Author Topic: Harry's Point of View  (Read 3336 times)

Offline Yuillegan

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Harry's Point of View
« on: March 27, 2019, 07:04:19 AM »
A recurring event in the series is Harry's universe revealing more of itself, subverting and oftentimes correcting Harry's previous assumptions.

Harry believes X, learns Y *Shock*. A recent example is when Harry learns that the Outer Gates are not metaphorical, but in fact (somewhat) literal - at least as far as Harry's brain can understand. Though in fairness, there is a reasonable argument to say those things arn't really exclusive when it comes to such things.

Often this forum loves to speculate on what those reveals might be (and I will post another thread shortly to talk about some insights I have had) so my thinking is, how much of what Harry believes is true is actually true? I think a handy way to tell is probably the further back and more deeply held the assumption is (with certain exceptions), the less likely it is in fact true.

E.g. Harry assumed Justin sent a plain old nasty demon to kill him and we learn later that it is HWWB (an Outsider - a demon on the level of an Archangel) who was running the show and wasn't really trying to kill him, but trying to have Harry learn to believe it is fundamentally right to kill and cause harm with magic (according to Harry and Leah's assessment).

So, perhaps a list is in order. What things are going to be proven to be other than what they seem?

1. The Almighty - and his legions. To paraphrase a WOJ "The Almighty is awesome, it is all of us who are stupid...there is more crossover between the religions than all the people on this little planet know.
2. Conversely, the Devil is not what he seems (and perhaps nor are his legions). We know he has an argument with the Almighty over *something* - likely Free Will. We don't know the details of the argument. We also know Power has Purpose, not all Evil is unnecessary as uncomfortable as that might be (see: Mab).
3. Gods of the various pantheons. Probably a major subversion here - I am expecting beings who are called different things to different people. Likely the role of Gods is to be protectors, shapers and guides against demons/monsters and perhaps Outsiders.
4. Outsiders - this is probably the big one. Harry believes they are Evil (and they seem to fit that definition) however we know they "look different depending on which Universe they are trying to get into" WOJ
5. The Knights of the Blackened Denarius. Likely all have their own ends - but it seems clear that they are not always in alignment with the big D, sometimes directly counter to. And Harry likely will have to work with them at least one more time - probably fighting a bigger threat.
6. The Fae (Sidhe, Furies, Fireies etc). Seem likely that pantheons such as Norse , Greco-Roman and Egyptian poured a lot of Power into them in order to maintain influence in the world. Why they were fading, and that the Fae were chosen and less likely to fade, and the true purpose of Gods is a bit of a mystery.
7. Marcone - definitely a sort of good guy. Likely important for the end.
8. Margaret - Definitely a lot worse than Harry has imagined. Margaret's life and atrocities are probably there to sucker punch Harry like Ebenezer's sucker punch did.
9. The Circle and/or Black Council. Likely people Harry knows and trusts are involved. Maybe some double and triple agents. Likely working towards the end of everything (knowingly or unknowingly).
10. Cowl and Kumori - like Nicodemus, probably believe they are doing good. I think one group will be (but by distasteful methods and one is blind).
11. WAG - Necromancy actually serves a fundamental purpose in Creation. It is a necessary evil.
12. Arthur (Current Merlin) - probably either a lot better or worse than Harry knows.
13. Someone(s) who Harry believes are definitely Dead - are not gone
14. Harry's Starborn status - a curse more than a blessing (but centered around Choice).   
15. Kincaid is good (but his Dad is really bad) - maybe Drakul?
16. Drakul is effing terrifying. Harry is nowhere near prepared.
17. Dragons are important - their deaths have caused long-term problems
18. Not all the warriors of light are good. (Lawful Evil).
19. Universe is infinitely larger than Harry knows. We know this but it is gonna rock Harry's world.
20. Harry's kids might have a bigger role than him in the end.
21. The really big players have made moves in the background all through Harry's life (and the Files). We will see the evidence when we learn who they are and what they want.
22. Harry's problems are still small scale (the Fight is far larger than Harry knows).
23. The Merlin was a lot more than he seemed. And Harry and he will//have crossed paths.
24. It's gonna get worse before it gets better. The End Times are nigh.
25. Harry is going to be alright. He doesn't know this, but that is his destiny (after all the rubbish he will have to go through).

I have probably missed a bunch, so let me know what you think is coming that Harry doesn't know or has the wrong idea about!
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Re: Harry's Point of View
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2019, 06:07:00 PM »
Good thread. I'll add some.

The White Council:
1. They have a wetworks man who can break the Laws as he sees fit.
2. That man happens to be his grandfather, whom he previously thought was just his mentor.
3. The Council has been thoroughly infiltrated by the Black Council.

1. Mouse is a Foo Dog, and that is a much more complicated thing than Harry thought. For instance, Mouse is capable of understanding language and even communicating his thoughts articulately, after a fashion.
2. There are bad Foo Dogs (Zoo Day).
3. Mouse has so much more power than he lets on that it isn't even funnny; he seems to be able to manipulate emotions, or events, without making any outwardly obvious movements.
4. There are monsters only children can see, and kids down with the Supernatural constantly battle against them (again, Zoo Day).
5. Those monsters prey upon children AND adults.
6. Vampires are capable of magic on the same level as a wizard (Grave Peril; Harry assumes that a Red Court Vamp couldn't pull off big stuff outside of the Nevernever, for example).
7. There are werehumans (wolves (and possibly others) who can turn into humans).

1. Harry is one.
2. It means he can use magic against Outsiders, and it can stick.
3. His mother might have manipulated events and circumstances specifically to give birth to a Starborn.
4. I'm reasonably certain that we'll learn a whole lot more about what Starborn are capable of and what they've done in the past.

That's all I've got for now. I'll pop over later to see if anyone else wants to add some things.

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Re: Harry's Point of View
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2019, 11:10:39 PM »
Seems like Harry is learning that youth's black and white absolutes is really a big ole spectrum of grey and that not much is ever very simple.
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Re: Harry's Point of View
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2019, 03:18:59 AM »
Here's some of my own.

The Knights of the Cross.
1. Butters intervened with Cassisus. A former Denarian vs a Potential Knight. Harry tells Michael no one came to save him from Cassius when he prayed for the Knights to come.
2. Butters lightsaber. The Swords can be remade, after they're destroyed by an act of betrayal.
3. Warrior. Michael still serves the angels just through a listening ear and a kind word of advice here and there.

The Island
1. Demonreach. Is just an out of the way place that Harry feels comfortable fighting on. Finds out it's a heavyweight supernatural prison. Imagine if he'd known that in Turn cout could have imprisoned Peabody and all of the spiders.

Ebenezar, Thomas and Maggie. All direct blood relations he didn't know about that he founds out about.

1. The Lords of the Outer Night. More powerful than he originally realised.
2. Vadderung/Kringle are the same being different mantles.

The Fae Knights:
1. They can kill the Faerie queens
2. They can have a chance at remaining who they are.

I'm sure theirs other I can't think of right now.

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Re: Harry's Point of View
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2019, 02:33:06 PM »
Here's an interesting fiction trope that I hope gets used.

All those outsiders, struggling so hard to burst through the Outer Gates, and to leave wherever they're coming from and enter our reality.

What are they running from, and why are they so willing to die by the billions to escape it?