Author Topic: Proven Guilty WAG: Rashid's behind it!  (Read 6339 times)

Offline nadia.skylark

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Proven Guilty WAG: Rashid's behind it!
« on: February 20, 2019, 02:22:30 AM »
So, I've come up with a theory for why Mab would want to kidnap Molly, revolving around Rashid's power of making cryptic statements about the future.

The idea is that Rashid (at two different times) makes statements to Mab indicating that the Winter Lady will be/is infected by Nemesis, and that Molly will/could be the Winter Lady.

Mab interprets this to mean that Nemesis is plotting to kill her daughter and replace her with Molly as their pawn, and promptly sends the Fetches to hunt down/kidnap Molly (either because she can't order them to kill her directly or because she wants to find out if Molly knows anything about Nemesis' plans and make her tell her).

However, Rashid has already arranged for the horror movie convention to occur, complete with Madrigal Raith to make sure it's extra tasty, and the Fetches get distracted long enough for Harry to get thoroughly involved.

The Fetches get Molly eventually, and Mab realizes that it is unlikely (Mab says in Cold Days that it's hard/impossible to be completely sure) that Molly is not Infected (yet). Furthermore, she's been keeping tabs on Harry since he got involved, and realizes that Maeve is acting very suspiciously.

She doesn't want to accept it, of course, but between this and the fact that Rashid helped Harry protect Molly, she is forced to acknowledge that Maeve is Infected.

The book ends with Mab realizing a clear and present danger to her court and Harry gaining an apprentice who can compensate for his weaknesses and force him to improve them--just as Rashid planned!

What do people think?

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Re: Proven Guilty WAG: Rashid's behind it!
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2019, 02:59:46 AM »
Nice. I can't think of anything that contradicts it.

Offline morriswalters

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Re: Proven Guilty WAG: Rashid's behind it!
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2019, 05:07:53 AM »
However, Rashid has already arranged for the horror movie convention to occur, complete with Madrigal Raith to make sure it's extra tasty, and the Fetches get distracted long enough for Harry to get thoroughly involved.
And exactly how did he do this?

Offline nadia.skylark

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Re: Proven Guilty WAG: Rashid's behind it!
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2019, 05:21:02 AM »
However, Rashid has already arranged for the horror movie convention to occur, complete with Madrigal Raith to make sure it's extra tasty, and the Fetches get distracted long enough for Harry to get thoroughly involved.

Sandra whatshername works for him, or whoever she works for owed him a favor.

Offline peregrine

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Re: Proven Guilty WAG: Rashid's behind it!
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2019, 05:38:58 AM »
Mab said that she thought Molly would be more suited for Summer.  Seems counter to the idea that she was told by a trusted source she would become the Winter Lady.

Offline nadia.skylark

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Re: Proven Guilty WAG: Rashid's behind it!
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2019, 06:02:39 AM »
Mab said that she thought Molly would be more suited for Summer.  Seems counter to the idea that she was told by a trusted source she would become the Winter Lady.

A few explanations for this:

1) Mab was so distracted by the Maeve thing that she forgot precisely what was said about Molly.

2) Mab thought that long-term exposure to Harry Dresden would make her less logical/rational and more emotional--summer traits.

3) Rashid implied that Molly would be a Lady, and Mab put it together with the Nemesis thing and assumed that she would be the Winter Lady--an assumption that fell apart when she was forced to confront the fact that Maeve was Infected.

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Re: Proven Guilty WAG: Rashid's behind it!
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2019, 08:09:47 AM »
Accepting that Rashid was responsible for splattercon means accepting that Rashid was willing to sacrifice a number of innocent mortals to push his agenda.  That is if I'm understanding you correctly.  I'm uncertain about that.


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Re: Proven Guilty WAG: Rashid's behind it!
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2019, 09:00:50 PM »
Mab said that she thought Molly would be more suited for Summer.  Seems counter to the idea that she was told by a trusted source she would become the Winter Lady.

That's after several years of Mab manipulating Molly and her situation. For the sake of argument, let's say the theory's true. Rashid says he has seen a future in which Molly is the Winter Lady or whatever. As we've seen in Death Masks, prophecies can be changed. Mab should know this. This brings Molly to Mab's attention as a good candidate for Ladyship. Mab wants Sarissa to be the Winter Lady if something should happen to Maeve. She pushes things in that direction while also setting up Molly as a second backup for Winter Lady and as primary Winter "candidate" for Summer Lady.

Accepting that Rashid was responsible for splattercon means accepting that Rashid was willing to sacrifice a number of innocent mortals to push his agenda.  That is if I'm understanding you correctly.  I'm uncertain about that.

He did plan on killing Harry if he didn't choose to stop Aurora after Harry successfully completed the trial the Senior Council set for him. Dude can be pretty cold. He kinda even encouraged him to make the "wrong" choice.

Offline nadia.skylark

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Re: Proven Guilty WAG: Rashid's behind it!
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2019, 12:50:38 AM »
Accepting that Rashid was responsible for splattercon means accepting that Rashid was willing to sacrifice a number of innocent mortals to push his agenda.  That is if I'm understanding you correctly.  I'm uncertain about that.

We know that he's willing to sacrifice innocents because he told Harry not to fight for Morgan in Turn Coat.

