Author Topic: Morgan Micro Fiction  (Read 66174 times)

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2020, 12:20:37 AM »
This story blew my mind! And you know what I am thinking? Ivy knows what Morgan wrote. So, what if she is becoming wary of Dresden herself? Or, on the other hand, why if she decides to try to help in some subtle ways.

I found interesting the idea of Bad Alias about Elaine. Nothing so far indicates that, but it would be interesting.

I agree about the significant of capitalizations. Destroyer must be something but perhaps Morgan himself does not know it very well. What if a Destroyer is someone who is going to literally destroy the White Council, but if it is for a good cause and will replace it with something better? That would fit with some comments of the Gatekeeper to Dresden.

So many things to think...
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Offline Yuillegan

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2020, 12:23:05 AM »
Main takeaways:

1. Donald Morgan and Maggie Le Fay knew each other - and had an association strong enough that Morgan would protect Harry.

2. Morgan was actually protecting and testing Harry for most of his life! Margaret made him promise, which means towards the end, whatever their previous relationship he trusted her enough to make that promise. And all his bullying of Harry was to ensure he wasn't the monster that clearly some thought he had the potential to be. More on that below.

3. Malcolm's death: this is the second or third hint that it was unnatural. My money is on DuMorne as he obviously had been building a plan for some time to get his enforcers, and I am sure he would have been well prepared to kill Malcolm to get Harry. And it wouldn't surprise me if he used mundane methods like Ricin poisoning in order to simulate natural causes. Although the possibility remains he did it with magic and covered it up...I can't remember where but I am reasonably certain Justin was an able mind-mage.

Also - the fact that Harry disappeared from everyone whilst under DuMorne is further evidence of a conspiracy. Magically, physically and bureaucratically covered up is just too clean, and I am sure Justin had help. Perhaps from Peabody, perhaps also from others (both in the Council and otherwise).

4. Morgan thought DuMorne was a bastard. Probably for what he did to Harry, but perhaps in the same vein as Cristos. They would have been colleagues as Wardens so one imagines DuMorne was pretty nasty, if Morgan (who could be quite the bastard also) thought he was. That says something right there.

5. I will break down this sentence as there is a bit to unpack.
From then on, we could not be sure that the child was not molded to be a creature of Nemesis.

Morgan knows about Nemesis. This isn't totally surprising as he was a top-level warden, and with power comes knowledge and Morgan was pretty powerful.

He doesn't actually theorize Harry to be infected - I suspect he wouldn't have even gone to him if he did, which says something else to me.

I think he IS implying Justin was infected. That would make sense with why Justin became what he was - however it is just a theory. Justin could ALSO have been merely working for some other Nemesis-infected person.

The "we". He almost is certainly NOT referring to the White Council as a whole, and probably not even the Wardens. My guess is that he is referring to a certain group within the White Council, somewhat like the Grey Council, but perhaps a taskforce led by or commissioned by the Senior Council (likely the Merlin but quite possibly the Gatekeeper). I am sure Anastasia was part of this group too. Think secret police.

5. Confirmation of the fact Justin might not be dead - Morgan suspects that it could have been simulated. Now we know Harry believes he murdered Justin, but if it was a ruse, he might have been fooled and perhaps even agents on the Council might have helped cover it up.

6. Morgan seems equally disturbed by the fact Harry might have killed Justin outright at sixteen - probably because as I have speculated before, Justin was no slouch. If Harry beat him then Harry might just as easily be the monster they suspect. Think monster in the sense of Bonnie, a being "born of the spirit of a fallen freaking angel and the mind of one of the most potent wizards on the White Council. She's going to born with knowledge, and with power, and be absolutely innocent of what to do with them. a lot of people would call that monstrous" - Skin Game, ch23, p170. Harry might have freakish, monstrous power potential. Curiously also in that book, Grey tells Harry that he didn't choose the legacy she left him with her blood and she was a (according to Grey) a piece of work. One wonders exactly what blood magic is performed in making a starborn, and what was in her blood that made it possible. He might have been referring to simply being her child, and/or being related to Eb as well but I think it is more to do with the Starborn stuff.

7. Harry's potential for destruction is clear - Morgan thinks he should have been killed as the risk was too high. The fact he refers to him a Destroyer seems pretty clear, but I will get into that later.

8. Interesting that Morgan knew of the family connection between Harry, Margaret and Ebenezar. Well in the circle of confidence.

