Author Topic: Morgan Micro Fiction  (Read 64839 times)

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #210 on: February 25, 2020, 07:01:02 PM »
Are you sure?  Have to go back but I believe the consensus was that Harry was the hero of the young wardens and the apprentices.  I believe you are thinking of Proven Guilty when Michael tells him that it was Harry that was being saved, not Molly.

Yes, that was what my sentenced aimed to convey - in Turn Coat/Changes Harry is the hero of the young Wardens.
In Proven Guilty he isn't yet, but I think he was on the way there.

Offline didymos

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #211 on: February 25, 2020, 07:07:04 PM »

Yes, that was what my sentenced aimed to convey - in Turn Coat/Changes Harry is the hero of the young Wardens.
In Proven Guilty he isn't yet, but I think he was on the way there.

Actually, he is as of Dead Beat:

“There’s more to it than that,” Luccio said. “I think that you do not realize your own reputation. You have overcome more enemies and battled more evils than most wizards a century your senior. And times are changing. There are more young wizards attaining membership to the Council than ever before—like Ramirez and his companions, there. To them, you are a symbol of defiance to the conservative elements of the Council, and a hero who will risk his life when his principles demand it.”
“I am?”
 “You are,” Luccio said.

Butcher, Jim. Dead Beat: A Novel of The Dresden Files (p. 317). Penguin Group. Kindle Edition.

Offline morriswalters

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #212 on: February 25, 2020, 08:46:51 PM »
Was it just that?
The short answer to that is I don't know. But the Council as it is is doomed. I think Jim has made that clear.

Offline Bad Alias

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #213 on: February 26, 2020, 02:26:48 AM »
Molly was set up to get Harry killed trying to keep her from meeting the same  fate.
But who set Molly up? (Which is kinda your point that we have all these unanswered questions from Proven Guilty).

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #214 on: February 26, 2020, 11:19:13 AM »
The BC. The only mystery left there is who are they?  My point really is, why so many.  Look at how many characters on team bad guy are dead.  Would it kill him to clarify a few things?

Offline Arjan

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #215 on: February 26, 2020, 12:01:33 PM »
The BC. The only mystery left there is who are they?  My point really is, why so many.  Look at how many characters on team bad guy are dead.  Would it kill him to clarify a few things?
Maybe. He has a mortage.
WG+++: The White God is Mister.

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #216 on: February 26, 2020, 01:38:13 PM »
I feel his pain. But it has nothing to do with plot service.  I don't want him to go to a book signing in Sri Lanka and shout it out in a mall there.  I want him to put it in the text. 

Offline Bad Alias

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #217 on: February 26, 2020, 02:39:44 PM »
I don't want him to go to a book signing in Sri Lanka and shout it out in a mall there.
Please don't give up humor.

Offline g33k

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #218 on: February 26, 2020, 04:57:32 PM »
I feel his pain. But it has nothing to do with plot service.  I don't want him to go to a book signing in Sri Lanka and shout it out in a mall there.  I want him to put it in the text. 
Now I want Jim to do the Big Reveal in Sri Lanka ...  in the text, on one of Harry's Road Trips.

Maybe discovering (per my Harry the Destroyer WAG) how he's fulfilling the role of Shiva.

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #219 on: February 26, 2020, 04:59:06 PM »
Just read the short story, here are some thoughts:

Maggie Sr & Morgan
Here is my WAG - after non-Starborn Thomas’ birth, Maggie realized what a bastard Raith Sr really is (including his colluding with Outsiders). Using the true love for her son, she was able to break Raith’s hold over her - she knew she had to escape because of what Raith Sr & his co-conspirators were planning (likely to birth a Starborn to control the Outsiders & create a new world order).

Once she escaped, Maggie went to the WC (through intermediaries - likely her old associate Justin) to inform them of Raith’s plot. I have other theories about Justin & Maggie but will focus on Morgan for now.

