Author Topic: Item of Power Check  (Read 7289 times)

Offline Dragonsdai

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Item of Power Check
« on: January 08, 2019, 02:30:31 PM »
I have champion of God player who is looking  for an item of power that creates a suppression field.  I'm thinking pay a fate point and roll conviction to make a one zone threshold as well as mana stati, as he hates technology.  Does this sound balanced or is it too powerful? Cost -2 as it would be part of a special rosary with a large cross hanging from it.

Offline Taran

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Re: Item of Power Check
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2019, 11:20:14 PM »
Mana static and bless this house are both -1 powers.  Neither of which require a FP to use.  I think it would work without needing the fp.   I feel there may be a more elegant way of doing the threshold though. 

Offline Dragonsdai

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Re: Item of Power Check
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2019, 02:05:40 PM »
If anyone has a suggestion on the block/threshold that can be activated anywhere I'd appreciate it, other than desecrated/unholy places of course, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Offline khadgar4606

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Re: Item of Power Check
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2019, 02:20:55 PM »
If anyone has a suggestion on the block/threshold that can be activated anywhere I'd appreciate it, other than desecrated/unholy places of course, I'd greatly appreciate it.
well, there is a talent for hyperspace arsenal power that allows you to create a threshold using few items. why not copy/ modify it

Offline Taran

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Re: Item of Power Check
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2019, 02:31:27 PM »
RE:  Bless This house.

You should remember that many buildings have a threshold...the threshold just happens to be 0.  So, for instance, an office might have a threshold, or a factory lunch room etc...As soon as someone with Bless This House walks in, suddenly your threshold is boosted to 2.  That is 2 refresh worth of powers removed from anyone not invited.

That said, there is a couple of custom powers.  I made one called "Home is Where I Hang My Hat"

Essentially, given time to prepare, you can create a threshold as long as you have some line to call a threshold.  The idea was that it was an outdoorsy campaign so my character could turn the light from a campfire in to a threshold.

So, he hangs the Rosary over the door of room and that room is protected.  Or hangs it from a tree in a meadow and the meadow is protected.  The scope of the power covered, roughly, one zone.  I forget what the Power of the threshold was.  If I can find the power, I'll post it.

The other option is this: 

"Using conviction, you create a block in the zone you are standing"

This isn't too overpowered.  Basically, it just lets you do a regular Block that lasts one round.  You state what you are blocking (movement in and out of the zone, attacks while in the zone etc...), you roll conviction and your result is the Power of the Block and it lasts one round or until it is overcome.

You can practically do that with any skill without spending a FP or refresh anyways.  I mean, if I wanted, I could make an intimidation block on movement with the fluff being:  "I'm so scary no one will move towards me."  Of course, it won't prevent them from shooting me with guns, but still.

In any case, that might cost 1 refresh...if you want it to block multiple actions simultaneously, it might cost more...but, for a power that requires an action and only one turn, I might let it only cost 1 refresh.

Sanctaphrax is good at judging game balance...maybe he will give his 2 cents.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2019, 02:34:13 PM by Taran »

Offline Taran

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Re: Item of Power Check
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2019, 02:39:41 PM »
double-Post:  found the thread,37642.0.html

and here is the Power:

-1 Home is Where I Hang My Hat
Affects: Conviction

Requirement: You need some kind of physical threshold - like a room, a cabin, the light of a camp-fire, a small clearing - to represent the boundry of the threshold as well as a symbolic link, like a hat hanging at a door or a campfire to act as an anchor.

Using conviction, you bless an area  imbuing it with an effective threshold of 2.  The base difficulty for this is Fair +2 and takes one hour(on the time chart) but it can take less time if you put extra shifts in reducing the time.  Likewise, if you fail, you can take more time.  Additional zones can be affected by adding +1 to the difficulty of the roll for each additional zone.  So, a small cabin with 3 rooms (3 zones) would have an effective difficulty of +4.

The threshold lasts until the next sunrise or until the anchor is removed from the location.  The threshold is stationary.

The strength of the theshold can be affected or improved by powers like "Bless This House" or can be used to place wards.  Wards disappear at sunrise when the threshold goes away, regardless of the duration of the wards.

Santuary: By adding +2 to the difficulty you can attune a threshold so that it satisifies the catch for creatures who enter the warded area.  The anchor for your threshold must be an item that satisfies the catch for the creature you wish to ward against.  For example, using a holy symbol as an anchor would satisfy a holy catch or an iron nail would satisfy the catch for a fey.  A threshold of this type can only satisfy a single catch.

Offline Dragonsdai

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Re: Item of Power Check
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2019, 01:51:14 AM »
well, there is a talent for hyperspace arsenal power that allows you to create a threshold using few items. why not copy/ modify it

Where is that?

@Taran  - that sounds an interesting  option, but just requires a place, but maybe the street sort of can qualify. Ok I'll bring that up to the player. Thanks folks.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Item of Power Check
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2019, 09:55:57 AM »
There's also this custom Power, which seems overly strong to me. It's kind of impractical to use, but absolutely preposterously effective when it applies.

The other option is this: 

"Using conviction, you create a block in the zone you are standing"

This isn't too overpowered.  Basically, it just lets you do a regular Block that lasts one round.  You state what you are blocking (movement in and out of the zone, attacks while in the zone etc...), you roll conviction and your result is the Power of the Block and it lasts one round or until it is overcome.

You can practically do that with any skill without spending a FP or refresh anyways.  I mean, if I wanted, I could make an intimidation block on movement with the fluff being:  "I'm so scary no one will move towards me."  Of course, it won't prevent them from shooting me with guns, but still.

In any case, that might cost 1 refresh...if you want it to block multiple actions simultaneously, it might cost more...but, for a power that requires an action and only one turn, I might let it only cost 1 refresh.

Sanctaphrax is good at judging game balance...maybe he will give his 2 cents.

I'd allow that as a Conviction stunt, with physically-possible-for-mortals caveats. Or as a 1-Refresh Power, without those caveats.