What do people think of these?
Stolen Tibicena Magic [-4]:
You have acquired the magic of a dog belonging to a Hawaiian volcano god--or at least, it used to belong to him. Now it's yours, and he probably isn't very happy about it. As such, instead of taking sponsor debt, you have a "stress track" three boxes long (it's not an actual stress track, because each box is only worth one point). Check off one of these boxes to do something you'd normally do by taking a point of sponsor debt. Clear one of these boxes for each scene you spend exposed to direct sunlight.
Tibicena magic allows you to cast spells that fit its essential nature: fire, earth, and hunting and chasing down prey.
Evothaum: You can use divination magic with the speed and methods of evocation. In addition, you can open portals to and from the Nevernever with the speed and methods of evocation, but only when you are in hot pursuit of someone, for the purpose of following them.
Extra benefits: You can utter a hunting cry, attacking everyone in hearing range with your intimidation. This inflicts mental stress and makes people who hear it want to run away in terror. However, this effects anyone besides you who hears it--you cannot shield allies or innocent bystanders.
Firebird Sponsored Magic [-4]:
By drawing on the magic of the firebirds, you can cast spells related to luck, concealment, fire, and creativity. This power comes with standard sponsored magic benefits.
Evothaum: You can use entropomancy with the speed and methods of evocation.
Extra benefits: Once per scene, you can either substitute your Conviction skill for your Performance skill for a roll, or boost the Performance roll of someone in the area by +2.
Phoenix Sponsored Magic [-4]:
By drawing on the magic of phoenixes, you can cast spells related to fire, purification, and healing. This power comes with standard sponsored magic benefits.

Extra benefits: When you or someone else has a severe physical consequence, you can either give yourself the benefits of Supernatural Recovery for one scene or give someone else the benefits of Inhuman Recovery for one scene. However, to do so, either you become so hot that anything flammable that touches you catches fire, or you can't do anything else that scene (because you are too busy controlling the phoenix energy flowing through you, preventing it from setting things on fire).