Jim has said intent matters, but results matter way more. I disagree quite a bit with this worldview, but I'm not in charge of the Dresdenverse. Magic resulting in mortal death is black magic that taints the wizard. Even if its a freak accident or self defense. I think that's silly. People would avoid using magic. Harry's candle lighting spell risks costing him his very soul if the candles had ever caught his boarding house on fire.
If using hellfire makes an angel into a demon, it can't be good. And Uriel causes destruction, like killing all the first born of Egypt, without using hellfire, so it isn't as simple as creation/destruction.
I agree that the soft peddling of power ups is annoying. In Summer Knight, the Knights were so powerful that Bob said something to the effect of turning the city block where they were was the most likely way to kill them. In Cold Days, Harry and Fix are doing physical feats no real human has ever been known to do. People have mentioned it here before. I think Fix shatters the running long jump record. From a stand still.