Author Topic: Mac's Possible Identity  (Read 22885 times)

Offline bassbunnymanny

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Re: Mac's Possible Identity
« Reply #45 on: October 30, 2024, 10:26:41 AM »
Hi guys, first time poster here but this is topic is something I've been stewing over for a while, and I haven't seen this theory mentioned before so apologies if it's already been spoken of and debunked.

I believe that Mac's full name (MaCanally) points to his true identity. The surname MacAnally (and its variations, such as McAnally, MacNally, and McNally) is rooted in the Irish Gaelic name Mac an Fhailghigh or Mac Con Uladh.

"Mac" in Gaelic means "Son", and "Failghigh" is derived from "fáilgheach" or "fáilghe," which convey meanings such as "poor" or "destitute".

Essentially his name would translate to "Son of The Poor Man" which could be interpreted as a subtle, respectful reference to none other than Jesus (or, at least, the divine being we know as JC - which could well be a mantle just like Kringle/Odin, and the hint that the Fae queens are aspects of Hecate).

This could be why he's "out" beacuse the last time he was "in" humanity turned on him. Let's not forget he also instantly recognised the "King of the Jews" plaque that Harry presented to him in PT.

I'm probably wrong but I definitely think JB didn't choose Mac's name by accident.

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Re: Mac's Possible Identity
« Reply #46 on: November 04, 2024, 02:19:58 AM »
Hi guys, first time poster here but this is topic is something I've been stewing over for a while, and I haven't seen this theory mentioned before so apologies if it's already been spoken of and debunked.

I believe that Mac's full name (MaCanally) points to his true identity. The surname MacAnally (and its variations, such as McAnally, MacNally, and McNally) is rooted in the Irish Gaelic name Mac an Fhailghigh or Mac Con Uladh.

"Mac" in Gaelic means "Son", and "Failghigh" is derived from "fáilgheach" or "fáilghe," which convey meanings such as "poor" or "destitute".

Essentially his name would translate to "Son of The Poor Man" which could be interpreted as a subtle, respectful reference to none other than Jesus (or, at least, the divine being we know as JC - which could well be a mantle just like Kringle/Odin, and the hint that the Fae queens are aspects of Hecate).

This could be why he's "out" beacuse the last time he was "in" humanity turned on him. Let's not forget he also instantly recognised the "King of the Jews" plaque that Harry presented to him in PT.

I'm probably wrong but I definitely think JB didn't choose Mac's name by accident.

I like this theory, I was just rereading this thread and part of me was wondering if Mac is actually God with a capital G.

But JC is another good contender, the reason behind the God idea is that hes "out" and how much direct involvement has God had in the DV? Its all by proxy and other involvement.

Maybe hes out so his opposite doesn't also get directly involved?

Offline Griffimus

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Re: Mac's Possible Identity
« Reply #47 on: February 03, 2025, 04:33:54 AM »
In one of the recent books, Harry tried to look at Mac with his "sight" to see his real identity.    Mac puts his hand on his eyes and stops him from doing it.   One issue I have with this is Morgan looked at Mac in one of the older books with his sight and never said anything about what Mac "is" or had any type of reaction.   How could Morgan do it but he was worried about Harry doing it? 

Either it's just an error with the writing and Jim not remembering that he had that happen in a previous book. Or that somehow Harry has better "Sight" than other wizards because he is Starborn???
« Last Edit: February 03, 2025, 05:01:50 AM by Griffimus »

Offline Mira

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Re: Mac's Possible Identity
« Reply #48 on: February 03, 2025, 01:30:10 PM »
In one of the recent books, Harry tried to look at Mac with his "sight" to see his real identity.    Mac puts his hand on his eyes and stops him from doing it.   One issue I have with this is Morgan looked at Mac in one of the older books with his sight and never said anything about what Mac "is" or had any type of reaction.   How could Morgan do it but he was worried about Harry doing it? 

Either it's just an error with the writing and Jim not remembering that he had that happen in a previous book. Or that somehow Harry has better "Sight" than other wizards because he is Starborn???

I do not remember Morgan seeing or saying he saw Mac with his sight, I am not saying you are mistaken, I just don't remember it... Can you give a quote, book, and chapter?

Offline Griffimus

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Re: Mac's Possible Identity
« Reply #49 on: February 03, 2025, 08:36:49 PM »

I do not remember Morgan seeing or saying he saw Mac with his sight, I am not saying you are mistaken, I just don't remember it... Can you give a quote, book, and chapter?


Book: Dead Beat
Chapter 30

"Dresden,"  Morgan said. "Have you check for veils?"
"If I told you I had, you'd check it yourself anyways, Morgan".........

"Of course you didn't," He said....
......He swept his gaze around the room, using his Sight, that odd, half-surreal sense that lets wizards observer the forces of magic moving around them.......
Morgan didn't let his gaze linger too long near Mac or myself, and then he nodded to himself, and called out, "Clear."

I guess it never says he looks directly at him, but if you're checking the entire room you'd at least see a glimpse of Mac.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2025, 09:21:03 PM by Griffimus »

Offline Mira

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Re: Mac's Possible Identity
« Reply #50 on: February 03, 2025, 09:34:38 PM »
"Of course you didn't," He said....
......He swept his gaze around the room, using his Sight, that odd, half-surreal sense that lets wizards observer the forces of magic moving around them.......
Morgan didn't let his gaze linger too long near Mac or myself, and then he nodded to himself, and called out, "Clear."

Ah... Thank you for clearing that up.  Here's my take upon reading that, I think Morgan already has a good idea of who Mac really is, he also knows more than likely that Harry is star born..  "He didn't let his gaze linger too long near Mac nor myself."  It isn't that Morgan used his sight on either Harry or Mac, he knew better not to, least he blow his mind from what he would see. Contrast that with what happened when Harry saw the Skinwalker with his sight, he had no clue of what he was about to see, and it damaged him. 

Offline Avernite

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Re: Mac's Possible Identity
« Reply #51 on: February 16, 2025, 09:42:47 PM »
While I appreciate the idea, IF Morgan knew who Mac was (approximately), his being paranoid about it tends to put an upper limit on Mac's power.

A random Angel that is out? Sure, could see that. A former Archangel who dropped his mantle into something else? Maybe, though a sign of Morgan's overactive paranoia. But literal TWG or TWC? Seems a bit too high up the power ranks to let any threats be about in his demesne.