I was having more problems with Cold Days. I was confused, because it appeared to me, that some people were acting, as if Ghost Story never happened, or acting, as if something different had happened. But then I thought, maybe it has and there is a reason that will be explained later. Or never.
But hey, weird! Hello and good maen again.
I wanted to say, that it finally happened: I have outwitted myself! Yeah!
I can't find where I have hidden my husband's birthday present. It's a book.
Where would I hide a book, so that he doesn't see it? I can't even remember, if I left it in the package. Or in which room I hid it. One should NEVER change one's usual hiding places, but I had to do it, since we moved our bedroom into a smaller room, so that our daughter could have a room of her own. Now there is less space to hide presents. 
But while searching I found other things that were missing, like my blue wig. And my summer coat. 
Haha! You remind me of my mother. Whenever she cleaned our rooms she'd put all the junk in its proper place, where is that? we couldn't say, and neither could she. She never remembered, which is the reason we all scrambled to clean our rooms before she found them too digusting and intervened. I had a space between my bed and the wall that was about 20 cm, completely closed off, and it hid all my treasures (books that I read while pretending to study, gameboy, hidden treats, my bad grade in an Arabic test, etc) and if mother ever cleaned, I was doomed.
Um, blue? what kind of blue? I'm imagining a bright turquoise wig that you use to scare the children. lol
Okay did you check the freezer? Or

the trash bin?
*Rises out of the Shadows, haveing been summoned back to this plain of exsitance.* Hello all n_n .
Hey Otlan! You shall not pass! Go back to the shadows.
Otlan! I've missed you!
Fcrate, well, that is something, I am glad to hear poor kitten is not in pain.
Regenbogen, you made me laugh. Well, let's search under the bed, between the clean bedsheets and perhaps in a purse. And good for finding things! I wish I had a blue wig.
And I wish I knew someone who wore a blue wig so I can make fun of them.

And thanks for the kind thoughts Dina. Though if she doesn't improve she will be at a severe disadvantage, not expected to survive long in the open. On the other hand, my dogs always chase the cats around for fun (never harming any, not unless the cats try to steal their food) but they seem to ignore the injured kitten now, the never chase it or growl at it, even from 20 cm away from their food. Odd.