But how much time are talking practically speaking? Just looked it up, if Google is correct we are talking 3 to 9 hours per reporting period.. Not a huge amount of time, it didn't say whether it had to be done all at once either. So if Mab could spare the time to go to the opera or a sporting event with Sarissa in the past, keeping her law license current wouldn't be a big deal.
It usually doesn't have to be all at once and definitely doesn't if it's a video/audio recorded CLE. The the typical range is 10 to 15 hours with about six exceptions. Alaska and Hawaii at 3, and D.C., Maryland, Mass., and Michigan having no requirements.
https://www.lorman.com/Minimum-CLE-Hours-by-StateA lot of CLEs can apply to multiple jurisdictions. I'm assuming Mab is licensed in at least the major states if not all of them. I'm also assuming she could manage to meet the requirements of all states with only having to go over the maximum requirement by no more than 5 hours.
And I reiterate that, with Nevernever-based time dilation available, Mab doesn't have to lose any "time" to this project.
She is immortal -- she has unlimited lifespan to spend. Real-world time progresses inexorably, so she has THAT limit (and I agree that's something she can't squander). But she can spend an arbitrarily-small amount of that time by using a very-dilated bit of the Nevernever, because her lifetime has no end.
I have a feeling the Nevernever-based time dilation isn't ever that clean. I don't see any other instance in any of Jim's worlds where someone gets something for nothing. There's always a cost.
My point has never been that Mab can't do it. It's that it doesn't seem like a good deal for her. She's getting less out of it than she's putting in. Now she could be strategically licensed in one or more jurisdictions that don't have licensing requirements, be licensed on an inactive status, and not licensed in states that allow lawyers from the other states to appear
pro hac vice or have easy reciprocity requirements. That still seems like too much effort to me. Why not just hire an attorney? Do that and they've made a deal with her. Then she may even be able to sock puppet them and be her own lawyer in situations where she can't appear
pro se.