Author Topic: A Map (cont'd) Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers  (Read 205968 times)

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Re: A Map (cont'd) Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers
« Reply #165 on: February 09, 2009, 11:27:48 PM »
No clue if someone's said this before, but, in the books, it was mentioned that Canea was several times larger than alera (or some similar thing ;D) so, shouldn't it appear bigger on the map? Just a thought.
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Re: A Map (cont'd) Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers
« Reply #166 on: February 11, 2009, 03:43:24 AM »
Yep, it's been mentioned and it's something we are going to have to hash out and fix.
Thanks for the note.


No clue if someone's said this before, but, in the books, it was mentioned that Canea was several times larger than alera (or some similar thing ;D) so, shouldn't it appear bigger on the map? Just a thought.

Offline Tsunami

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Re: A Map (cont'd) Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers
« Reply #167 on: February 11, 2009, 10:22:51 PM »
Ok, seems like i had a lot of spare time... well, not really, wich is why i passed my exams just barely this semester. :-)

On the other hand, i used the spare time i didn't actually have to dabble in the dark arts of Map-Making
I made a version of Alera with AutoRealm, and incorporated my ideas in it. I find it much easier to show my point if anyone can see what I'm talking about, so here it goes.
(Everything is of course still subject to change due to the Map Discussion Chat)

  • Kalare attacks the "Foothills of Parcia" - so Parcia now touches Karale
  • Atticus goes Accros the Floodplain to get to Kalares Legions - Floodplain moved accordingly (green arrows indicationg troop movements in CuF)
  • Blackhills moved to southern Placida
  • The Tiber now more or less forms the Border between Ceres and Placida
  • To get all this done i moved the bordersin the western part around a little.

I moved Calderon more to the North, it just feels like beeing more northerly. Following that i moved borders a bit for Aquitane and Riva.

Known issue:

Position of the Blackhills, and how Aquitane could be the one to take them back in CuF
« Last Edit: February 11, 2009, 10:39:21 PM by Tsunami »

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Re: A Map (cont'd) Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers
« Reply #168 on: February 11, 2009, 10:37:20 PM »
Word from Jim: Antillus is indeed in the northwest, and Riva is toward the northeast.  I think Tsunami has the right idea about the two cities.  I'll take a closer look at this new proposal when I get home from work.  What are your green lines meant to signify, Tsunami?

Offline Tsunami

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Re: A Map (cont'd) Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers
« Reply #169 on: February 11, 2009, 10:41:05 PM »
Word from Jim: Antillus is indeed in the northwest, and Riva is toward the northeast.  I think Tsunami has the right idea about the two cities.  I'll take a closer look at this new proposal when I get home from work.  What are your green lines meant to signify, Tsunami?

Green Lines indicate troop movement in CuF.

Also, please see the post above again, it has been edited.

Offline belgarion

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Re: A Map (cont'd) Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers
« Reply #170 on: February 11, 2009, 11:42:21 PM »
Nice job.
I like it, although I have to go through the text in detail now. I've got some thoughts, just haven't been able to sit down at the puter for very long due to a stomach virus. I've lost 10 pounds in about 5 days of this thing.  First thought is to label the isthmus between Alera and Calderon. Oh, and the black hills should be labeled (at least I think they are the black hills) but those are nits. Its something about the positioning of Ceres and Founderport and the Tiber. Anyway, give me a couple of days to look and do searches.
Darn, I wish AutoRealm worked on the Mac. It makes a nice map.


Ok, seems like i had a lot of spare time... well, not really, wich is why i passed my exams just barely this semester. :-)

On the other hand, i used the spare time i didn't actually have to dabble in the dark arts of Map-Making
I made a version of Alera with AutoRealm, and incorporated my ideas in it. I find it much easier to show my point if anyone can see what I'm talking about, so here it goes.
(Everything is of course still subject to change due to the Map Discussion Chat)

  • Kalare attacks the "Foothills of Parcia" - so Parcia now touches Karale
  • Atticus goes Accros the Floodplain to get to Kalares Legions - Floodplain moved accordingly (green arrows indicationg troop movements in CuF)
  • Blackhills moved to southern Placida
  • The Tiber now more or less forms the Border between Ceres and Placida
  • To get all this done i moved the bordersin the western part around a little.

