Oh. My. God. !!!!!
I watched the trailer yesterday just before sleeping. And there is really another book coming.
Another book! And the first chapter of PT. Actually I suffered an emotional overdose. There are no words to describe my happiness.

Especially after these exhausting days at the hospital. There are 3 colleagues tested positive with COVID-19. One got it from a birthday party 3 weeks ago, the others don't know. 2 of them had fever, but the third was very surprised. She had nothing. Was feeling healthy, no symptoms at all. They were just testing her team, because two of them were coughing. It will be only a matter of time now until more will be ill. We have created two teams now that don't meet each other and are alternating every week. Reduced workers doing reduced work. Only the necessary parameters that are needed ASAP.
Everyone is a bit tense.
But I'm not scared, just stressed. I think we have managed to slow the infection down, so that there will be enough respirators for those who need them.
So I want to thank Jim, Priscilla and everyone involved in the books and the trailers, for making me happy.
I wish, it could be July, now.