Fcrate and Dina:
No, I'm afraid there is not much sensible to do anymore. We've been repairing the old guy for years. And for the last months we've been saving every new important file immediately, because complete failure could happen any time.
We will simply buy a new one. If I have to write something, I can go to my daughter's room and use her old PC. It even has internet now, yeah.

It was a gift from an old neighbour of my mother's. I believe the thing must be 15 years old or so. The old lady has no use for computers. It belonged to her son who died last year. My mother is helping her go shopping, do paper work go to doctors and so on.
Here it is raining permanently. But it's not so cold yet. Stays above zero.
I still have to remove the leaves. No fun doing wet leaves in the wind and rain. Either way that will have to wait until I feel better.
The fever is already down a bit. I spent my day on the couch with a wet washcloth on my forehead and lots of tea.
Glad you are better now, Dina.
Fcrate: about technomancy
Funny thing but I do believe for years that something in my aura makes wristwatches break down. I've never had a wristwatch last for more than a few months since my childhood. Weird, but true.
On the other hand I made an analyzer work again after I laid my hand on it. Twice. I was just making fun and doing it for show. My colleague and I have been staring with open mouths. After the first time she was calling specifically for me, when the thing wasn't working again. And I did it again.

And touchscreens don't always react to my touch.
And yes, I tried that with the computer when no one was looking.