Author Topic: Name someone you want to appear in Peace Talks  (Read 23807 times)

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Name someone you want to appear in Peace Talks
« on: July 15, 2019, 04:40:30 AM »
Right now we know Thomas, Ramirez and Marcone will be in Peace Talks, even if we don't know how extensive their roles will be.  From this limited information we can guess that Lara Raith, Justine and probably Ms. Gard will also be on hand.  Mr. Hendricks is somewhat in doubt, but I wouldn't be surprised if he will be on the scene too.  I also think there's a good chance Lady Molly will make an appearance.  Beyond those characters it's anyone's guess who else we will see.  There will certainly be a fomor and some servitors and someone important; maybe more than one important person, from the White Council.  So name one character you really want to see in Peace Talks and why?

I really want to see the Merlin.  There is a thread speculating on whether Ebenezer will survive PT.  I think it's a good guess that Ebenezer will be in Peace Talks, or maybe it was mentioned in the first chapter of Peace Talks that he will show up, I don't remember.  What I don't want to see is Eb showing up with someone I don't really care about like Ancient Mai or Martha Liberty.  Maybe one or both could be interesting, but I really want to see Arthur Langtry's reaction the first time he sees Harry again.  I want to know what he thought when Harry wiped out the Red Court.  I want to know if he really wanted Harry to attack the Red's and he just used a little reverse psychology to goad Harry into doing so.  I want to learn about what has been happening within the White Council.  How close did it come to civil war?  What has Cristos been up to and is the Council fully stabilized or are there still tensions that threaten to tear it apart?  Finally, I want to see Harry say something to the Merlin that makes his eye twitch.   
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Re: Name someone you want to appear in Peace Talks
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2019, 02:02:19 PM »
Yeah, the first meeting between Harry and Langtry should be pretty epic. That needs to be recorded in the book.

I hope Sarissa and Fix make an appearance. I want to know how they are after Cold Days.

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Re: Name someone you want to appear in Peace Talks
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2019, 03:12:00 PM »
I would like to see some Black court Elders (maybe Mavra?), high-ranking Fomor & the interactions between Fix/Sarissa/Titania.

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Re: Name someone you want to appear in Peace Talks
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2019, 03:23:55 PM »
Jim Butcher, who will be introduced in one scene only for his manuscript-in-progress to be wiped out when Harry wanders too close to his laptop, then he goes off grumbling that he has to start the whole book over again and he'll have to tell his publisher to push the release date back a few years.
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Re: Name someone you want to appear in Peace Talks
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2019, 03:48:18 PM »
Fitz would be interesting to see again.

Jim Butcher, who will be introduced in one scene only for his manuscript-in-progress to be wiped out when Harry wanders too close to his laptop, then he goes off grumbling that he has to start the whole book over again and he'll have to tell his publisher to push the release date back a few years.

Are you sure it won't be George R. Martin?
« Last Edit: July 16, 2019, 06:14:13 PM by isoycrazy »

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Re: Name someone you want to appear in Peace Talks
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2019, 04:22:09 PM »
A couple years back I was pushing pretty hard for Tilly's return. I'd still like it if it turned out he's become a kind of FBI equivalent to Murphy after Changes, and showed up at the Peace Talk summit to speak up for vanilla mortals. Double fun points if his attendance was sponsored by Baron Marcone, because it'd be wonderful to see Tilly gritting his teeth to cooperate with "villain, scum" for the greater good.

I think we're also due for an Elaine visit (overdue? I can't remember anymore. I'm getting old.)

Cowl is also a reasonable bet, I believe. Whether or not he'll be wearing his namesake is a different question, but I'm sure Cowl, disguised or not, will be at the summit.

I also think Listens-to-Wind will be there. We haven't seen him since he extended his offer to teach Harry about Anger Management, which is a lesson Harry could really use right now.

Dollars to doughnuts that Vaderrung will be there (not Kringle, though). He's a Signatory with a vested interest in negotiating peace.

Cristos will probably be there too. I'm willing to bet money that he'll be trying to maneuver and wheel and deal behind the scenes. I hope a Trickster god drops a piano on him. Or Harry just lights him on fire. Boy oh boy, do I hate smugness.

