I liked this story more than some of the recent ones, probably because I really, really like Goodman Grey, but I wanted to know more about him. The problem, I feel, is that even when the story is told in first person, it is not really a point of view. He just describes the things he does, more or less like a third person narrator would do. With a few minor exceptions about his appreciation of her secretary's body (ugh) and a couple of suggestions of his fury at the thugs, we don't know any of his feelings. A little more inner monologue about what he was thinking/feeling instead of the plain description of his actions would have helped a lot. Also, I would have liked at least a moment of, I don't know, vulnerability or something like that. He seems just too perfect and accomplished, and that is not so interesting to read.
I still like the character and I want to know more about him and about the new character. I would love to see GG in PT, interacting with Harry again. I wish we could have glimpsed at what GG actually thinks about him.
Many things of the story were great, the small touches, like how he learnt Spanish long ago, how he felt that Viti was doing well and things like that, but as morris said, it was like a gourmet dish without spices.