ok, now that I've had time to sit down and rest from the MapSquee (OMG MAP!!

) I have a few notes I found interesting (and funny).
The Map of Alera looks similar to mainland North America, with Central and South America omitted.

Now, from the books (I think) it's established that Phrygia and Antillus are 3000 miles apart, which is roughly the same distance from the pacific to the altantic in the northern areas, making Alera roughly the same size as Continental US.
So this means, in my warped head:
-Riva is roughly roughly analagous New York, Mass, and Pennsylvania Region.
-Alera Imperia is ironically enough, lined up nicely with Missouri.
-The Amaranth Vale is the Great Plains states
-Icemen territory is, if I'm not mistaken, connected to Alera, and the Wall is just built up at the border. Which means the Icemen are Canadians...
The only thing missing is the Rockies, which explains why Kalare, Forcia and Parcia are so lush. There is no mountain shadow affect to deprive them of moisture.
Anywho, that's my notes