9. Morgan says he is testing him to draw out any controls that may have been emplaced. I believe he is referring to two things:  Ancient Mai's argument for not keeping Harry a wizard in Summer Knight, that the Gatekeeper explained. Ancient Mai believed that DuMorne's teachings might have shaped in ways that he can not see. I believe that was a bit of layered double-speak. They were clearly about the lessons both direct and otherwise that Harry learned from his time with Justin. But I also believe she was worried about Nemesis, either infecting or manipulating him through others. And general black magic taint - which Morgan also refers to in the same paragraph of his journal entry.

The second thing he might have been referring to is enthrallment, very fine enthrallment. I would say the fact despite everything Morgan threw at him Harry didn't turn out to be a sleeper agent is probably a good indication he isn't enthralled, however it isn't concrete. Perhaps Justin was just that good that it is buried so deep that it will only show up right at the end.

10. Morgan implies that black magic taint can be concealed.

11. Morgan, despite everything, still goes to Harry despite not knowing if Harry is a terrible monster time-bomb. Which both shows how desperate he is but also how seriously people are worried about Harry - more than a mere warlock.

12. The enemy has invaded the Senior Council by Turn Coat, according to Morgan. This is before Cristos is appointed. He could be saying that Nemesis has infected one of the Senior guess would be Mai or Merlin but anyone could be. But Morgan could also be saying that the machinations of Nemesis have managed to get between the Senior Council.

13. Quite interestingly, he talks about the web of conflicts between either the Senior Council and the Enemy, or the Senior Council itself. I think much of this will be revealed in Peace Talks.

14. I think this whole passage released before Peace Talks is to set us up for it. I think Nemesis and maybe even Harry's birthright will become more prominent in the next book.

15. Morgan had his doubts and by the end realised he was wrong about Harry. Harry might be Hellboy, but if he's on the side of the good guys I think things will work out. Seems like he is the kind of weapon that can work out really well, but also blow up in your face.

16. Is Elaine a Destroyer too? If so, the fact that she is flying under the radar is pretty worrying.

17. Pretty sure the reason Morgan was sure there was no "Black Council" is because of Nemesis. He understood that was a simplistic view of a far bigger problem. Which isn't to say the Circle isn't an organization, but they are probably more than just dark wizards with an axe to grind and probably have many other supernatural entities on their roster. And maybe they are nemfected, or just some, or maybe not. But almost certainly they are linked to the Outsiders...

18. What the hell is a Destroyer? Last we knew Harry was merely referred to as Starborn or Child born of the Stars. The only thing we knew about them is that they were born with the potential to wield great power of the Outsiders. Doesn't smack of destruction directly. But what if Harry is more than merely a potential leader of Outsiders, or gate opener etc. What if he actually can cause mass magical destruction on his own? Would be very Dresden. And could explain why so many people want him on their team, or dead.

« Last Edit: February 08, 2020, 06:59:49 AM by Yuillegan »
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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2020, 02:01:30 AM »
As the journal entry is in the form of a letter to Luccio, "we" could easily be the two of them.

Offline Snark Knight

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2020, 02:18:21 AM »
Here is the thing. We know that Jim used the words adversary and nemesis to set us off. The question is did Morgan know what he was referring to.  Up until his death he was yelling at Dresden that there was no black council even while he was being set up by it.

Maybe because mind-controlled Outsider puppets are a different matter from a cabal of wizard traitors with their own agenda. Then again, maybe protesting there is no Black Council was just another case of not playing it straight with Harry to probe his reaction.

What's really interesting here is that by Morgan being concerned Harry could have been N-fected, at least subtly, Jim is finally confirming humans aren't immune because of free will. Also, Morgan considers it a credible possibility that Justin faked his own death.

On the other hand, what's really puzzling about this is that Morgan would leave a note that he's just presuming Anastasia will find on his body that implicates her as someone also in the know about Nemesis. According to Titania, that's ... pretty damn risky, if a Nemesis agent were to finish him off and retrieve the journal off his body. And he's wrote this on the way to Harry, who he thinks might well be taken.

