We had 2 deaths
. Both persons have previous health issues.
The government stated today that for now, they are not going to close schools (classes began a few days ago) because they think it would make things worse. Children are not a risk group and apparently it is better to have them confined several hours each day.
Meanwhile, it appears that my university decided to postpone the beginning of the classes until March 30 (they were supposed to begin next week)
That's sad.
Apparently you can be infected without showing symptoms or with showing little symptoms. But as an infected Person you can spread the virus to people who are at risk to become a severe case. Almost every child has someone like that in the family. That's why they closed institutions where lots of people are together in close company. Therefore schools and kindergardens. To protect the people at risk.
And most European countries have shut their borders.
Nevertheless everything seems a bit over the top. No one is making a fuss about for example the good old influenza like that. Here it went from 2 infected to over 300 in few weeks. And some didn't know where they had it from.
Makes me wonder if everything they do is exaggerated or is it not? And if what we seem to know is true.
Sorry about my posts here but the topic is everywhere. Everyone is talking about it no matter where you go.
I went to the super market today. They had toilet paper, but I didn't buy any

I tried to stay cool, but I did wash my hands after coming home because of the shopping cart. Washing your hands is never wrong.

At the hospital you should not visit unless it is necessary. I was at work today and will be on Sunday too. Normally you see lots of people visiting the patients, when you leave in the afternoon. But today it was quiet.
All operations are cancelled unless necessary to hold capacities in intensive care when needed.
Going out of the hospital building felt weird, but driving home there were as many cars as always.