Haven't seen Billy since Ghost Story and Georgia since Turn Coat, so it wouldn't surprise me if there was an Alpha presence. I can picture Harry calling them up to act as a secret backup plan. On the other hand, this is exactly the kind of attention Harry was trying to keep them away from, so... maybe not. Though I think Peace Talks may devolve into an All Hands on Deck situation.

As others have pointed out, Mavra is a possibility. Especially since the Black Court is a signatory.

Nobody else comes to mind about whom I have a strong opinion.

Offline RobReece

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Re: Name someone you want to appear in Peace Talks
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2019, 05:14:36 AM »
I think Jim let something slip a little at the ConnectIcon panel this last weekend.  He made a comment about Rivershoulders representing the Forest People at the Peace Talks... So there will be at least one powerful participant who will have Harry's back.

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Re: Name someone you want to appear in Peace Talks
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2019, 08:38:38 PM »
I want to know if he really wanted Harry to attack the Red's and he just used a little reverse psychology to goad Harry into doing so.

If the he comes right out and says that in Peace Talks, what do you want to bet that the issue will still be hotly contested here? I can see it now: "he was just taking credit for the plan."

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Re: Name someone you want to appear in Peace Talks
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2019, 04:45:39 PM »
A lot of people already said which characters I would like to see too. Hm, I think I'd like to see as well would be the Paranet in general, but other than say Abbey, I don't know who would act as representative. I would like to see the Paranet try to get a seat at the big kids table as it were.
Yeah, I'm gaining more or an appreciation of Langtry as a character. Huh.

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Re: Name someone you want to appear in Peace Talks
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2019, 02:43:12 PM »
If the he comes right out and says that in Peace Talks, what do you want to bet that the issue will still be hotly contested here? I can see it now: "he was just taking credit for the plan."

No bet. That would be an ongoing debate among fans for several books. I mean, we still have debates about whether or not everyone Lily claimed were actually Infected, and that was also spoken about as plainly as possible. The Merlin is a politician, and I can see him taking credit for something he had no part in, because he's done similar things before. Dude's a weasel. Just... a weasel with access to orbital nukes and carrying a BFG-9000. Meanwhile, Harry's got the number to Pizza 'Spress.

A lot of people already said which characters I would like to see too. Hm, I think I'd like to see as well would be the Paranet in general, but other than say Abbey, I don't know who would act as representative. I would like to see the Paranet try to get a seat at the big kids table as it were.
Yeah, I'm gaining more or an appreciation of Langtry as a character. Huh.

I'd like that a lot, too. It would be pretty cool to see the Have Nots try to speak up at something like this. There's precedent for their representation too, with Harry challenging the White Court vamps to a duel on their behalf in White Night (something about how they fall under the White Council's "legitimate interests" or some such legalese).

I think Jim let something slip a little at the ConnectIcon panel this last weekend.  He made a comment about Rivershoulders representing the Forest People at the Peace Talks... So there will be at least one powerful participant who will have Harry's back.

That would be really cool, especially after the Genoskwa situation in Skin Game. I'd love to see Harry and River Shoulders have a conversation about the different factions within the Forest People.

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Re: Name someone you want to appear in Peace Talks
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2019, 06:09:47 PM »
[The Merlin]'s a weasel. Just... a weasel with access to orbital nukes and carrying a BFG-9000. Meanwhile, Harry's got the number to Pizza 'Spress.

Harry's upped his game ever since Turn Coat. He just didn't realize it until Cold Days.

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Re: Name someone you want to appear in Peace Talks
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2019, 10:23:14 PM »
A couple years back I was pushing pretty hard for Tilly's return. I'd still like it if it turned out he's become a kind of FBI equivalent to Murphy after Changes, and showed up at the Peace Talk summit to speak up for vanilla mortals. Double fun points if his attendance was sponsored by Baron Marcone, because it'd be wonderful to see Tilly gritting his teeth to cooperate with "villain, scum" for the greater good.
+1 for Tilly, for all the reasons you say.

Also:  I just like the character, and I want to see more of him!

