare at Highflight as she adds. "Apparently, they also do a fair bit of charity work. Ensuring that people in the poorer neighborhoods are able to put food on the table and keep the lights on." She then gives Anthony a pointed look. "They're probably simply worried about an unaligned hero suddenly appearing in their city."
[9:26 PM] Death's Spook: “I am all for liasing between the powered and unpowered. I was significantly less amused by their desire to micromanage me. Do they have powers?”
[9:34 PM] VeloJello: Highflight scoffs, but doesn't say anything. Tigris, "I'm not certain, but they don't seem to. From what I understand, they're usually seen with some sort of armament, which leads me to believe they don't have another way to defend themselves."

She keeps her eyes on Anthony. "Highflight, go resume the patrol. I'll be with you shortly." He doesn't protest, just waves and gives Anthony a "see ya" before floating off.

Tigris is fully human now. "Eldritch, what the hell. I thought I might never see you again when I moved, and then you just throw yourself into Los Angeles without so much as a word?"

[Tigris rolls Provoke at 3 to create the aspect Guilty About His Silence on Anthony.]
[9:50 PM] Death's Spook: “I do apologize, my friend. I did not want anyone to intercept any missive I sent to you. I do not know how people feel about our friendship and how they might exploit it.”
[9:51 PM] VeloJello: [Anthony rolls Will at 4. He defends.]

Tigris sighs, rubbing her temples. "Has anybody ever told you that you are profoundly paranoid?"
[9:52 PM] Death's Spook: [Anthony rolls Rapport to attempt to place ELDRITCH’S USUAL PRECAUTIONS on Tigris]
[9:54 PM] VeloJello: He half chides, half teases her with a phrase that’s probably his familiar reply, “It is only paranoia if you are incorrect.”
[9:56 PM] VeloJello: She makes a noise that's half groan, half growl, though it's not unfriendly. "So, precisely what brings you all this way? Are you haunting me? Or could you simply not rest where you were?"
[9:59 PM] Death's Spook: He stays quiet with his mouth, instead having choosing to have his shadows whisper alone, ”Tonight you will be visited by three spirits: the ghosts of cape violence past, present, and future. They will teach you the true meaning of, ‘the feces is going to hit the fan at light speed.’”
[9:59 PM] Death's Spook: Ironically, his attempt to be deliberately creepy with the shadows makes him sound less creepy
[10:00 PM] VeloJello: Despite herself, Tigris actually laughs. "You are terrible. Simply the worst. Your concern is appreciated, but you didn't need to trouble yourself. The Paladins will have things in hand soon."
[7:44 PM] Death's Spook: He very calmly manifests a shadowy claw and holds it open, palm side up, and leaves it there
[7:48 PM] VeloJello: Tigris takes a second to cotton on, then chuckles. "Well, if you'd like to help out, I suppose I'd be remiss not to let you. Would you like to help out? Dare I say, lend a hand?"
[7:51 PM] Death's Spook: "Of course. I mean, I have absolutely no confidence whatsoever that my help will be sufficient to keep this situation from exploding into an apocalyptic scenario of some kind, but what is the point of being a hero if you are not going to try to defy the odds every once in a while?" He sounds almost cheery through his morbidness, which is his usual way of coping with the fact that he feels like his life expectancy is approximately that of a snowball in the worst circle of Hell.
[7:58 PM] VeloJello: "Normally, I'd understand your pessimism, but honestly, this is about as straightforward a situation as we could hope for. One of the cape presences here actually isn't hostile toward us; that in itself is major. We're in a position to calm things here in Los Angeles, and with it, potentially the entire southern California region. And if not, well, we have the resources to keep things... contained, if needs be."
[8:05 PM] Death's Spook: "They may not be hostile towards you, but they could almost certainly end up hostile towards me." He sighs, "I am aware that your impression of Greer is not especially favorable with regards to their competence, but they're more likely than not at least attempting to speak with the Candelabra. Depending on how people perceive the Paladins in relation to me, it is more than possible that I may have inadvertently caused you problems when Greer showed up tonight." He sounds guilty, but adds, "I can only be so sorry about that, though. As I have made clear to you for a long time as well as to Greer tonight, I have great philosophical difficulties with the idea of taking orders."
[8:11 PM] VeloJello: "Hmmm." Tigris mulls this over for a moment. "I'm not sure what Greer will do; I only know of them what I've heard from Highflight, and he's... not always the most reliable source. I suppose we'll see. I can put in a good word for you with the folks at Candelabra - just enough that they know you aren't a threat. We don't have their full trust, but it would be better than nothing."

[8:19 PM] Death's Spook: "Thank you for that, at the very least. I do worry that you'd be seen as a biased source, but as you said, it's better than nothing. It may be best if I... not distance myself, but at least keep from associating with the Paladins too closely for a time." His voice acquires a teasing tone, "Perhaps if you left off the usual recruiting pitches, that would be best."

[8:25 PM] still thinkin' about bioshock: "You? Distancing yourself from the Paladins? Dear God, what a surprise." She shakes her head. "Shovel Knight will be pissed. He'd rather not add another variable on right now, especially as easy as it is to tread on each others' toes." When Anthony gets the call, she slips away. "I'll go make sure Highflight hasn't died of boredom, then."
« Last Edit: April 01, 2020, 10:55:43 PM by narphoenix »

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Re: Samples of Play: Aspects creation
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2020, 11:21:08 PM »
That’s great, thanks.  But now I’m a bit embarrassed.  I have 7 years of Pbps in this site that I can find even more examples and I never even considered it. 

Thanks again