Author Topic: What if Dresden is actually aiding his enemies?...  (Read 6534 times)

Offline Yuillegan

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What if Dresden is actually aiding his enemies?...
« on: September 25, 2019, 09:32:50 AM »
Or not all his enemies are as evil as he thinks...

Consider that Nicodemus wanted the Red Court removed. He talks about this in Small Favor when trying to convince Harry to join up. What does Harry do several years later? Destroy the entire Red Court.

Harry also is told by Lea not to ever let Mab take him to the Stone Table, yet later she does and he becomes the Winter Knight. Lash's sacrifice by suicide to protect Harry has been hinted by Jim to mirror Harry's own suicide...a convincing play for Lash. Not all lies are words and it speaks to Harry's ego and deep need to be a saviour.

Harry has aided Nicodemus, even when he didn't want to when years ago that would have stopped him dead. Even though he works it to his advantage, as many such as Marcone have noted, when Harry wants to do something and thinks he is in the right his enemies are normally destroyed and not much stops him.

And as was implied by Lea in Cold Days, it takes a lot to convince a young wizard to destroy when necessary his enemies, to use violence. It is constantly stated you can only really do something you truly believe in, and the effects of your magic are a response of that too so it doesn't matter if there are unintended consequences, that is on you. HWWBh was shaping his weapon, his tool, not merely pursuing Harry.

I believe that either Harry is witlessly aiding his enemies and their ends unintentionally or his enemies goals (such as Nicodemus') are not as bad as Harry might think. They might actually line up to his personal view of right and wrong. This too is hinted at.

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Offline spiritofair

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Re: What if Dresden is actually aiding his enemies?...
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2019, 05:59:53 PM »
I definitely think Nicodemus is going to turn out to actually be an ally in the BAT against the outsiders... but never a friendly ally.

I don't think Harry has been helping along the Circle, though. Assuming Cowl is the head (or a head) of the Circle, Cowl is far too annoyed with Harry for Harry to have been helping him out.

No idea what to make out of HWWB. I agree that it seems that HWWB is testing/forging Harry.

Offline Avernite

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Re: What if Dresden is actually aiding his enemies?...
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2019, 09:03:12 PM »
We have a literal Archangel coaching Harry along and mostly saying he's doing an alright job (even if he needs the occasional reminder).

So, I would say a clear no.

Offline Yuillegan

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Re: What if Dresden is actually aiding his enemies?...
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2019, 01:39:14 AM »
Avernite - Clear no to which? Just because Uriel's plans align with Nicodemus' occasionally doesn't mean Harry isn't serving more than one end...

Harry's heart is in the right place - but isn't there so old chestnut about a road to Hell being paved with good intentions?
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Offline morriswalters

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Re: What if Dresden is actually aiding his enemies?...
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2019, 09:19:47 AM »
It would be nice if we knew the outcome of our decisions at the moment we made them.  Harry does what he can with the knowledge that is available to him at the moment he must act.  That means the consequences can include aiding or otherwise assisting foes whom he might not otherwise help.  There is a name for this. Unintended consequences.

Offline Yuillegan

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Re: What if Dresden is actually aiding his enemies?...
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2019, 11:52:20 AM »
With all these plots that are going on, with Mab and Lea obviously playing games against one another, with archangels sticking there nose in, with vague supernatural entities that live on islands, how are all these conflicting interests, where Dresden’s getting pulled in different directions by all of them, how are they going to play out in the future?
"I know that a lot of the folks that are generally perceived as bad guys aren’t necessarily, there are several who are currently perceived as good guys who aren’t necessarily, and we’ll continue to have those fall out over the next several books"
2011 Boston Signing

That is some WOJ that sort of answers my question.

I quite agree Morris. I am not saying that Harry is a bad person, I can hardly judge unless I consider myself perfect. I am saying that his actions might be aiding his enemies, whether he intends to or not, and I wonder whether he has been pushed in various ways to do just that. And shaped early on so that he would do those actions that might benefit his sometimes foes.
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Offline Bad Alias

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Re: What if Dresden is actually aiding his enemies?...
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2019, 06:15:07 PM »
Well Harry has definitely helped his enemies. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes knowingly, and sometimes because he was outplayed. When it was because he was outplayed, it usually ends up going really bad for that enemy and everyone they know. (I can explain the difference between intentionally and knowingly if anyone doesn't see the difference and cares).

Good examples of these take place in White Night. The Raiths are using Harry as a cat's paw. Madrigal is aiming him at Priscilla. Lara is aiming him at Houses Skavis and Malvora. Thomas could be said to directing him by being all shady and leaving information for Harry to find him. Harry knowingly aids Lara. He makes her pay for it, and it pisses her off. I'm not sure if he was outplayed by Madrigal, but we know how that worked out for him and his allies. He intentionally aided Marcone. Marcone suffers the least negative consequences.

