Author Topic: Time travel to revisit dead friends and enemies  (Read 3618 times)

Offline KurtinStGeorge

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Time travel to revisit dead friends and enemies
« on: January 09, 2019, 02:30:31 AM »
This idea comes from a post that was made several years ago.  There was a forum member who predicted that Maeve was at Splttercon!!! disguised as the girl wearing vampire makeup and teeth that freaked out Harry and almost caused him to go into full attack mode.  There was nothing wrong with making this WAG, but this forum member continued to post this idea after Maeve died at the end of Cold Days.  From strictly a dramatic or story telling point of view, this seemed highly unlikely to me, because what would be the point of finding out half a dozen or more books after Proven Guilty and several books after Maeve had died that she was making moves behind the scenes at the horror convention?  If you found out now that Maeve had been working with the fetches would you really care?  Probably not because in the Dresden verse Maeve is dead and gone and therfore no longer has a role to play in the story.  However, there is one exception, and it applies to every other dead character in the series.

Jim has said that Harry will eventually have to break all the laws of magic, so it seems likely we will get a time travel Dresden Files novel from Jim.  I picture it as being similar to the Star Trek Deep Space Nine "Trials and Tribble-ations" episode, where the characters from Deep Space Nine had to go back in time to stop another time traveller from changing the outcome of "The Touble with Tribles" episode of ST TOS.  However, I'm not saying Harry will go back and revist the events of Proven Guilty; though that seems like a really good guess to me, and I'm not saying Harry will learn anything new about Maeve, though he might.

What I'm asking; actually I'm asking several things, is what time do you expect, or would like to see, Harry to go back to?  If not Proven Guilty, why?  Which character or characters; who have joined the choir invisible, will we see Harry interact with?  Do you expect anyone else to take this trip with Harry?  What do you think Harry will learn or what would you like him to learn?  If there is anything else I've missed about time travel you would like to discuss, by all means go ahead.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2019, 02:43:06 AM by KurtinStGeorge »
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Offline morriswalters

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Re: Time travel to revisit dead friends and enemies
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2019, 04:24:54 AM »
How weird do you want to get?  Harry needs to learn to time travel first. In Blood Rites what knowledge was contained in the jewel Margaret gave to Harry?  My first thought was that it was knowledge to defeat Raith.  But was it?  Then in Changes after Lea gives him the Ruby, as the team walks to  Chichen Itza they walk past a river which flows backward.  And Harry warns the team not to freak out when they see the water flowing uphill.
The first leg of the trip was simple, a walk down a forest trail next to a backward-flowing river until we reached a menhir—that’s a large, upright standing stone, to those of you without a pressing need to find out what a menhir is. I found where a pentangle had been inscribed on the stone, a five-pointed star within a circle, like the one around my neck. It had been done with a small chisel of some kind, and was a little lopsided. My mother had put it there to mark which side of the stone to open the Way on.
River can't flow uphill even if you reverse gravity. And they walk next to it. This is a function of time.  And the way leads to Giza. Jim spends a couple of pages on this.  The first three are well described and two are notably odd.  The jewel, if it means what I think it does, will spell out how to move through time and to different timelines. I could see Harry going back and stopping Susan from going to the event at Bianca's.  This would split the timeline so Susan could live and not die at Chichen Itza.  And then since JB is a ST TOS fan consider the City on the Edge of Forever as a blueprint for his story.

Offline 123Chikadee

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Re: Time travel to revisit dead friends and enemies
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2019, 03:50:39 PM »
Hm, isn't there a WOJ talking about Mirror!Harry summoning Prime!Harrry and getting more than he bargained for. If that's the case, then Mirror!Harry might just take care of the travel bits.
I've been wondering when Prime!Harry gets to in the series, because if everything has changed so much there might not be a book analogous to what we're gonna see. 
I hope the two Harry's encounter one another, mainly because this is an encounter that sounds more exciting than that not happening.

Offline groinkick

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Re: Time travel to revisit dead friends and enemies
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2019, 07:22:52 PM »
If you found out now that Maeve had been working with the fetches would you really care?  Probably not because in the Dresden verse Maeve is dead and gone and therfore no longer has a role to play in the story. 

Not entirely.  Heck I'm still curious about who was behind Shadowman from the first book or who gave the wolf belts to the FBI agents.  Maybe we will never know?  Jim may just leave it for the readers to come to their own conclusions.  He may have dropped many hints for his fans to pick up on without telling us.
Stole this from Reginald because it was so well put, and is true for me as well.

"I love this place. It was a beacon in the dark and I couldn't have made it through some of the most maddening years of my life without some great people here."  Thank you Griff and others who took up the torch.

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Re: Time travel to revisit dead friends and enemies
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2019, 08:34:07 PM »
If it turned out a character who has been dead for several books was the one behind everything in the early books, that would be kind of a let down. I'd care, but in the wrong direction.

Offline Salusen

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Re: Time travel to revisit dead friends and enemies
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2019, 11:18:19 PM »
Not entirely.  Heck I'm still curious about who was behind Shadowman from the first book or who gave the wolf belts to the FBI agents.  Maybe we will never know?  Jim may just leave it for the readers to come to their own conclusions.  He may have dropped many hints for his fans to pick up on without telling us.

I have a feeling that the person behind the Shadowman and the belts would be a time-traveling Harry. Just a gut feel.
-- Salusen