Author Topic: Persephone in the DV  (Read 3757 times)

Offline kbrizzle

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Persephone in the DV
« on: June 07, 2019, 03:28:00 AM »
I hadn’t given much thought to the discussion between Harry & Marcone at the end of WN after the battle in the Raith Deeps where Harry likens Marcone to Hades & Helen Beckett/ Demeter’s comatose daughter to Persephone, until SG.

In SG, we learn that Hades did not kidnap Persephone but rather it was voluntary & required Hecate’s help in fooling Persephone’s mother Demeter for a few months so the couple could enjoy their honeymoon. Moreover, Marcone’s bank was considered to be a place that had enough in common with Hades’ realm to open a Way, further strengthening the Marcone:Hades point made in WN.

Additionally, Persephone in Classical Greek mythology has some odd connections to Hecate. Given that Hecate is the triple goddess, Persephone is known in some tales to be the youngest/ maiden aspect of the triple goddess. She is also responsible for the seasons in Ancient Greece - the 6 months she was down in Hades’ realm was Winter, where as the 6 months she was on earth were considered Summer.

What do you guys think this means? Especially for Beckitt’s daughter?
« Last Edit: June 07, 2019, 07:47:59 AM by kbrizzle »

Offline Paviel

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Re: Persephone in the DV
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2019, 05:07:35 AM »
She is also responsible for the seasons in Ancient Greece - the 6 months she was down in Hades’ realm was Summer, where as the 6 months she was on earth were considered Winter.

Corrected. Summer is the most brutal and barren season of the year in Greece, and winter the most mild and fertile; thus, in the original telling of the myth, the time of year that Persephone spends with Hades is the hottest time of the year; with Demeter, the coolest.

The story changed as it traveled northward to areas where summer is milder and winter harsher.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2019, 05:09:56 AM by Paviel »

Offline kbrizzle

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Re: Persephone in the DV
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2019, 08:20:19 PM »
Fair enough although I’m unsure if JB was aware of this switch as well. My point in this thread is that Persephone dictated the climate in Ancient Greece & given Hades’ crown of mordite, I wonder what this tells us about the defense of the Outer Gates before the Norse.

Additionally the Marcone: Hades, both being lords of different Underworlds similarity is not exactly subtle, I wonder if JB is foreshadowing something. Marcone is sleeping with Demeter, where as Hades seemed to have a more antagonistic relationship with the Greek goddess who is Persephone’s mother.

Offline Paviel

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Re: Persephone in the DV
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2019, 11:33:06 PM »
I don't think any of the parallels between the Dresden Files and Greek myth are perfect. But to the extent that Marcone and "Demeter" are not at each other's throats the way Hades and Demeter were, it could be a case of them both keeping their friends close and their enemies closer.