Author Topic: Another Weird for the Weird folk  (Read 486183 times)

Offline Regenbogen

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1455 on: March 06, 2020, 09:17:55 PM »
There's a lot of jokes going around in the gaming circles involving beer, death, retaliation with virus attacks and well wishes for a vacation in china.

Yeah. I know the ones about the beer, too. ;)
I like the jokes about how buying hamsters makes you feel safe. There was a cute picture of a hamster lying in a hand with a small plastic machine gun. Feeling more safe already or so.
My mother wanted to buy spaghetti last week and there was none in the supermarket. And no rice, no toilet paper, no other noodles and not much food in cans.
Nobody gives a fxxxk about influenza or the measles or hepatitis C or even HIV any more. I feel sorry for all the other  diseases that can't manage to cause mass panic.

Another topic:
We watched Maleficent 2 yesterday. Funny how she tried to be polite and smile.
Today I hope we will manage the next episode of Picard.
 Earlier today I was at church singing for the World Day of Prayer of women. Nice songs, very simple and easy to learn. The only thing I didn't like was that we were supposed to dress in many bright colours. I looked into my clothes and didn't see much else than black, dark grey or dark red or blue. I found something dark red, turquoise and a skirt with blue, black and white flower print (one for pregnancy my older cousin gave to me, which I never wore) and a scarf with coloured leopard print in grey, blue, brown and yellow. I felt like a parrot. The others told me it looked good, but I think they were just being polite. LOL

Offline Dina

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1456 on: March 07, 2020, 06:03:28 AM »
We have 8 cases already, all from people coming from Italy. We don't have that level of psychosis yet, the only things you can't find are hands sanitizer and common chinstraps.

I have not seen Maleficent 2 yet (or Frozen 2, or the Impossibles 2. I feel like I have a delay  :D)

I am sure you look well, but in any case it is fun to change one's look once in a blue moon  :)
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Dina

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1457 on: March 12, 2020, 04:36:28 AM »
#°!/&~     >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( :( :( :(
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Regenbogen

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1458 on: March 12, 2020, 06:23:00 AM »
#°!/&~     >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( :( :( :(

Explain? What's up?

And hey, how are you people?
I had a busy week. Little one signed into school. Big one decided which school she wants to go in September. Signing in will be in may. But we have been to some schools which introduced themselves. We just hope her grades will be ok till then.
At work half the people are ill. Some have to stay at home as precautions. Some have to stay at home because their schools or kindergardens are closed and some have other diseases or take care of their old parents. The ones who can still work are not exactly healthy but have to do more work because so many are gone.
I'm so tired now. Yesterday I managed to sleep in late afternoon.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2020, 06:42:30 AM by Regenbogen »

Offline Dina

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1459 on: March 12, 2020, 06:41:31 AM »
Sorry, I was just venting.

Do you remember the Workshop I have been planning to go in Colombia? Planned for months, very excited about it? It would have taken place the whole next week and I would have arrived at Colombia next Sunday. Well, it has been cancelled (or at least postponed) due to coronavirus  :'( :'(
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Regenbogen

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1460 on: March 12, 2020, 06:55:01 AM »
Oh, that's sad. I'm sorry. Here they are also cancelling every big event.
I'm thinking of  going to a butterfly exhibition (living butterflies) with the kids and some of their friends. But I'm not sure they are still open. If not we will hope for good weather to go to the zoo instead.

Offline Dina

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1461 on: March 12, 2020, 07:47:07 AM »
I was so excited about this...and it was in Colombia, which is a low risk country so far. I thought some of the guest speakers would cancel because of the risk of traveling but I did not expect the full workshop to be cancelled.I guess they decided that even when Colombia itself was not a risk, having many people from different countries together was- They did it today, once the WHO declare the virus a pandemia.

Oh, both plans sound great, Regen. We had a nice zoo but now is has changed to an "eco-park" (it is not ready yet, still transitioning) and I am not sure what it will be anymore.
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Regenbogen

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1462 on: March 13, 2020, 06:57:13 PM »
Maen all!
Now it is official. Every school and kindergarden are closed until April 19th.
We give the children to friends. One goes to a mother who is at home anyway. The other gets to do lots of homework with a friend at her parent's home. They can do home office. For 2 weeks. After that I am at home for 3 weeks. What's after that no one knows yet. All community groups or clubs are closed. No concerts no nothing. To slow the virus down. Hope it works.

There was no time for the zoo today. If it even was open, I don't know. I spent the whole afternoon organizing so that I can go to work next week.

In the spare time we went buying shoes. Found some really good ones for my eldest with reduced price.
The kids like buying shoes there, because they have a TV in the shop.  ;D

I try to look forward to the three weeks at home. Sleeping late, going to the river or in the forest, ... reading a lot... Fun, fun, fun.

