Author Topic: Our  (Read 8805 times)

Offline Salusen

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Re: Our
« Reply #15 on: February 06, 2019, 12:57:57 AM »
Skuld's one of the three Norse Norns, and Atropos is one of the three Greek Fates. Atropos makes sense, but I don't know enough Norse mythology to determine if Skuld does. I've only read the wikipedia page, but it says she is the youngest Norn, so that, at least, doesn't seem to fit.

Based on the definition of Skuld, she matches with at least one other Greek Fate. Which is why I said that she could be one of Summer's Names...?
-- Salusen

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Re: Our
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2019, 01:47:25 AM »
You had switched Skuld and Atropos.

I didn't understand that you thought Skuld was Mother Summer's name. Just that it wasn't Mother Winter's.

Skuld is the youngest Norn, so that kind of indicates "not the oldest of the Queens."

Harry "knew certain names. He was not wholly stupid in choosing them, or wholly wrong in using them." The statement implies that he was partially stupid in choosing them and partly wrong in using them. This could just be Mother Winter saying Harry was partly stupid and wrong by summoning her in the first place. It could be that one of the names was wrong.

Mother Summer says "she has been known by such names before. But you've only guessed the name of one of her masks-not our most powerful name." The best I can do with this one is that Mother Winter has been known by names similar to Atropos and Skuld, including one of the two, but not both because he "guessed the name of one of her masks." Similar names would be the death aspect of non-Greek/Norse triumvirate fates or perhaps other incarnations or personifications of death.

There is a video in which Jim, if I recall correctly, implies that Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos are Lady, Queen, and Mother, respectively.

Offline Yuillegan

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Re: Our
« Reply #17 on: February 07, 2019, 05:24:13 AM »
It unlikely, the way I see it (unless Jim is severely rewriting mythology, or just got it very wrong) that anyone but Mother Winter could be either Skuld or Atropos. Which I understand the issue, because the youngest of the triple goddess should be Skuld (i.e one of the Ladies) but clearly the mantle fits better in Mother Winter's Death Aspect.

Here is my interpretation. We see the Queens as separate - because we view the world through Harry's limited human perception. However the "truth" could be that ALL of the Winter Queens are Winter (of which Mother Winter is the least human) and ALL Queens of Faerie total up to something greater...there is every chance that Mother Summer's use of "our" included ALL Queens of Faerie. The Name of such a being might well be Fate, Gaia, God or something else that Jim has dug up/created. I think this is why Harry is partly wrong/stupid because he only see's the Mother's linked, not all the Queens adding up to something greater than the some of their parts.

Their are many, many versions of the Triumverate in many religions and mythologies. Triple Goddess of Wicca, Brahmic Trinity, Devi Trinity, Catholic Trinity, Greek Fates, Norse Norns, Egyptian Ra and many others. I have long wondered if sum of the Queens represents all of that.
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Offline Bad Alias

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Re: Our
« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2019, 07:19:26 PM »
Mother Winter is about as definitively Atropos as any mantle we can guess at with the exception of Kringle and Vadderung (not counting any of the explicit things like Harry is the Winter Knight). There is the chance that Skuld was a good guess, but that Skuld isn't a mantle related to faerie at all.

And then it could be that the skalds (or Christian chroniclers) got it wrong and she is the oldest of the Norn and it fits perfectly. Or some other thing Jim thinks of.

Offline Salusen

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Re: Our
« Reply #19 on: February 07, 2019, 08:57:35 PM »
It unlikely, the way I see it (unless Jim is severely rewriting mythology, or just got it very wrong) that anyone but Mother Winter could be either Skuld or Atropos. Which I understand the issue, because the youngest of the triple goddess should be Skuld (i.e one of the Ladies) but clearly the mantle fits better in Mother Winter's Death Aspect.

Here is my interpretation. We see the Queens as separate - because we view the world through Harry's limited human perception. However the "truth" could be that ALL of the Winter Queens are Winter (of which Mother Winter is the least human) and ALL Queens of Faerie total up to something greater...there is every chance that Mother Summer's use of "our" included ALL Queens of Faerie. The Name of such a being might well be Fate, Gaia, God or something else that Jim has dug up/created. I think this is why Harry is partly wrong/stupid because he only see's the Mother's linked, not all the Queens adding up to something greater than the some of their parts.

Their are many, many versions of the Triumverate in many religions and mythologies. Triple Goddess of Wicca, Brahmic Trinity, Devi Trinity, Catholic Trinity, Greek Fates, Norse Norns, Egyptian Ra and many others. I have long wondered if sum of the Queens represents all of that.

I actually agree with this perspective. I'm sorry @BadAlias if I said that Skuld was one of Mother Summer's Names - I was thinking of Summer and Winter as one person - and that though both of them had Mothers, Queens, and Ladies - they are all essentially one being. Or at least the mantles are all from one Being. So though Skuld might be the youngest of the Norns, Mother Summer being just really part of one whole, the name Skuld still applies. Like the Holy Trinity - One God in Three Persons, etc. etc.
-- Salusen

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Re: Our
« Reply #20 on: February 08, 2019, 05:19:35 PM »
Before I got to your last sentence, I was thinking "very trinitarian, or maybe hexitarian."

Offline Salusen

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Re: Our
« Reply #21 on: February 12, 2019, 02:18:06 AM »
IDK. I think Jim weighs in heavily on biblical symbolism..? Or maybe that's just how I interpreted it.
-- Salusen

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Re: Our
« Reply #22 on: March 03, 2019, 02:00:59 AM »
I agree with that. But why would Hecate choose to divide herself unevenly between Winter and Summer, if not for the purpose of having Winter take over the protection of the Outer Gates?
Unless she saw Harry as the Winter Knight in a possible future and decided to hedge her bets on him?

I'd be disappointed if the series mythology tilted that far into Harry as a Chosen One figure, foreseen by Hecate thousands of years in advance. I think it makes a much more interesting narrative that, insofar as he's special, it's because Margaret Sr. jumped through the right hoops to engineer her child's birth as a Starborn.

I prefer your first explanation. Even assuming some interval between the partition of the original proto-Fae into the seasonal courts - and I do, since it would have taken some time to gain power through blood sacrifice on the Table and rear up armies worth of changeling troops - the Winter half were meant to assume the task they ended up with.