Certinally n_n .
Ok, so I was watch a youtube Video the other day on how to introduce new players to DnD. One of the things the guy recomended doing was running a quick One Shot to introduce new players to the Mechanics of the game, exploration, Interaction, Roleplaying and Combat. And I realized there was the perfect opertunity to do just that in the Mines of Phandelver adventuer module that came with the starter set. In it, it has you already haveing met your quest giver in Water Deep(?) and him giveing you your quest while he and an Escourt start out ahead of you, so then your adventuer starts with a Gob.in Amubush on the Road. What if you change it up though? What if you start out with the party encountering the quest giver in a Tavern in Water Deep? From there, you can have opertunities to explore, interact with NPC's, make a skill check or two, and it all cumilates in a Tavern Brawl, either with the quest giver or a local gang of thugs, depending on how you play.