Offline Dina

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1463 on: March 14, 2020, 01:19:48 AM »
We had 2 deaths  :'(. Both persons have previous health issues.
The government stated today that for now, they are not going to close schools (classes began a few days ago) because they think it would make things worse. Children are not a risk group and apparently it is better to have them confined several hours each day.

Meanwhile, it appears that my university decided to postpone the beginning of the classes until March 30 (they were supposed to begin next week)
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Regenbogen

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1464 on: March 15, 2020, 01:14:16 AM »
We had 2 deaths  :'(. Both persons have previous health issues.
The government stated today that for now, they are not going to close schools (classes began a few days ago) because they think it would make things worse. Children are not a risk group and apparently it is better to have them confined several hours each day.

Meanwhile, it appears that my university decided to postpone the beginning of the classes until March 30 (they were supposed to begin next week)
That's sad.
Apparently you can be infected without showing symptoms or with showing little symptoms. But as an infected Person you can spread the virus to people who are at risk to become a severe case. Almost every child has someone like that in the family. That's why they closed institutions where lots of people are together in close company. Therefore schools and kindergardens. To protect the people at risk.

And most European countries have shut their borders.

Nevertheless everything seems a bit over the top. No one is making a fuss about for example the good old influenza like that. Here it went from 2 infected to over 300 in few weeks. And some didn't know where they had it from.
Makes me wonder if everything they do is exaggerated or is it not? And if what we seem to know is true.

Sorry about my posts here but the topic is everywhere. Everyone is talking about it no matter where you go.

I went to the super market today. They had toilet paper, but I didn't buy any ;).
I tried to stay cool, but I did wash my hands after coming home because of the shopping cart. Washing your hands is never wrong. 8)

At the hospital you should not visit unless it is necessary. I was at work today and will be on Sunday too. Normally you see lots of people visiting the patients, when you leave in the afternoon. But today it was quiet.
All operations are cancelled unless necessary to hold capacities in intensive care when needed.

Going out of the hospital building felt weird, but driving home there were as many cars as always.

Offline Fcrate

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1465 on: March 15, 2020, 02:10:59 AM »
Maen all! :) Been away the last few days. We got hit hard with a storm, and it caused a lot of damage to roads (and signals).
Anyway yesterday, when the rain was only drizzling, we lit a fire and cooked stew on it. I have to wash the pot as it's my turn, but it's going to be horrible so I'm procrastinating. Anyway, the stew was amazing :P
@Dina: Noooooo.... my coffee...... :( But you can go to the cursing topic and vent there without censoring yourself.
@Regen: I do think it's blown way out of proportion. It seems to me that following the normal perfectly sensible ways to avoid diseases in public should be enough, and it's the most you can do anyway, but maybe that's just me. I mean: Avoid hugs, don't sneeze in somebody's face, and try to avoid getting sneezed at, avoid public bathrooms or approach them with extreme care, wash your hands after you get home (like you did), and so on.
هل أخذت الغاب مثلي منزلاً دون القصور
فتتبعت السواقي وتسلقت الصخور
هل تحممت بعطره وتنشفت بنور
وشربت الفجر خمراً من كؤوس من أثير

Offline Dina

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1466 on: March 15, 2020, 08:43:25 AM »
Good maen, people.
I agree about the out of proportion. In my country there is a lot of people dying for dengue and we are having measles again for several reasons including some vaxxers. I am really worried for all that. And I hope our measures against coronavirus are effective.

So...still trying to recover from the fact that I should be on a plane right now. At least I will be able to sleep with my hubby in my comfortable bed.

Sorry about the storm Fcrate.

Regen we have not in the "lack of products in the shelves" stage, except sanitizers, of course.

In better topics, we watched "Knives Out" tonight. It was a good movie, I liked it, except...the literally revolting parts. We also  watched the latest episode of Picard.
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Regenbogen

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1467 on: March 15, 2020, 03:44:47 PM »
We still have to watch Picard. I was alone on Friday evening. We want to watch it together of course. And yesterday I fell asleep in the early afternoon and woke up after midnight. Yeah.  ;) I slept not enough the day before and had to work early on Saturday.
Maybe today evening.

LOL: A friend of my daughter's is visiting and they are laughing about our cat, because she looks so cute with her big big eyes, but has a really ugly voice. Always sounds annoyed, even if she isn't. People who don't know her are always confused when she talks.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2020, 04:02:18 PM by Regenbogen »

Offline Dina

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1468 on: March 15, 2020, 06:55:06 PM »
Aww. that is hilarious about your cat. I would love to see a picture someday.

In a short while my friends will be here to play RPG, but I wanted to say hello to everyone before that.
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Doroga's Cousin

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1469 on: March 17, 2020, 12:50:16 AM »
I'd rather have the overreaction to the virus. Ultimately, it will be a lot easier in the future to tone down prevention measures rather than deal with triage situations like Italy and Spain because they didn't take it seriously enough. If the measures already in place work, it'll look like an overreaction when we look back because it worked, y'know?
Is it just me or is it getting a little solipsistic in here?