I moved Calderon more to the North, it just feels like beeing more northerly. Following that i moved borders a bit for Aquitane and Riva.

Known issue:

Position of the Blackhills, and how Aquitane could be the one to take them back in CuF

Offline belgarion

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Re: A Map (cont'd) Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers
« Reply #171 on: February 11, 2009, 11:44:54 PM »
Oh and congrats on passing the exams. That's a big step :>). High fives Tsunami.
Any idea whether kokolores passed hers?


Ok, seems like i had a lot of spare time... well, not really, wich is why i passed my exams just barely this semester. :-)

Offline Tsunami

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Re: A Map (cont'd) Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers
« Reply #172 on: February 12, 2009, 10:03:29 AM »
*reads through his last post... shakes his head*
Boy was my spelling off last night...  ::)

Oh and congrats on passing the exams. That's a big step :>). High fives Tsunami.
Thanks, passing it was really all that mattered, since nobody will ever ask about the grade in this particular exam ever again. :D
Any idea whether kokolores passed hers?
No idea.

Nice job.
I like it, although I have to go through the text in detail now. I've got some thoughts, just haven't been able to sit down at the puter for very long due to a stomach virus. I've lost 10 pounds in about 5 days of this thing.
Eager to hear them, and get well soon.
First thought is to label the isthmus between Alera and Calderon. Oh, and the black hills should be labeled (at least I think they are the black hills) but those are nits.
Yeah, still working on the nits  ;)
Its something about the positioning of Ceres and Founderport and the Tiber.
Yupp, thats the only real major change i made in the Map, the rest is mostly cosmetics.
Anyway, give me a couple of days to look and do searches.
Sure, take your time, no rush.

Offline Tsunami

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Re: A Map (cont'd) Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers
« Reply #173 on: February 13, 2009, 06:25:25 PM »
I've been thinking about the further development of the Map, and aside from all the discussion about what should be where, i think we need to look at the scale of the Map.

For Example: Calderon Valley.
In FoC i get the impression that the holders of calderon expected to get word  to Riva in a manner of days by sending out riders.
That leads to me picturing Calderon Valley as being somewhere between 100 and 200 miles long.
The relative Dimensions we have right now would then put the width of Alera as a whole at about three times that distance, but we've seen plenty of indication that it is much bigger (i.e. Antillus being thousands of miles from the sea)
Yet, we cannot simply make the scale of the Map bigger, because that would lead to Calderon being more than a thousand miles long, and thats far to big for my taste. Especially when you take into consideration that most people in FoC traveled without the use of Furycraft for the better part of the time.

Sadly, distances are usualy only vaguely described in the Books, off the top of my head i can only think of a few instances:
  • Founderport being about 20 miles from the Elinarch.
  • The First Aleran being the only Legion in a 800 mile Radius, wich leads me to believe that Ceres should be about that far away from the Elinarch, since i see it as the closest big city.
  • Gaius/Amara/Bernard starting their trek at about 300 miles southwest of Kalare.
I bet there are more, but i don't remember them right now.
most other times Distance is referenced as Time-Travelled, wich is a bit difficult to put into a map.

Ok, whats the point of all this?
I guess to show that we need to take a look at distances in general in this World, and that i think that Calderon is to big right now :-)

Offline belgarion

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Re: A Map (cont'd) Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers
« Reply #174 on: February 14, 2009, 12:44:30 AM »
Ah yes. We've talked about this a little, like when Amara flies 3000 miles from Alera Imperia to the Captain's tent east of Kalare. So we know that distance from CaF, the prologue. "She'd covered more than three thousand miles in the past three days,..." and ""The least I can do for someone who just beat the previous flight speed record from here to the capital by a full day..."

Other things, like the Red Hills are fairly close to Alera Imperia.
There have been other hints in the text. The battles around Founderport, Vaucusguard, River Aepon, Fellcove, Mastings, and Othos. There's a separate map for that in the collection. All these are from CaF. Koko etc. worked on the relative distances. Oh, we need to add those to the "big" map.

