Author Topic: A player of mine is looking to make a summoner  (Read 6629 times)

Offline Degausser

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A player of mine is looking to make a summoner
« on: October 16, 2019, 06:30:55 AM »
Hey all, I'm looking to start a Dresden Files RPG game sometime in the near future that focuses on a bunch of ParaNeters trying to protect their city (taking place roughly before/during Ghost Story.)  One of my players has expressed interest in playing a summoner, a character who's unique bit of magic is that she has made friends with a 'something' and she can summon the same spirit over and over again.

Like, building an ecoplasmic suit to allow a spirit to then inhabit it and do it's thing.

I love the idea and want to let the player play what she wants to play, but at the same time, I have no idea how to build out that power set without making it broken (too powerful or too weak.)  And I also don't now how much it'd cost.  I want her to be able to play the character she wants, but having played a variety of RPGs over the years, I KNOW how powerful action economy can be.

Since the game is starting at Chest Deep, the best idea I've come up with is the following power:
-6 refresh, the power lets you summon your companion (built as if a waist deep character.)  The companion cannot gain fate points or take consequences, but you can spend fate points or take consequences for them.  They gain milestones as you do.  Summoning the companion inflicts two mental stress on you, and the companion only lasts until a time chosen at character creation (typically high noon, midnight, dusk, or dawn.)  You can reduce the cost of the companion by up to 2 by giving them specific catches such as 'running water' 'must adhere to all bargains' or 'trapped inside a magic circle.'  If the companion is ever 'taken out' their ecoplasmic body disappears and their spirit is swept back away to somewhere until it is called again.


Offline narphoenix

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Re: A player of mine is looking to make a summoner
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2019, 03:12:28 AM »
Have them take ritual (summoning) or thaumaturgy (probably with a specialization in summoning), then use one of these rules: Thaumaturgy can get a little wonky in terms of balance though, so beware. Easiest way to keep it from getting ridiculous is to remember a simple adage: your enemies will interfere with you as best as they can. If the player keeps taking the time to whip out this creature, their enemies are gonna notice and start trying to interfere with it.

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