Author Topic: Another Weird for the Weird folk  (Read 485586 times)

Offline Otlan

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1380 on: January 27, 2020, 04:10:39 PM »
Just like Polka, Print will never die! I guess I need to go read this Chriistmas Eve Story. I have a felling Mad and
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Santa are involved somehow -_- .

*Puts up a giant Neon Sign that points the way to the RPG Thread.*
« Last Edit: January 27, 2020, 04:22:55 PM by Otlan »
Rest Well Mdodd, and Please Watch over Us...

Relinquo spes totus ye quisnam penetro hic...

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Offline Dina

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1381 on: January 27, 2020, 11:36:51 PM »
You...may be right  ;D

I will post in the RPG as soon I came back from doing a few errands.
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Otlan

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1382 on: January 29, 2020, 05:28:47 PM »
You...may be right  ;D

I will post in the RPG as soon I came back from doing a few errands.

I am not surprised XD .

Take your time Di-Di, no rush n_n .
Rest Well Mdodd, and Please Watch over Us...

Relinquo spes totus ye quisnam penetro hic...

Strong like bull, smart like tractor, smooth like brick - smell like goat!

Offline Dina

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1383 on: January 29, 2020, 09:03:19 PM »
Good maen everyone! How are you doing?
It has rained at the morning here, and now we are having some womderful temperature (around 22°C)

Edited: I threw a small tantrum today bacause I accidentally dropped a big cut of watermelon to the floor. Of course, it cause a bit of problem, first because I had to cut and discard a part of the watermelon. And I had to collect and throw to the garbage all the small bits of watermelon spread in the floor and, of course, wash the floor and make sure there is nothing left. Obviously, I swore a lot, which reminds me to share that we Argentinian swear a lot. It is always fun to see the articles/news about USA and how some profanity is considered such an awful thing there.

In another side note, profanity has the same root that the Spanish "profanidad" or "profano" which are used for something against religion, a sort of sacrilege, not something against morality or being a prude. A blasphemy in the strict religious sense.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2020, 04:22:03 AM by Dina »
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Otlan

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1384 on: January 30, 2020, 04:56:10 PM »
Good maen everyone! How are you doing?
It has rained at the morning here, and now we are having some womderful temperature (around 22°C)

Edited: I threw a small tantrum today bacause I accidentally dropped a big cut of watermelon to the floor. Of course, it cause a bit of problem, first because I had to cut and discard a part of the watermelon. And I had to collect and throw to the garbage all the small bits of watermelon spread in the floor and, of course, wash the floor and make sure there is nothing left. Obviously, I swore a lot, which reminds me to share that we Argentinian swear a lot. It is always fun to see the articles/news about USA and how some profanity is considered such an awful thing there.

In another side note, profanity has the same root that the Spanish "profanidad" or "profano" which are used for something against religion, a sort of sacrilege, not something against morality or being a prude. A blasphemy in the strict religious sense.

*Huggles tight* I'm sorry for your loss Di-Di -_- . I'm sure the Watermelon is in a better place now -_- .

Really O_O ??...So, dose that mean I can go to Argentina and Cuss a Blue Streak with out people looking at me like I just commited murder?
Rest Well Mdodd, and Please Watch over Us...

Relinquo spes totus ye quisnam penetro hic...

Strong like bull, smart like tractor, smooth like brick - smell like goat!

Offline Fcrate

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1385 on: January 30, 2020, 10:39:00 PM »
Maen all, hey Otlan. *waves*
Sounds like a wonderful place to live Dina :D
Some things just rub you the wrong way and the only relief is cursing out loud. Very satisfying. Also "Profano" sounds very close to "Profane" in English, which has the same meaning that you explained.
Minion earned a nice juicy dinner today and yesterday, as she successfully hunted down two mice from my room. Yesterday was a regular kill, with her sniffing the mouse and locating it, and me moving furniture and junk around to give her easy access till snap-gulp-thank you for joining us for breakfast, we enjoyed your company.
Today though was a bit special, woke up late, and was drinking a bottle of water and rubbing her back. She was relaxed and purring and everything, when she suddenly disappeared from under my hand, and 200 milliseconds later she was 3 meters away catching a mouse that just streaked along the wall. She was very proud of that kill, played with it and kept getting my attention for half an hour, showing me her good work before she finally ate it. (Red carpet-woohoo). It was the fastest I ever saw her move.
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Offline Otlan

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1386 on: January 31, 2020, 12:13:57 AM »
Maen all, hey Otlan. *waves*
Sounds like a wonderful place to live Dina :D
Some things just rub you the wrong way and the only relief is cursing out loud. Very satisfying. Also "Profano" sounds very close to "Profane" in English, which has the same meaning that you explained.
Minion earned a nice juicy dinner today and yesterday, as she successfully hunted down two mice from my room. Yesterday was a regular kill, with her sniffing the mouse and locating it, and me moving furniture and junk around to give her easy access till snap-gulp-thank you for joining us for breakfast, we enjoyed your company.
Today though was a bit special, woke up late, and was drinking a bottle of water and rubbing her back. She was relaxed and purring and everything, when she suddenly disappeared from under my hand, and 200 milliseconds later she was 3 meters away catching a mouse that just streaked along the wall. She was very proud of that kill, played with it and kept getting my attention for half an hour, showing me her good work before she finally ate it. (Red carpet-woohoo). It was the fastest I ever saw her move.

*Waves back* What's up Fcrate n_n ? How you been n_n ?
*Dreams of a world where I could cuss freely and let out some anger* n_n ~ <3 ...
*Psst* Hey Crate, I think most words in English can trace back to Latian roots XD . Remeber, Amarica had to steal things from other Culters n_n .
O.O!!! LOL XD !!!! I love your cat Crate XD ! Maby she could teach my cats a thing or two XD .
Rest Well Mdodd, and Please Watch over Us...