I guess the way to do this is to search for place names in the text and look for distance references. Kinda like those old math problems we used to have. a is 5 miles from b, b is 6 miles from c, e is next to a but not next to f, how far is a from f. Those kind. We have the same kind of jigsaw puzzle here. :~)


I've been thinking about the further development of the Map, and aside from all the discussion about what should be where, i think we need to look at the scale of the Map.

For Example: Calderon Valley.
In FoC i get the impression that the holders of calderon expected to get word  to Riva in a manner of days by sending out riders.
That leads to me picturing Calderon Valley as being somewhere between 100 and 200 miles long.
The relative Dimensions we have right now would then put the width of Alera as a whole at about three times that distance, but we've seen plenty of indication that it is much bigger (i.e. Antillus being thousands of miles from the sea)
Yet, we cannot simply make the scale of the Map bigger, because that would lead to Calderon being more than a thousand miles long, and thats far to big for my taste. Especially when you take into consideration that most people in FoC traveled without the use of Furycraft for the better part of the time.

Sadly, distances are usualy only vaguely described in the Books, off the top of my head i can only think of a few instances:
  • Founderport being about 20 miles from the Elinarch.
  • The First Aleran being the only Legion in a 800 mile Radius, wich leads me to believe that Ceres should be about that far away from the Elinarch, since i see it as the closest big city.
  • Gaius/Amara/Bernard starting their trek at about 300 miles southwest of Kalare.
I bet there are more, but i don't remember them right now.
most other times Distance is referenced as Time-Travelled, wich is a bit difficult to put into a map.

Ok, whats the point of all this?
I guess to show that we need to take a look at distances in general in this World, and that i think that Calderon is to big right now :-)

Offline azerjaban

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Re: A Map (cont'd) Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers
« Reply #175 on: February 14, 2009, 10:30:16 PM »
I'm not sure if this is the place to request this, but would someone be able to show me on one of the maps how much of Alera is under Vord control?

Offline Tsunami

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Re: A Map (cont'd) Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers
« Reply #176 on: February 15, 2009, 09:49:04 AM »
I'm not sure if this is the place to request this, but would someone be able to show me on one of the maps how much of Alera is under Vord control?

We don't know exactly. At the end of PF we learn that its perhaps a quarter of the realm.

"He gestured at the sand table. Isana came over to it and saw a map of the entire Realm laid out
in the sand.
A quarter of it, perhaps more, was colored in croach green."

We know the Vord have taken what has been Kalare and overrun Ceres. They assaulted Alera Imperia, but without spreading the croach that far.
So, here is my guess at what terriories the Vord have taken so far.

And it really is nothing more than a guess at this point.

Offline belgarion

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Re: A Map (cont'd) Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers
« Reply #177 on: February 15, 2009, 01:37:33 PM »
Cute fish :~)
So, are we thinking the map chat will be on Saturday the 28th?
That seems to be the day that all of us are available including Priscellie.
Anyone else interested, is definitely welcome. The more the merrier.

/*puts on his cartographer's hat */

We don't know exactly. At the end of PF we learn that its perhaps a quarter of the realm.

"He gestured at the sand table. Isana came over to it and saw a map of the entire Realm laid out
in the sand.
A quarter of it, perhaps more, was colored in croach green."

We know the Vord have taken what has been Kalare and overrun Ceres. They assaulted Alera Imperia, but without spreading the croach that far.
So, here is my guess at what terriories the Vord have taken so far.

And it really is nothing more than a guess at this point.

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Re: A Map (cont'd) Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers
« Reply #178 on: February 15, 2009, 08:18:09 PM »
I don't know if this is the right place to ask this, but what made you guys put the Elinarch where you did? I mean if it was there, the canim really had no need to take it. they could've just marched straight to alera impera...or basically anywhere else but Placidus and Antillus, and ravaged it. So, how was the location decided? just curious. :)
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Re: A Map (cont'd) Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers
« Reply #179 on: February 15, 2009, 08:27:19 PM »
I've added in more detail from PF. Additional cities and corrected the name of Mount Kalarus to Mount Kalus.


see, in THIS example, the river and Elinarch positon works fine for me...but in the one I quoted, it's like the Elinarch and the river were afterthoughts.
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