Author Topic: Cold Days and Gen X pop culture reference - Time Bandits? (Spoiler)  (Read 2902 times)

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Jim makes a lot of references to things Gen Xers would get (e.g., Officer friendly, Dukes of Hazzard, the first Star Wars).

During Harry's birthday party at Arctis Tor (chapter 7), Harry freezes and blows up a Sidhe Lord in the midst of the Sidhe asking a question.  Harry answers something along the lines of "Glad you asked, there is your answer."  Was Jim purposefully making a reference to a funny scene in the movie Time Bandits?  Because if so I don't know that it quite landed without making a reference to the movie.  Maybe Harry could have said something like "I replied in full Time Banditry mode" or something like that.

Here is how the Time Bandit movie scene (sort of) went:
Underling: "But lord, if you are so powerful, why then cannot you leave this fortress?
Big Baddy blows up the underling with a gesture
Big Baddy:  "That's a good question.  The reason is (proceeds to explain why he is stuck in the fortress)

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Re: Cold Days and Gen X pop culture reference - Time Bandits? (Spoiler)
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2019, 03:29:01 AM »
My favourite reference in Cold Days is Bob saying Harry will go to the special hell. Which is a quote from Firefly.

"If you take sexual advantage of that girl you will reside in a Special place in Hell reserved for Child Molesters and people who talk at the theatre."- Shepard Book
"Wuh- I'm not, Preacher you got a smutty mind"- Malcolm Reynolds
"Perhaps I spoke out of turn"- Shepard Book
"I'm thinking you may have"-Malcolm Reynolds
"I apologise" -Shepard Book
*Mal nods molified*
"A Special Hell" Shepard Book"

Though Harry recognised it was a reference he was annoyed that he didn't get where it came from, which given Firefly can only be watched on the internet or TV, and Harry's field of electronic disruption makes sense. Still I think Harry would enjoy Firefly.

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Re: Cold Days and Gen X pop culture reference - Time Bandits? (Spoiler)
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2019, 03:34:43 AM »
At least Harry doesn't have to be in the special hell that it is to be a fan of the show. It's just about the most incomplete thing I've ever liked.

I don't really remember Time Bandits. I only saw it once and maybe only part of it.

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Re: Cold Days and Gen X pop culture reference - Time Bandits? (Spoiler)
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2019, 05:11:00 AM »
Harry blasting the fae lord was Time Bandit like, but I don't think it was a direct reference.
Here's a link to the scene in the movie. 
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