When Harry is maneuvered by the Reds, the Martin and Susan, and Nico, it ends up turning out disastrously for them, even if they get exactly what they wanted. That might foretell us something about how things will work out for others who have been maneuvering Harry for their own ends.

Offline Avernite

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Re: What if Dresden is actually aiding his enemies?...
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2019, 05:27:46 AM »
Avernite - Clear no to which? Just because Uriel's plans align with Nicodemus' occasionally doesn't mean Harry isn't serving more than one end...

Harry's heart is in the right place - but isn't there so old chestnut about a road to Hell being paved with good intentions?

Ah, I meant clear no to 'is Harry actually aiding his enemies'.

And his heart isn't the only thing that's in the right place, again we know thanks to Uriel being so supportive - he really is fighting on the side of the good. Even if maybe he needs more reminders than some, and Ghost Story was a definite 'okay you do need to redeem yourself for your last works'.

Offline Yuillegan

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Re: What if Dresden is actually aiding his enemies?...
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2019, 05:55:16 AM »
Avernite - just because Harry fights for good doesn't mean that he doesn't aid his enemies goals too, not everyone good is allied and nor is every evil villain or group. The point is that it is complicated. Lara constantly aids Harry as he removes her enemies often for her, she wouldn't be running the White Court without him. What he did was a well intentioned act, perhaps even a morally (in the divine sense) good act, when he fought Lord Raith. But the outcome is that Lara rules the White Court. And as we know about magic (from like 10 WOJs) good is more about result and intention, at least in the Dresden Files. He has also willingly aided Mab, Nicodemus, Marcone, even the Red King (for about 15 minutes when he was killing Ariana for him). Harry doesn't like to think he is a politician, but he makes compromises to suit him and what he believes is the Greater Good all the time. Whilst he might be doing good overall, doesn't mean he isn't aiding the various bad guys sometimes. It is no coincidence that his ID is morally ambiguous at best.

Uriel's involvement is more significant that a pep talk or a pat on the back. He fights for souls. Consider he pretty rarely shows up to anyone at all, and is supposed to be the most quiet archangel. Yet he is showing up and communicating more and more with Dresden. I would say that isn't coincidence either. I think he is doing his level best to fight for Dresden to be on the side of the angels, pardon the pun. I think Dresden's significance in the grand scheme of things is not to be underrated, which is why so many higher level beings show interest in him. As Vadderung said, he is a fulcrum. I think Uriel's constant encouragement etc is one way he can constantly keep Dresden from falling into darkness. Consider without Uriel's pep talks that Dresden might have continued to doubt himself, gone down worse paths, made worse decisions. Harry constantly is aware of how a few words from the greater, older beings can have enormous impact on him (especially if they are "evil") but it isn't like being "good" would mean you are a slouch. Uriel is just as impactful with his words, if not more so. He told Dresden that Maggie was actually his daughter. Consider the repercussions of that, and what might have changed had he not.

Bad Alias - I get your meaning and I agree. Sometimes he means to, sometimes not, sometimes it doesn't matter as the result will stay the same. And you are absolutely right, I think you manipulate Harry at your peril. He is too unpredictable and too erratic for most villains, even the logical ones. Sometimes though I think his most dangerous foes are the ones who understand him too well, understand his drive and his sense of righteousness and his failings and his strengths. People like Marcone and Kincaid, and Lash. Probably others too that I am forgetting. Elaine makes the list because of her behaviour in Summer Knight. Molly would too, had she stayed a wizard. The know his strengths and weaknesses, and are learn from their own. Harry fails the most when he can't see past his own blindspots.
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Re: What if Dresden is actually aiding his enemies?...
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2019, 07:13:43 PM »
Harry doesn't like to think he is a politician, but he makes compromises to suit him and what he believes is the Greater Good all the time.

He is too unpredictable[, too smart] and too erratic for most villains, even the logical ones. ... People like Marcone and Kincaid, and Lash. Probably others too that I am forgetting. Elaine makes the list because of her behaviour in Summer Knight. Molly would too, had she stayed a wizard. The know his strengths and weaknesses, and are learn from their own.
I think Harry talks about not doing the right thing because of larger consequences, but he ends up not compromising like a politician, and that's why he ends up helping his enemies so often. Grave Peril is a good example of this. I can't think of a clear example of when he compromises instead of "doing the right thing" except for Changes.

Once again White Night is a good example of Harry being too smart to be safely manipulated. It backfires on everyone in the White Court except Thomas who tried to manipulate him. Thomas got away with it because he was directing Harry in a manner Harry would agree with and understand. Also the brother thing.

I'd include Lara, Mab, and Molly in there as people who could manipulate Harry and get away with it. Probably Odin too. Uriel did in that short story.