Author Topic: Malcolm Dresden and Uriels Purgatory Squad  (Read 3267 times)

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Malcolm Dresden and Uriels Purgatory Squad
« on: April 10, 2019, 04:28:42 AM »
So I think this theory has been brought up before, but thought I'd mention it again.

Malcolm appears to Harry in a few dream sequences in Dead Beat. During the scene they hang around a campfire while a creature called a Jabberwock haunts the trees.

Quote from: Dead Beat p 105
‘So,’ I said. ‘Why haven’t I dreamed about you before?’
 ‘Because I wasn’t allowed to contact you before,’ my father said easily. ‘Not until others had crossed the line.’
 ‘Allowed?’ I asked. ‘What others? What line?’
He waved a hand. ‘It isn’t important. And we don’t have much time here before it returns.’

Butcher, Jim. Dead Beat: 7 (The Dresden Files series) (pp. 105-106). Little, Brown Book Group. Kindle Edition.

Given that we know Uriel arranged for Butters as an 'incipient knight' to intervene with Cassius, we know he was active in pulling some of the strings in Dead Beat.

Quote from: Skin Game
“When Cassius Snakeboy was about to gut me, I remember thinking that no Knight of the Cross was going to show up and save me.”
 “Cassius was a former Knight of the Blackened Denarius,” Uriel said. “It seems appropriate that he should be countered by an incipient Knight of the Cross. Don’t you think?”

Butcher, Jim. Skin Game (The Dresden Files, Book 15) (p. 441). Little, Brown Book Group. Kindle Edition.

We know that Uriel can only act as a reaction of whenever someone evil acts, it seems to fit with what Malcolm briefly tells Harry. That they crossed a line so he was allowed to contact him. Also Malcolm specifically mentions angels and fallen angels. So presumably he's the counter balance to Lasciels Shadow who appears for the first time in Dead Beat.

Quote from: Dead Beat
‘No one can tell you that,’ he said. ‘Not me. Not an angel. And not a fallen angel. You are the product of your own choices, Harry, and nothing can change that. Don’t let anyone or anything tell you otherwise.’

Butcher, Jim. Dead Beat: 7 (The Dresden Files series) (pp. 106-107). Little, Brown Book Group. Kindle Edition.

Malcolm mentions that Harry has friends on the other side.

Quote from: Dead Beat
‘But it doesn’t mean you’ve got to be alone before you go through the door. And believe me, you aren’t alone on the other side.’

Butcher, Jim. Dead Beat: 7 (The Dresden Files series) (p. 390). Little, Brown Book Group. Kindle Edition.

Malcolm also emphasises Harry's choices and free will which is pretty much Uriels entire purpose.

Quote from: Dead Beat
You didn’t do what you did for your own benefit. You did it so that you could protect others. That doesn’t make it right – but it doesn’t make you a monster, either. You still have free will. You still get to choose what you will do and what you will be and what you will become.’ He clapped my shoulder and turned to walk away. ‘As long as you believe you are responsible for your choices, you still are. You’ve got a good heart, son. Listen to it.’

Butcher, Jim. Dead Beat: 7 (The Dresden Files series) (p. 390). Little, Brown Book Group. Kindle Edition.

So all this together makes a pretty compelling case that Malcolm works for Uriel.

I also like the idea that Murphy and Harry's fathers work together. Murphy's father was adament that Harry not tell her about him, so it's possible Harry's father stayed out of the way for that particular mission as well.

Ghost Story information about the squad.
So the squad is “Between” with their own guardian angel Amitiel, standing doorman and watchdog.
According to Jack Murphy, Dresden was in Between and they could facilitate his return to earth albeit as a ghost because.

Quote from: Ghost Story.p12
“The opposition” Jack said. “You died because they cheated”
“Wait. What opposition?”
“The angel standing guard at the elevator is what we cops think of as a clue. You need me to draw you some pictures?”
“Um. Hell you mean? Like… actual Fallen angels?”
“Not exactly. But if you want to think of it that way, it works. Sort of. What you need to know is that they’re the bad guys”
“That’s why I’m here” I said. “Because they… broke some sort of cosmic rule”
“You were getting in their way. They wanted you gone. They broke the law to make it happen. That makes you my problem”

So pretty explicitly stated that the squad could only act because the Fallen acted first and broke the cosmic law. Now interestingly enough Dresden is actually offered a choice between going back and solving his own murder or getting a job on the squad.

Quote from: Ghost Story p 14
“Look kid you’re stuck here. You aren’t going anywhere until we get this discrepancy sorted out”
He shrugged “You want a job here instead, I can set you up”

Now Jack specifically tells Harry not to tell Murphy about him. Possibly due to some cosmic law.
Quote from: Ghost Story. P22
“No messages. I’ve done her enough harm”

Now for Uriels big reveal towards the end of the book.
Quote from: Ghost Story. p571
“Jack told you” Uriel said. “They cheated. The scale had to be balanced”
I shook my head “That office in Chicago Between. It was yours”
“One of them” he said nodding “I have a great deal of work to do. I recruit those willing to help me”
“What work?” I asked.
“The same work I ever have done” Uriel said. “I and my colleagues labor to ensure freedom”
“Freedom of what?” I asked.
“Of will. Of choice. The distinction between good and evil is meaningless if one does not have the freedom to choose between them. It is my duty, my purpose in Creation, to protect and nourish that meaning”

Uriels purpose explicitly stated and explained. Uriel goes on to explain how a fallen angel could have the knowledge and insight to suggest something at a precise moment to engineer a desired outcome. Specifically he’s talking about Lasciel.

Uriels actions were to counter that of Lasciel. Just like Malcolm Dresden was specifically used as an action against Lasciels Shadow.

Last mention of Between is when Uriel gives Sir Stuart a job.

Quote from: Ghost Story. p586
“Trust me. The ruins of a spirit like Sir Stuart’s are more substantial than most men ever manage to dredge up. I’d be very pleased to have you working for me”

So there needs to be something spiritually significant for a man to get a job in the Between. Evryone is pretty firm on the fact that Malcolm Dresden was a good man.

Anyway Theirs my evidence and theory. Comment, discuss, disprove, theorise away.

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Re: Malcolm Dresden and Uriels Purgatory Squad
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2019, 12:56:28 PM »
Yup.  This is one of the things that I believe - that either Malcolm Dresden works for Uriel in Chicago Between (or another office), or he works for a similar organization that labors to ensure free will and balanced scales that we just haven't heard of yet.  The exchange in Dead Beat is just altogether too similar of what we see in Ghost Story to be anything but.

The only real argument I've heard against this is that Malcolm Dresden was a good man, and that Between isn't for people who are ready to Move On.  But I think that it would be painting Between with a little to broad of a brush to just up and call it Purgatory, and that the only thing that could keep a mortal man between is not being either good or bad enough for a northbound or southbound train.

Besides, there's a chance that Papa Dresden had an inkling of what his son may have to face one day, and the last thing he ever wanted him to do was face it alone.  Something like that, I could imagine, could keep a person from moving on.

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Re: Malcolm Dresden and Uriels Purgatory Squad
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2019, 11:26:40 PM »
Well, both Malcolm and Jack died in what seemed to be normal ways but, actually, their deaths have mysterious and supernatural connections.
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