Maen all 
Have no fear Otlan, I have no interest in human brains 
I clicked the first of your links, I love this song! Been listening to it for the past 7 years (I think) and I still only understand a quarter of it's words, and I stubbornly resisted looking for the lyrics. I get the general meaning though 
Mean Crate n_n .
And Uh, sure, if you say so buddy XD . *Keeps a double barrel shotgun close at hand. Just in case.*
First time I head that song was in the Sherlock Holmes movies, the one with Robert Downey Jr. I instantly fell in love with it and looked it up to hear the full version. And I'm not even Irish XD ...That I know of anyway.
From what I've been able to gather, the songs about a young man who get's a case of wonder lust, so he sets out for the city of Dublin. Along the way he finds love, gets robbed a, reaches his goal but goes further. Unltimatily he get's into a fight on the docks and cracks some heads with his crudgel. One could almost apply the story of Tarot Cards to this song.
@WF: A frined of mine intrduced me to Another Irish Drinking Song, every St. Patricks Day him and I would get together to sing it, and I still do XD .
Devil's Dance Floor I've been listening to ever since I was a kid, I like the Rythem.
Oh Danny Boy I sung in Chourse in high school, but I perticuallry liked this version.
The rest are all songs I've taken a fancy to over the years.
@Dina: A lot worse ways to go, and at least he wasn't alone. I have a rather large family, meany of them knew me when I was knee high to a grass hopper. I'll bet you were a cute baby Di-Di n_n .