Morgan agrees to hear Maggie out because he has a good relationship with her dad, the Blackstaff. Maggie tells Morgan about Nemesis & the Outsiders & how Raith is planning to use them for his own ends. Morgan takes this to the Senior Council who dismiss it - they know about Nemesis & the Outsiders but are basking in a post-Kemmler world (he only died a decade ago) - they are not eager to start a war with the White Court & it’s ‘invincible’ king.

Morgan feels they are underestimating this new threat. Maggie is marked for death by the WC & Raith’s cohort but Morgan knows that she is necessary to fight Raith’s conspiracy - so he doesn’t quite hunt her & even helps her out when he can. Morgan believes Maggie has changed & is really trying to right her past wrongs - he grows to like her a person & in time agrees to look out for Harry if she is not around.

Nfecting mortals
I had a thought after reading this story - I’ve always been in the camp that mortals can’t be Nfected since they have free will, however what if Nemesis gives mortals what they most seek - an immortality of sorts? Kumori basically tells Dresden that she & Cowl want to end death in DB, & Cowl is mysteriously able to survive a screwed up Darkhallow fairly intact.
So what if Nfected mortals can’t die? If Justin were Nfected, maybe he’s still alive somewhere pulling strings. I do not believe that Justin is Cowl or that Peabody was Nfected.

6 yr old Harry’s disappearance
This was clearly done by some organization with a lot of experience in dealing with human affairs - note that Morgan says kid Harry disappeared physically, magically & bureaucratically. I don’t think the Fae would be able to hide Harry without mortal help (I do believe Lea was involved because I’ve also heard the WoJ that she would disguise herself & visit Harry at the orphanage).

My guess is likely a pact between Justin & Lea. They conspire to kill Malcolm (WoJ is that Harry would be extremely pissed if he knew of Lea’s role in this) & eventually raise Harry - they have their own agendas however.

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #220 on: February 26, 2020, 06:17:42 PM »
... Using the true love for her son, she was able to break Raith’s hold over her ...

No (alas).

WoJ is very specific and clear that parent/child love does NOT grant immunity from Whampire powers:
... it’s got to be reciprocated equally or it doesn’t work. While a parent’s love for a child can be something pure and selfless, the child doesn’t return the same kind of love. Children can’t. The nature of the relationship isn’t one of equals exchanging trust and affection, but of the greater protecting the lesser ...

... I’ve always been in the camp that mortals can’t be Nfected since they have free will, however what if Nemesis gives mortals what they most seek - an immortality of sorts? ... So what if Nfected mortals can’t die? ... 
I'm still pretty much "on the fence" about whether mortals can/cannot be Nemfected.  On the whole, I tend to think they can (although I suspect it works differently in mortals than in immortals).  The strongest evidence AFAIK is Maeve's testimony at the end of Cold Days:
"And the vampire's crumpet.  Lucious little thing, aren't you?  And so close to Lady Raith.  You and I are going to have a long talk after this, darling.  I just know you're going to start to see things my way."
(Cold Days, Chapter 51; emphasis added by me)
Now, maybe this is just Maeve thinking she can glamour/enchant her way into dominating Justine (overriding Whamp controls?  Dunno, maybe SummerLady can, at that; or maybe Maeve's anticipating being Queen soon, which I suspect would give the needed power-up to do so); or maybe she was simply planning to blackmail Justine by holding Thomas captive.

But I'm inclined to see this quote as a veiled reference-to / threat-of Nemfecting Justine.

We have seen Maeve operating as a Nemfected agent for so long -- more AFAIK than any other agent -- that I think she probably has more insight into how it works than any other we have seen.  It was a bit of a villain-gloat moment... but then, Maeve seemed a villain-gloat sort of girl.   ::)

... This was clearly done by some organization with a lot of experience in dealing with human affairs - note that Morgan says kid Harry disappeared physically, magically & bureaucratically. I don’t think the Fae would be able to hide Harry without mortal help (I do believe Lea was involved because I’ve also heard the WoJ that she would disguise herself & visit Harry at the orphanage) ...
I think Justin was involved in "disappearing" Harry because Justin was the one who ended up with Harry (even though Morgan was also looking).