Offline morriswalters

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Re: Proven Guilty WAG: Rashid's behind it!
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2019, 01:18:39 AM »
When Rashid threatens Harry in Summer Knight it is because of the consequences of Harry taking the easy way out.  Thus showing himself not competent to be a true member of the White Council.  And in Turn Coat Harry risks a civil war within the Council.  And apparently Rashid thought  Harry might be part of the conspiracy to cause it.
I frowned at him, and then my lips parted as I realized what was going on. “And you think I’m with them.”
He paused before speaking—but then, he damn near always did. “Perhaps there is reason. Add to your list of upset balances such things as open warfare erupting between the Red Court and the White Council. A Seelie crown being passed from one young Queen to the next by bloody revolt, and not the will of Titania. Wardens consorting with White Court vampires on a regular basis. College students being taught magic sufficient to allow them to become werewolves. The Little Folk, Wyld fae, banding together and organizing. The most powerful artifacts of the Church vanishing from the world—and, as some signs indicate, being kept by a wizard who does not so much as pay lip service to the faith, much less believe.”

Offline nadia.skylark

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Re: Proven Guilty WAG: Rashid's behind it!
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2019, 01:45:13 AM »
When Rashid threatens Harry in Summer Knight it is because of the consequences of Harry taking the easy way out.  Thus showing himself not competent to be a true member of the White Council.  And in Turn Coat Harry risks a civil war within the Council.  And apparently Rashid thought  Harry might be part of the conspiracy to cause it.

Yes. And in Proven Guilty, according to this WAG, Rashid is trying to prevent the destruction of the universe by Outsiders (via making sure that Mab realizes what Nemesis is doing with Maeve).

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Re: Proven Guilty WAG: Rashid's behind it!
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2019, 09:58:37 PM »
When Rashid threatens Harry in Summer Knight it is because of the consequences of Harry taking the easy way out.  Thus showing himself not competent to be a true member of the White Council.  And in Turn Coat Harry risks a civil war within the Council.  And apparently Rashid thought  Harry might be part of the conspiracy to cause it.

After Harry accomplished his trial as defined by the Senior Council and Rashid said:

I know that you have accomplished your mission for the Winter Queen. She will keep her end of the bargain, grant us safe passage through her realm. So far as the Council is concerned, that will be enough. You would be safe.


Wizard Dresden, you could end your involvement in the matter. You could choose to step clear of it, right now. It would end the trial.


Wizard, no one expects you to stop a war between the Sidhe Courts. the Council would assign no such responsibility to any one peson.


You're sure? You won't step out of the Trial now?

Rashid is trying to convince Harry to make the "wrong" decision.

Before Rashid started talking and in between every ellipses, Harry had the opportunity to quit the trial successfully. Afterwards, Rashid talks about how he will now vote in favor of Harry, but he already voted. The Senior Council voted to appoint Harry a trial. Harry successfully completed the trial. If Rashid murdered Harry for standing on his rights, then Rashid would have gone against the will of the Senior Council and murdered a member of the Council in good standing. Outside of the extremely limited definition of treason in the U.S. Constitution, that's about as treasonous as one can get.

Rashid is willing to color outside the lines and risk innocents in the process. Whether or not he is justified for various reasons is besides the point.

Offline morriswalters

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Re: Proven Guilty WAG: Rashid's behind it!
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2019, 12:48:33 AM »
There are actually two trials happening, the Councils and Rashid's.  The council wants access to the ways.  Rashid wants Harry to restore the balance of the courts.
"Balance," the Gatekeeper corrected me. "It is all about balance. Redress the imbalance, young wizard. Resolve the situation. Prove your worth beyond doubt."
The context of this quote is the Council meeting at the the outset.  Rashid both knows that Mab is looking for an Emissary and that the Courts are getting ready to fight as the table turns to Winter at the Solstice.  (This, by the way is a foreshadowing for Rashid to be a close associate of Mab's and Winter, one close enough to possess of a piece of the Stone Table.)

Given this context we can see that Rashid is testing Harry's character, by giving him an easy out.  Only after Harry has made his choice does Rashid tell him the stakes.  He then intervenes, defying the Council to aid Dresden by giving him a piece of the table and the salve to see through glamors.

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Re: Proven Guilty WAG: Rashid's behind it!
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2019, 04:39:55 AM »
I don't disagree with you. I'm just saying that shows that Rashid plays by his own rules (I hear myself saying that in an '80s rogue cop movie trailer voice despite my best efforts). He could easily set up some dangerous situation which risks the lives of some innocents for a good enough reason.

I do have a question of what does Rashid accomplish by killing Harry? He keeps a guy out of the Council whose character is less than Congressional Medal of Honor heroic? Rashid has been keeping tabs on Harry throughout Summer Knight. We don't know how closely, but Harry has been acting admirably, if not wisely, throughout. Rashid would be aware of Harry's actions in Storm Front where Harry was willing to die rather than break the laws of magic. He may well be aware of Harry's actions in Fool Moon. He is later, in Turn Coat.

Offline morriswalters

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Re: Proven Guilty WAG: Rashid's behind it!
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2019, 09:23:33 AM »
I suppose Jim was making a point about character.  Had Harry been the type of guy would would walk away, I suppose that Rashid felt that it showed that the  Council was correct in their judgement of him.  That Rashid would have killed him himself, is the counterpoint.  Meaning that if if the collective judgement would have been that Dresden had to die, that he wouldn't hide behind the fig leaf of collective action, but would do the job himself.

This type of thing is the central point of Changes and Ghost Story.