Author Topic: [DFRPG] Magic Shields as a Block  (Read 3738 times)

Offline KlausGerken

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[DFRPG] Magic Shields as a Block
« on: January 05, 2020, 12:34:56 PM »
So, I'm again at the point that I might have misunderstood a rule for a long long time. This time: Blocks in Fate 3 :D

Situation: Alex the mage is being attacked and - as a defensive action - calls up her rotespell sprit shield. It has a power of 6 shifts as she is a very experienced wizard.

I was thinking that a block works like this: If the attacker rolls 5 or less, the shield blocks all damage. If the attacker rolls 6 or better, the shield fails to block all damage - its as if it wasn't there.

Alex player thinks that a block works different: Roll of 5 or less: All damage is blocked. 6 or higher: The shield reduces the damage by the block strength, 6 in this case.

Arguments (for my interpretation):
YS210: "If he meets or exeeds the block strength, the action resolves normally". The example later is weird as Harry seems to roll a shield without any shifts put into the effort.
YS293: Carlos Shield can be either a 6 shift block or a Armor:3 - that only makes sense if the shield doesn't work if overmatched - otherwise the block would always reduce the damage by six, the armor only by 3.

Same goes for
Y303: Harry's Duster has also both block and armor values. But the duster might be different from the shield as it can be useful to have armor there: You can also roll a normal defense and then apply the armor. (But that is also true for the shield if you prepared it in advance and give it duration) 

Also, if you use a ritual to summon somebody (like Harry does with the Erlkönig), the circle is a block (stated somewhere in the Paranet Papers). The summoned entity overcomes the block to break free (my interpretation).

Arguments for her interpretation:
YS210: The example implies that the damage passing the block by Harry is reduced by the blocks strength.

Summoning: The block might reduce the Erlkönigs power by its strength to allow Harry to mentally duel the Erlkönig.

So, how do you guys use blocks?

EDIT: Removed some spelling mistakes.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2020, 09:11:48 AM by KlausGerken »

Offline Taran

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Re: [DFRPG] Magic Shields as a Block
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2020, 02:27:45 PM »
An attack of 6 hits and the block is considered a 6 shift dodge.  So, in this case, the attack would only do weapon damage.  If it were a 7 shift attack, the damage would be reduced by 6.  So it’d do: (weapon damage)+1. 

The person can still dodge when using a shield, just take the better value.

So a 3 shift block and a 4 shift dodge vs a 6 shift attack would net the attacker 2+weapon damage.

When they say resolve normally, they mean resolve as if the attack overcame a regular block or dodge. 

 But, essentially, in all cases, once the block is overcome, it subtracts damage and then goes away. 

For summoning, wards work slightly differently than regular blocks.  They don’t go away but are, instead, reduced based on how much damage gets through.  Once they are reduced below 0, they are destroyed. 

Offline KlausGerken

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Re: [DFRPG] Magic Shields as a Block
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2020, 04:30:32 PM »
Thank you, Taran!

Assuming you are right, in which Situations would you choose for Harry's Duster to act as Armor? The block seems to be the by far better choice.

Offline Taran

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Re: [DFRPG] Magic Shields as a Block
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2020, 04:55:56 PM »
Thank you, Taran!

Assuming you are right, in which Situations would you choose for Harry's Duster to act as Armor? The block seems to be the by far better choice.

A single-attack Exchange block is great for protecting against big hits but is a waste against many small attacks since, even if it successfully blocks an attack, it goes away in the next exchange unless you reduce its effect to put in extra shifts of duration.  Of course, if you choose to make your (Block 6) shield into a (Block 5; 2 exchange) shield, an attack of 6 will get reduced by 5 but the attack still overcomes the block and will immediately destroy it, regardless of duration.  So, the longer the duration you want, the less powerful your protection and the more likely it will be overcome.  The higher your protection, the more careful you'll be to use it because you don't want to waste it.  (Enchanted items don't recover daily, they are recovered per session)

On the other hand, an armour 2 enchanted item that lasts for 3 rounds (4 shifts halved for armour 2 +2 more shifts for duration), will last for all three exchanges and will reduce damage from all attacks and is, obviously, much more useful against many attacks from multiple enemies.  Ideally, you'd want both!  :)  It's also very useful if you have some kind of secondary dodging skill and you often find yourself only taking small bits of damage.

Made some edits.

IMO, most wizards go with a high-value block and save it for a big hit or for being surprised.  If I feel I'm going to get hit a lot, I'll spend an exchange to cast some kind of defensive spell rather than have an armour enchanted item.  That said, if you are playing solo, and expect to get attacked alot, having armour is of value.  But, usually, its more efficient to buy mundane armour than to waste valuable spellcasting/ Enchanted Item resources on it.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2020, 05:03:23 PM by Taran »