Relinquo spes totus ye quisnam penetro hic...

Strong like bull, smart like tractor, smooth like brick - smell like goat!

Offline Dina

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1387 on: January 31, 2020, 04:46:36 AM »
Hello people.

Fcrate, I can't help but feel sorry for the mice, but I am happy for minion, and I am glad you rewarded her. She is doing very well.

Otlan, oh, luckily I had saved a good slice of watermelon before the debacle. And about swearing, of course there are some degrees, and obviously you can't do it in very formal situation, but if you are at work, drop something to the floor and swear, nothing happens. And in normal conversations with friends, coarse words are very, very common. Sometimes there is nothing better to express yourself.
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Otlan

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1388 on: February 01, 2020, 01:41:06 AM »
Hello people.

Fcrate, I can't help but feel sorry for the mice, but I am happy for minion, and I am glad you rewarded her. She is doing very well.

Otlan, oh, luckily I had saved a good slice of watermelon before the debacle. And about swearing, of course there are some degrees, and obviously you can't do it in very formal situation, but if you are at work, drop something to the floor and swear, nothing happens. And in normal conversations with friends, coarse words are very, very common. Sometimes there is nothing better to express yourself.

Yay for saveing Watermelon XD ! I hope it was able to sooth the hurt of looseing the rest n_n . Good enough for me XD ! *Begins makeing plans to move to argentinea.*
Rest Well Mdodd, and Please Watch over Us...

Relinquo spes totus ye quisnam penetro hic...

Strong like bull, smart like tractor, smooth like brick - smell like goat!

Offline Dina

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1389 on: February 01, 2020, 06:50:11 AM »
LOL! yes, it was delicious.
And it would be nice to see you here.

Weather has been much nicer, with some hours of 13°C, with is clearly low for this time of the Summer, so I am pleased. They are forecasting a hot day tomorrow but it is ok because we had that break.
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Otlan

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1390 on: February 01, 2020, 08:10:48 AM »
LOL! yes, it was delicious.
And it would be nice to see you here.

Weather has been much nicer, with some hours of 13°C, with is clearly low for this time of the Summer, so I am pleased. They are forecasting a hot day tomorrow but it is ok because we had that break.

Someday Dina n_n . If they ever pay us a fair wage again -_- .
I'm glad the surviveing part of your Watermelon was delicous n_n . What did you guys do with the seeds?

Oooohhhh, I would LOVE to have your weather right now Di-Di -_- . I'm so sick of the Snow and Cold -_- .
Rest Well Mdodd, and Please Watch over Us...

Relinquo spes totus ye quisnam penetro hic...

Strong like bull, smart like tractor, smooth like brick - smell like goat!

Offline Dina

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1391 on: February 01, 2020, 08:48:17 AM »
To be honest, Otlan, I just discard the seeds. Nothing creative or anything. And about the weather, I can't complain. This has been a much better Summer than the few previous ones. It was high time, those years I've felt that I was living in the Equator itself.
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Sir Huron Stone

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1392 on: February 01, 2020, 12:18:29 PM »
Good maen everyone! How are you doing?
It has rained at the morning here, and now we are having some womderful temperature (around 22°C)

Edited: I threw a small tantrum today bacause I accidentally dropped a big cut of watermelon to the floor. Of course, it cause a bit of problem, first because I had to cut and discard a part of the watermelon. And I had to collect and throw to the garbage all the small bits of watermelon spread in the floor and, of course, wash the floor and make sure there is nothing left. Obviously, I swore a lot, which reminds me to share that we Argentinian swear a lot. It is always fun to see the articles/news about USA and how some profanity is considered such an awful thing there.

In another side note, profanity has the same root that the Spanish "profanidad" or "profano" which are used for something against religion, a sort of sacrilege, not something against morality or being a prude. A blasphemy in the strict religious sense.

I've had a weird time with swearing in the military. In a regular line unit, where it's just soldiers, no one really cares. But once you get to a higher echelon unit, like where I'm at now, and there's civilians working with us, all of a sudden it's not okay.

My supervisor pulled me aside when I first got here, and he told me to stop swearing before one of the civilians files a complaint with HR. My reply? "Since when has the army had fucking HR?!"

That supervisor gave up on getting me to stop swearing pretty quick.
Some people are like slinkies; they're utterly useless, yet you can't help but smile as they fall down the stairs.

Offline Otlan

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1393 on: February 01, 2020, 01:37:14 PM »
To be honest, Otlan, I just discard the seeds. Nothing creative or anything. And about the weather, I can't complain. This has been a much better Summer than the few previous ones. It was high time, those years I've felt that I was living in the Equator itself.

Ooohhh, well if/when I get down there, we need to have a Watermelon seed spitting contest XD .
Ya, I know exactly how you feel Dina -_- . We've had some summers here that were just ungodly hot -_- . Good for seelling Lemonade, but that's about it XD .

@SHS: ^5, nice SHS XD . Just remeber, not to Sware 8n fr9nt ogf a Genreal or Something, unless you want to get hung XD .
Rest Well Mdodd, and Please Watch over Us...

Relinquo spes totus ye quisnam penetro hic...

Strong like bull, smart like tractor, smooth like brick - smell like goat!

Offline Fcrate

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1394 on: February 01, 2020, 03:59:04 PM »
Ooohhh, well if/when I get down there, we need to have a Watermelon seed spitting contest XD .
Hah! You remind me of my childhood. Had those all the time. My brother used to mime a crank with his hand next to his ear and start spitting seeds like a gattling gun. :D
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