I think we're also due for an Elaine visit (overdue? I can't remember anymore. I'm getting old.)
From her own motivations, I think Elaine wants to stay off the radar, and would avoid a high-powered, high-profile event like this, if at possible!

Of course (as we see from Harry's life!) sometimes a young wizard's "own motivation" to avoid certain situations don't line up with "what's possible!"

Haven't seen Billy since Ghost Story and Georgia since Turn Coat, so it wouldn't surprise me if there was an Alpha presence. I can picture Harry calling them up to act as a secret backup plan. On the other hand, this is exactly the kind of attention Harry was trying to keep them away from, so... maybe not. Though I think Peace Talks may devolve into an All Hands on Deck situation.
The Alpha's are "only" a pack of werewolves.  They make a decent physical threat, but are too much at risk from other powerful players with mental/magical forces.  I expect Harry will want to keep them off-stage, as they're outclassed.

Things WILL go to hell, of course, and an "AHoD situation" (with the Alpha's coming in) is entirely likely.

As others have pointed out, Mavra is a possibility. Especially since the Black Court is a signatory.
Hrm...  It's not clear to me that "the Black Court" exists any longer as "an entity" to be "signatory" to the Accords.  Maybe individual Blampires could sign on?  Most of them are pretty powerful -- survivors of the Stoker purge -- other than whatever scourges/lesser vamps they have created since.

Their power -- as a group -- is apparently broken.  Mavra (or any other Blampire) couldn't credibly claim to represent the Black Court, or reliably negotiate / make commitments on behalf of the BC.

HOWEVER...  At the end of Dead Beat, Harry threatens Mavra, tells her never to try to use his friends against him, because... now he knows how to use Kemmlerian Necromancy against the BCV's.  But she's a reasonably powerful sorceress in her own right (tutored Bianca, who was able to survive a full-power strike of Harry's), and now Mavra has the Word.  So presumably now, SHE knows how to use Kemmlerian necromancy... which may well have given her the edge she needed to re-unite the Black Court, with herself as Black Queen.  I can see her showing up in that capacity!

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Re: Name someone you want to appear in Peace Talks
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2019, 08:09:45 PM »
I think I'd like to see Elaine if it was done well. Early on, I "shipped" Harry and Elaine because they made sense together, but the more time passes, the less it seems like something that would work (from a story perspective more than a relationship perspective).

I don't dislike Tilly, but don't really care if I see him ever again. I wouldn't mind him showing up, I just don't care if he does.

Outside of Harry's usual crew, I like, and therefore would like to see them on page more, Mort and Ramirez (and all of the young wardens who have gotten any page time and a name (who aren't dead)).

I'd like to see just about any government official who has given Harry an unreasonably hard time about him being a "phony" have to eat crow, but most of the ones who it would be the most satisfying from have never even shown up on page. It's mostly Murphy's bosses I'd like to see having to beg for help and forgiveness.

On the flip side of seeing characters I like in Peace Talks, a lot of characters who show up in Peace Talks could be on the chopping block.

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Re: Name someone you want to appear in Peace Talks
« Reply #13 on: August 01, 2019, 02:46:18 PM »
Well, you're going to get your wish with Carlos, as he's organizing security. Mort... I'm not so sure about. Maybe. I don't know if he'd fit until we learn more about the book.

Yeah, I wouldn't mind an Elaine/Harry pairing, but I just don't see it happening without big narrative changes.

I recall a WoJ that Tilly's going to be back eventually. I don't have it handy, but I remember reading him confirming it, possibly in one of the Reddit AMA threads.

Government official... not sure. But Rudolph? I think it's possible Harry made a vanilla mortal version of Ace during Changes. I can totally see that mealymouthed sh*tweasel losing everything after Changes (Harry infers that Rudy was being paid off by the Reds, cuz his house and car were way above what he should've been able to afford, so that income's lost. I can also see him getting in huge official trouble if Tilly followed up on Harry's hunch about his espionage activity), then doing what he can to destroy Harry, but utterly failing. Publicly, in front of the girl he likes.

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Re: Name someone you want to appear in Peace Talks
« Reply #14 on: August 01, 2019, 04:10:30 PM »
What makes you say Carlos is organizing the talks? Do we even know who is hosting them?