But the consequences were explored in Turn Coat, and they came due in Changes; Cristos, who organized the Red Court "conciliation" attempt, and is one of the more likely suspects to poisoning half the wardens and Listens-to-Wind. Imagine if another seat opened up on the Senior Council, or two, or three. And, because the books focus on Harry, we only really got to see what he was doing in Turn Coat/Changes. Everything about the White Council's situation is secondhand information, rumor, and speculation. All we know is that Lafortier was the only voice on the Senior Council who a big bloc of the WC's rank and file felt represented them, and they threatened secession and/or civil war.
The Merlin caved once to prevent a war, and was smart enough not to trust Cristos, especially after Peabody. But he's in a classic Appeasement scenario now; if another seat opens up, that same bloc is going to be demanding another spot. And, since threatening to fight for it worked once, they'll do it again to extort the SC and the Merlin. Plus now they've got "their" guy on the SC advocating for them.
Basically, if a Senior Council member dies in Peace Talks (and the scope of the conflict will, according to Christmas Eve, include thousands dead, so there's a good chance the Masquerade may fall, or start to slip, which'll create a whole host of fresh problems for the White Council), then there is going to be major, major fallout. The Merlin is going to have to choose between civil war and appeasement. That's if he's still alive, too. Part of me wonders if Jim might kill off everyone on the SC except Cristos to take the Merlin title for himself. Though I can also picture Ebenezer surviving and fighting a guerrilla war with the Grey Council, which would be as badass as can be reasonably expected.
All of that aside, I agree with you. I really hope Peace Talks gives us a serious, in-depth look into the White Council, how it works, what the rules are, etc. I want a thirty page infodump on that very topic.