Author Topic: Earth magic responsible for weapons skill?  (Read 28793 times)

Offline nadia.skylark

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Re: Earth magic responsible for weapons skill?
« Reply #60 on: May 27, 2019, 09:23:12 PM »
I just realized that I never addressed part of one of your earlier posts:

Edit: Combined with the other threads for (I'm presuming) this same character, it looks like you're aiming for someone who:
A. Is better at swording than the undisputed master of swording (Shiro)

No, just someone who's about at Murphy's level or a little weaker (not Murphy at Chichen Itza, just normal Murphy). And she'd be using a staff, not a sword, though I'm not sure that makes a difference.

B. Can shrug off and ignore most damage better than the undisputed master of getting his face kicked in (Harry)

Well, if I was writing up Harry's character sheet, I'd give him this power too. I feel like he gets beat up enough that he probably would have it. And my character is explicitly Harry as a girl, so she should be as good as Harry at taking a beating.

C. Can take more damage than anyone else in a single blow and keep fighting

Don't want this. If one of the stunts or powers I'm writing up does this, that's a mistake (actually, if this is about the "gives extra physical consequences" power, I'm going to go over to that thread and post a correction).

and D. Is a lawbreaker, but with more and better bonuses to the powers than Lawbreaker has in canon.

Nope. That was mostly unrelated to my character. The only connection is that I was trying to make Lawbreaker (1st) work the way I see it working in the books, and given that my character is fem!Harry, she would have Lawbreaker (1st) for the same reason as canon!Harry. It wasn't really designed for her--I was just reading an old thread about Lawbreaker stuff and decided to post the idea it inspired. I'm not currently planning to give her any more Lawbreaker powers.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2019, 09:35:49 PM by nadia.skylark »

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Re: Earth magic responsible for weapons skill?
« Reply #61 on: May 28, 2019, 02:47:17 PM »
I just realized that I never addressed part of one of your earlier posts:
Yeah, I added that as an edit, apparently while you were typing up your own response, so that's on me.

No, just someone who's about at Murphy's level or a little weaker (not Murphy at Chichen Itza, just normal Murphy). And she'd be using a staff, not a sword, though I'm not sure that makes a difference.
If she's at about Murphy's level or weaker, then why not just give her an equivalent to Murphy's melee attack stat?

Well, if I was writing up Harry's character sheet, I'd give him this power too. I feel like he gets beat up enough that he probably would have it. And my character is explicitly Harry as a girl, so she should be as good as Harry at taking a beating.
Harry also has an Armor:2 duster that helps him absorb a lot of the beatings and loses fights a lot, needing to be bailed out because he's out of stress and consequences to absorb.

I mean, when you think about it, the existing consequence system is already meant to model, "Takes a lot of punishment, but keeps going." Remember that goons and mooks don't usually get consequences, and usually only have 2 stress boxes. So a punch to the face that would take out a mook is something that Harry would take on the chin and keep fighting. A bullet wound that kills a mook instantly is one that grazes Harry's shoulder as a consequence and he keeps fighting. A fireblast that would incinerate a Red Court mook knocks Harry across the room and concusses him, but he can keep fighting. A knife wound that would have ripped Police Officer McNameless's guts out is one that instead gets Harry in the stomach, misses everything immediately vital, and which he survives long enough to get away to help.

Remember, every punch the character takes isn't going to be a consequence. It might not even be stress.

Don't want this. If one of the stunts or powers I'm writing up does this, that's a mistake (actually, if this is about the "gives extra physical consequences" power, I'm going to go over to that thread and post a correction).
Yeah, that's the power I was referring to.

Nope. That was mostly unrelated to my character. The only connection is that I was trying to make Lawbreaker (1st) work the way I see it working in the books, and given that my character is fem!Harry, she would have Lawbreaker (1st) for the same reason as canon!Harry. It wasn't really designed for her--I was just reading an old thread about Lawbreaker stuff and decided to post the idea it inspired. I'm not currently planning to give her any more Lawbreaker powers.
OK, that's my mistake, then -- I saw a bunch of threads started by you, each of them talking about creating powers that go beyond what's normally available, and jumped to the conclusion that they were for the same person.
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Offline nadia.skylark

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Re: Earth magic responsible for weapons skill?
« Reply #62 on: May 28, 2019, 03:44:43 PM »
If she's at about Murphy's level or weaker, then why not just give her an equivalent to Murphy's melee attack stat?

Because when she doesn't have access to her magic, she's not nearly as good.

Harry also has an Armor:2 duster that helps him absorb a lot of the beatings and loses fights a lot, needing to be bailed out because he's out of stress and consequences to absorb.

I mean, when you think about it, the existing consequence system is already meant to model, "Takes a lot of punishment, but keeps going." Remember that goons and mooks don't usually get consequences, and usually only have 2 stress boxes. So a punch to the face that would take out a mook is something that Harry would take on the chin and keep fighting. A bullet wound that kills a mook instantly is one that grazes Harry's shoulder as a consequence and he keeps fighting. A fireblast that would incinerate a Red Court mook knocks Harry across the room and concusses him, but he can keep fighting. A knife wound that would have ripped Police Officer McNameless's guts out is one that instead gets Harry in the stomach, misses everything immediately vital, and which he survives long enough to get away to help.

Remember, every punch the character takes isn't going to be a consequence. It might not even be stress.

Good point. I forgot to factor in the armor.

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Re: Earth magic responsible for weapons skill?
« Reply #63 on: May 28, 2019, 03:56:56 PM »
Because when she doesn't have access to her magic, she's not nearly as good.
That sounds like a compel to me. Just like when Harry finds himself under running water -- that's an aspect of his magic that is being compelled to keep him from using it.
Compels solve everything! My first book: "Brothers of the Curled Isles"

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Not every word JB rights is a conspiracy. Sometimes, he's just telling a story. The C-Team Podcast