I don't know that there was any Fae involvement needed.  Lea could easily have worked around Justin's involvement, making sure he was distracted by something else, any time she was interacting with orphan-Harry, etc.

By the same token -- and playing a bit of Devil's Advocate here -- I think the Fae could have done it all, without Justin's help, and later tipped Justin off when they were ready for Harry to take the next step.  No, the Fae aren't experts in bureaucratic stuff.  But since when have the Fae been unable to bargain mortals into doing their bidding?  The fae could have had any number of cops, social workers, and even clerical/officer workers, who would happily have "buried" Harry's case beyond any hope of following a paper-trail, in return for many of the inducements the Fae could offer!

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #221 on: February 26, 2020, 08:22:58 PM »
You've just blown the case wide open!  ;)

I can barely finish a 90 minute movie when I don't care about (or dislike when I'm supposed to like) the main character.

@123Chikadee: That's why I hedged a bit with "main characters" instead of just "main character."

I stuck with the Codex Alera 'cuz I liked Bernard, for example. I didn't particularly care for Tavi until Academ's Fury. Though part of that is Furies of Calderon takes about 150 pages to get decent. Once Second Calderon starts, it's good, but most of the book leading up to that is (in my opinion) pretty rough.

In fact, I'm back on a Butcher Binge in advance of Peace Talks, and started listening to the Codex Alera audiobooks again. Rather than start from the beginning, I picked up about 2/3rds-3/4ths of the way through, when Tavi and Kitai
(click to show/hide)
I had a way better time than when I listened to the Adventures of Isana in the Kitchen and The Drama that Happens in Front of the Fireplace and Tavi Throws Salt at Ghost Horses. (For anyone wondering, the Codex Alera audiobooks are pretty solid; the narration isn't quite as excellent as James Marsters post-Summer Knight, but it's on par or better than most of the other ones I've heard).

Contrast that with some other fantasy works, like the Forgotton Realms's Cleric Quintet. I liked Cadderly right off the bat, and he's pretty close to Tavi (archetype-wise, anyway).

Anyway, yeah. Sometimes the lead protagonists can be hit or miss. I lucked out with Dresden wherein I liked Harry and Bob from the getgo. I originally thought that Murphy might be an ongoing Obstructionist Bureaucrat Antagonist, and that maybe Marcone and Harry would end up being bros. I was at least half right about those. But then Michael showed up and the series went from check to check plus.

Offline morriswalters

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #222 on: February 27, 2020, 01:54:29 PM »
The author has to sell a story.  World War Z has no main character at all.  A Canticle For Leibowitz takes place over a 1000 or so years. Jim is very good at selling his story.(except for PG ;))  I admire any writer who can have a wizard go to a conclave in a bath robe.  He's twisted just my way.

On what happened to Harry. I have no idea how he ended up in Justin's care.  However, everybody and his brother has infiltrated human society.  Why would the Black Council be any different. The whole thing about bureaucracies that they are maze like from the outside.  They share Harry/Jim's fetish for arcane lore and secrecy.  They are a plot point made to be used in this case.

And after very little thought, why would humans miss out of the fun of a nemfection.  Aren't we, as mortals, at least as good as an athame. A nemfection exists, in so much as anybody knows, to corrupt the nature of the person it infects.  Most humans just don't have enough power to to be useful in that context.

Offline Bad Alias

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #223 on: February 28, 2020, 05:05:36 PM »
No, the Fae aren't experts in bureaucratic stuff.
Mab's a lawyer.

Offline g33k

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #224 on: February 28, 2020, 07:47:33 PM »
Mab's a lawyer.
Of sorts.  Not a sort you'd care to face in a courtroom, to be sure!
Mab is also a Judge... again, one that you'd rather not face.

But bureaucracy is its own separate horror, with paperwork and interdepartmental BS, with regulation "A" saying you MUST do a thing, while regulation "7.II.13b" says you MUST NOT do that exact thing, etc etc etc...