Offline 123Chikadee

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2020, 02:27:52 AM »
Ok, so after I've finished picking my jaw up off the floor, I can think lol.
Well, yeah I think the 'we' does just refer to Luccio and him.
To me, this reads that the 'Black Council aka The Circle is a loose (ish) collection of individuals working together-for the most part-with only some being nemfected and being directed by those who are powerful enough to not be nemfected themselves.
I'm not surprised that you can hide black magic taint, that makes a great deal of sense. If it couldn't be, then half the plot would be solved lol.
Well, I bet all the Malcolm got murdered theories are gonna shoot through the roof. At this point, I doubt it's a red herring but you never know. But yeah, Justin taking Harry and Elaine really does speak of a cover up. And speaking of Elaine, its pretty lucky/amazing she's flown under the radar for so long. Hmm, does this mean she'll get a big moment to shine later on at some point?
I'm with Yuillegan on a lot of these points Morgan makes about Nemesis. I bet the upper echelons of the WC do know about Nemesis, esp when Rashid is your Gatekeeper. It's just an unspoken thing within the council.
For me the most interesting thing to speculate on is Margaret and Morgan's relationship, there's so much to unpack there. Really can't wait for Harry's reaction to that!
@Snark Knight: Ooooh yeah, all good points. Hmm, maybe the black magic taint is what lets you have a possibility for N-fection?
Hm, I bet he was desperate enough to risk the note falling into the wrong hands. But, but, the question now is, will Harry or another character get to read this at some point?

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2020, 02:41:30 AM »
For every answer this short story answered it raised two more, and it answered a lot of questions. ;) I did find one thing interesting though it's from this passage:

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What I infer from this is that forces were in place not only to remove Harry from his dad but also did it years before he was adopted by Justin.

Does this mean that Nemesis killed or influenced the death of Harry's dad?

Did Justin adopt Harry as a coincidence or was he guided by Nemesis years after Harry's dad dying to him?

As a side note, how many people did Margaret ask to look after Harry?

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2020, 02:56:38 AM »
My theory now is that Justin had known, either b/c Margaret told him or he found out through some other means, so that he had a plan to snag a starborn from Margaret and had to spend a great deal of time on this plan. He'd have enough in play to be able to not only murder Malcolm in such a way that it wouldn't be traceable as magic. Since Justin does have some shady ties, I'd say that's how Nemesis would know about Harry and Malcolm.
LOL, well this counts as two now, any more and this'll get a bit silly.

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2020, 03:15:01 AM »
His journal entry is aimed at Luccio, implying that she doesn't know.  He calls it his final confession. He's feeding her information that he thinks she needs.
There’s little time, and far too much to say. I am losing blood and my thoughts wander when I must be concise.
This is an interesting passage.
I suppose it’s possible that Malcolm’s death was natural, but given this child’s ongoing misfortune it seems clear to me that he has been marked with an Adversary from the moment of his birth.
Did Morgan think that Harry was nemfected from birth?  Something like this comes up in Turn Coat when Rashid goes to stop Harry at the island.  He examines Harry with the crystal eye that he uses at the gate. So the we could refer to Rashid, and Rashid ponders the wisdom of killing Harry  outright.
I arrived less than ten hours after the child went into the foster care system, and someone made him vanish. Magically, physically, bureaucratically.
Harry's disappearance carries a whiff of what happened to Molly later.  Somebody reached in to the system and manipulated a child to use as a tool.
From then on, we could not be sure that the child was not molded to be a creature of Nemesis.
This sounds like what was feared was a powerful wizard raised as a killer, possibly one with a nemfection. Consider what the coins do for mortals.  This from Lea in Ghost Story.
Quite.  Because convincing a young mortal to believe that it is right and proper to use magic for violence is a delicate process and one that cannot be rushed.
The we may refer to Eb. Eb had seen Malcolm alive, implying that he knew about Harry. It may also refer to Rashid.

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2020, 04:05:29 AM »
Morgan wrote the entry before he fled to Chicago.

I will seek his assistance. Given who he is, he will have little choice but to give it.

I had a slightly different reaction than Navis to finding out that Harry was hidden 4 years before Justin ever adopted him. Malcom died when Harry was 6. Harry was 10 when Justin adopted him. Harry kills Justin at 16 and is almost immediately found. Morgan says "Justin DuMorne got to him before I could." I'm fairly certain that Morgan thinks DuMorne was the one who hid Harry. Morgan could have been mistaken. Assuming he was correct, DuMorne hid Harry for 10 years and left him in the foster system for four years. Probably so that Harry would be appropriately grateful for being rescued.

Offline Mira

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #24 on: February 05, 2020, 04:49:16 AM »
I don't think I've ever had so many questions over of such a short story.
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Also Avernite's questions. Such a revelation and so many questions.


Thank you !  Wow..
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I had a slightly different reaction than Navis to finding out that Harry was hidden 4 years before Justin ever adopted him. Malcom died when Harry was 6. Harry was 10 when Justin adopted him. Harry kills Justin at 16 and is almost immediately found. Morgan says "Justin DuMorne got to him before I could." I'm fairly certain that Morgan thinks DuMorne was the one who hid Harry. Morgan could have been mistaken. Assuming he was correct, DuMorne hid Harry for 10 years and left him in the foster system for four years. Probably so that Harry would be appropriately grateful for being rescued.

