What is weird is can one have more than one "true love?" By that I mean before he met Susan and fell in love with her, Elaine sounded like Harry's true love, however that might be because she was his first love... And yeah, I am familiar with the saying, " my, his, her, one and only true love." The protection from Susan remained until he hooked up with Luccio.. He loved her but she wasn't his true love, Susan remained that until she died... She still might be as far as Harry is concerned even if she is dead, but he is no longer protected.
Luccio didn' t love him back. Susan did.
And does it really have to be the 'one true' love or is simple true love sufficient?
And yes, I believe there can be several 'true loves' in one's life.
I know a lot of people including my husband and myself who have at least loved twice.
My two loved ones felt exactly the same. But different to the two before that.
Both times it felt like true love. And no, the first one wasn't my first boyfriend and I wasn't a teenager anymore.
But love can fade through the years. Not everyone finds his or her true love. Sometimes the one you love doesn't love you back. Sometimes your true love passes away while you survive. Sometimes you find someone to love again. And sometimes two loved one's stay together their whole life.
Can one truefully say the second person one loved, wasn't loved as much as the first or vice versa?