Author Topic: Of Faerie Queens and Greek Gods  (Read 4072 times)

Offline OriginalTeemo

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Of Faerie Queens and Greek Gods
« on: June 21, 2019, 12:55:49 AM »
First off, hi everyone, I’m Teemo and this is my first post on the Paranet.  Be patient with my wild ramblings.  😊

With that out of the way, I have a kinda half developed theory that I need people to poke at

 It seems that it is generally accepted that the various powers in the DV can be grouped by tiers.  Below I propose a grouping of the top 3 categories roughly corresponding to:

Cosmic Tier - Archangels, Lucifer, Mothers Summer and Winter, Dragons

Global Tier - Titania, Mab, Odin, Erlking, LoON(courtesy of whatever they were snacking on), Fallen and Other Run-of-the-Mill Angels (not trapped in coins), Hades, Lea (maybe), Mouse (lol)

Regional Tier - Ladies, Eldest Gruff, Cat Sith, Shagnasty, Senior Council, Cowl

Now we know that some beings wear multiple mantles, so why not  take a look at how these players compare to Greek Mythology.

The genealogy of the greek gods starts with the personification of earth and sky, which for theis purpose I will assume can simply be an analogy for The Creator.

They gave rise to twelve Titans.  But wait if you presume there are 4 Archangels, and the Dragons represent the five elements of the Chinese Wu Xing and then add in the Mothers and Lucifer ... We have 12 Cosmic Tier entities.

The children of the Titan Cronus, led by Zeus, rebelled and overthrew their father.  Interesting note: in the Roman Pantheon Cronus is Saturn which kinda sounds like Satan to me, were the War in Heaven and the Titanachy the same event?  Anyway, so who were Zeus’s Siblings?  Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Hera and Hestia.  So how might these correspond to the second tier?  WAG time!

Well I kinda favor Mab for the mantle of Hera as The Queen Who is.  This suggests to me Mother Winter as Rhea(Cronus’s Wife), the Queen Who Was and leaving, Idon’t know, maybe Artemis as the Queen Who Is To Be.

Going with the Triple Godess theme, I suggest Titania as holding Demeter’s Mantle, and the Summer Lady having Persephone’s Mantle.  And um maybe Hecate as the Titaness of the Trio?

I admit I don’t really have a candidate for Hestia unless Lea has that mantle?

As for Zeus and Poseiden I would hazard a guess that we have seen them as the Summer King, the Erlking (who seems to have a thing for lightning) and the Winter King Kringle/Odin

And Hades we have already met.

What do you guys think, do the various powers fit into the Greek Pantheon?  Did I assign roles totally backwards?  What about all of the powers and Gods I didn’t even address here? What if I told you that all the Titans were once Archangels and that the Olympians and their many cousins are the Nephilim?

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Re: Of Faerie Queens and Greek Gods
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2019, 07:11:26 AM »
I mean Zeus was god of wisdom and sky, same as Odin, which is usualy the analogy, plus from Gards short story clue. "Sometimes he gets us to call him Daddy". We know he's a horny bastard which would fit with Zeus, but I don't think Odin was ever majorly linked with the sea.

rereading their meeting in Cold Days he's compared to Donald Trumph. hmph. I think he'd be insulted by that at this point.

My personal theory is that Vadderung/Kringle/Odin was once a mortal wizard who elevated himself to godhood, like Cowl attempted to do. Link that too,
Quote from: Cold Days p205
"Rumours of your death et cetera" I shurgged "I'm sure it isn't an uncommon play among wizards" I said/ Something in his eye flashed, an amused thought that went by almost before I could see it. "Fewer try it then you might think"

Stories of Odin have him hanging himself on a tree for ultimate knowledge, and in some versions godhood and more power, some interpretations he did it to feel mortality, what it was like to die. However we have a WOJ somewhere that "Kringle is what Odin does so he doesn't age". @Serack?