I am not sure that Morgan is completely sane.  He indeed questions his own sanity because of his obsession with Harry, at the same time his failure to locate him when he was a child.  Here is something that could explain it all, Peabody's ink... After all we aren't
sure how many years he used it. 

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #25 on: February 05, 2020, 06:29:08 AM »
Seems there are more similarities between Harry Dresden and Harry Potter than I ever thought.  ;) Morgan kinda-sorta is Severus Snape to Harry.

Now, if Jim ever shows a flashback where a giant man on a motorcycle approaches Harry at the orphanage and tells him "Yer a Wizard, 'arry!"....  ;D

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #26 on: February 05, 2020, 07:19:20 AM »
Bad Alias, Morris, 123Chikadee - It most definitely refers to others, only perhaps including Luccio. It isn't a letter to her for a start, it his final journal entry in his diary. You can tell this as it is called Journal. Also, when writing a letter to a person you don't normally refer to the recipient in the third person (i.e. if you are saying he the letter is written to Luccio, why would he write "I thought it would make a good impression on Anastasia, who I presume will be reading this entry". He is writing, as in most journals, to whomever is the reader (which only potentially would include Luccio - and was his hope she too will read it, but not exclusively or even directly just for her eyes only).

The "we" could well refer to the Gatekeeper, Eb etc, but I am sure he knew certain people would almost certainly read it, people who know about Nemesis and Harry as a starborn etc. That pool of people is pretty small.

SK - I think you might be too hooked on the idea this group (if it is a monolith, or just one group) is just traitor wizards. Harry's own arrogance and short-sightedness, which he freely admits in this case, is why he assumed it must be wizards in the first place. Apart from Harry's ideas, there isn't anything to support that it is just wizards. Indeed, we have seen several vampires who appear to part of the team and probably others. The Grey Council isn't just wizards (at the very least one god, and probably a certain Billy Goat). I mean it's possible he was saying "there is no Black Council" to test Harry, but honestly it seems like he understood the problem was far more complex than Harry realized. Hell he knew about Nemesis at this point, and Harry takes several more years to find out about them and see the scale of the problem.

I agree Jim may well be confirming that humans are vulnerable to Nemesis infection...although as he hasn't outright said it I am sure he has room to maneuver. Still though, definitely introducing the possibility that people can think it is possible.

My guess is wherever he left his journal, he knew only certain people who he trusted could find it, and I believe at least initially it would have been impossible for Luccio to find it. He basically writes this immediately after he is found framed for LaFortier's murder and has been injured by the Wardens. He was likely lying low waiting for his next moment to travel. It might have been risky to write it, but it was his last words potentially I imagine and I think like many in such situations he wanted to say his piece.

Navis - I agree with Bad Alias that likely it was to make Harry bitter for a while so that he would be so grateful for Justin. He went from a happy life to a miserable one, but it would take time for him to really despair to the point where Justin would have seemed like a savior.

Morris - what doesn't Luccio know about? Nemesis? Black Council? Harry being the Destroyer? All seem unlikely to me.
Very interesting that you mention Rashid also trying to work out Harry. Remember he says unless you use the sight, it is more an art than a science and takes time to learn what to look for. I don't know that the Eye helps with that or not, apart from the fact he seems to share the Mothers' ability to see multiple timelines.
I don't think they merely feared Harry as a Warlock in the employ of Nemesis or having been nemfected. I think the capitalization of Destroyer says that much. Harry always assumed that's what it was, but his information was limited. They feared him because he was meant to be something far worse.

Mira - he was too old to be affected like the young Wardens. Maybe nugged a tad like the older Council members, but hardly insane. Maybe it made him more judgemental, more righteous, more fanatical but not mad.

Magnuskn - Interesting you mention Snape. One of my theories is that Eb will be killed by someone Harry trusts or thought was dead, similar to the scene with Albus Dumbledore's death and Snape's murder of him. Although who knows if that person will actually be a triple agent like Snape or not.
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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #27 on: February 05, 2020, 09:59:39 AM »
I believe you are right.  So who is the teacher? 

Offline Dina

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #28 on: February 05, 2020, 10:03:56 AM »
Seems there are more similarities between Harry Dresden and Harry Potter than I ever thought.  ;) Morgan kinda-sorta is Severus Snape to Harry.

Yes! I immediately thought that too.
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

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Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« Reply #29 on: February 05, 2020, 10:10:23 AM »
That's mean folks, Morgan isn't nearly as big a jerk as Snape was!