Plus a more extended WOJ that Vadderung finds being mortal awesome, so as he can interact with mortal affairs exciting.
Quote from: WOJ
If you’re (a powerful immortal being) in the real world, well, the problem is that you’re in the world, and you’re kind of mortal, and something could come along and try and whack you, if they’re fast enough, or good enough, or lucky enough. Which makes Odin a kind of special guy, because he doesn’t mind it, he thinks it’s awesome.

Kringle outright says he wasn't always Kringle
Quote from:  Cold Days p39
"This became the tale with which you are familiar only in fairly recent times. There are wizards enough alive today who knew of no such person when they were children awaiting the winter holiday"
I nodded thoughtfully. "You became something else"
He gave me a wink of his eye.

I like the triple goddess links. however Mother Winter has been identified as both Atropos (one the Greek Fates) and Skuld (one of the three Norns, similar to the fates and also a Valkyrie), during Harry's summoning of her in Cold Days. Which was further confirmed when Mother Winter says he chose the name
Quote from: Cold Days p320
"He knew certain names. He was not wholly stupid in choosing them or wholly wrong in using them"

Then theres a few hints that the Mothers have a shared identity and of their foresight and intellectus
Quote from: Cold Days p320
'Did he...?
"No croaked Mother Winter. "Not that one. But he has seen the adversary and learned one of its names"
Calculation and thought flickered through those green eyes, faster than I could follow. Ah yes. I see Mother Summer said. "So many new futures unwinding"
"Too many bright ones" Mother Winter said sullenly
"Even you must think better that than empty night"

Quote from: Cold Days Chapter 33: p325
"What my counterpart knows I know"

Quote from:  Cold Days p328
"Who are you really?"
Mother Summer stopped in her tracks and turned to look at me. Her eyebrows slowly lifted "That is a very significant question"
"It's just got me thinking: masks. I know of one figure from ancient tales who is alive and well and incognito. Why shouldn't there be more?"
Mother Summer inclined her head, more a gesture of acknowledgement or admission than agreement. "Things change" she said. "Immortals deal poorly with change. But it comes to everyone"
"I called Mother Winter by the names Athropos and Skuld because they seemed to fit her" I said.
Mothers Summer's smile appeared for a moment, dazzling me and then was gone again. "It was not an imbecilic guess" She said. "And Yes she has been known by such names before. But you've only guessed the name of one of her masks- not our most powerful name"
Our name most people assume is Gaia. Mother of Earth

As for the Dragons and Angels. Archangel Sammael often cited as being Lucifer before he fell or Lucifers role when he's in Heaven, is described as being very Dragonlike in one of his forms.

As for references to Greek mythology there's this WOJ.
Quote from: WOJ
We’ll have to as we go on, in terms of, to a certain degree, some of them have always been there. If we're talking about mantles in There’s all kinds of them. It’s not just Faerie, they’re all over the place. There are still mantles hanging around from Greek times. Greco-Roman mythology, **unintelligible** mythology. The gods are also around, in one form or another, most of them are around. Some of them got themselves killed. Because lets face it, some of those guys were idiots.
And I mean, you go back there and read, and it’s like, how could you possibly have survived that? The answer in the Dresden Files is that they didn't. They *unintelligible* up til they died. Sorry, Hercules, you can only go slamming your head into walls for so long. And if your mantle passed on to The Hulk, it sort of exists in people’s minds and imaginations now.

I would suggest your tripple goddess names as Athena being the Winter Lady equivelent.

Other than that good WAG Crack theory and welcome to the site :).

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Re: Of Faerie Queens and Greek Gods
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2019, 06:45:09 PM »
My personal theory is that Vadderung/Kringle/Odin was once a mortal wizard who elevated himself to godhood, like Cowl attempted to do. ... However we have a WOJ somewhere that "Kringle is what Odin does so he doesn't age". @Serack?

I think that maybe it was Merlin. Probably not, but just maybe. I recall the WoJ as well.