((((((((((((Snowy))))))))))))))))) how are you?
Nope, not a seven day, since the moving.
Have you seen? Jim Butcher is on chapter 60 of the draft
Tasty but nothing to call home about
Then it wasn't properly made or Done XD .
Speaking of Watermelons, I know they're pretty easy to grow. Damn things will grow in just about any enviroment, has any nere ever tried Watermelon Wine?
@Snowy: *Nuzzles, mussing your fur* Yes I did, thank you very much for it Snowy n_n <3 . I'm sorry I didn't send you one in return, but this year has got me beating my head against the proverbale wall -_- . If I don't go insane, it'll be a miracule -_- . Although I'm starting to think Insanities not such a bad thing.
On a lighter note, Saw Endgame with some frineds of mine on Saturday. Like Dina, I've got some issues with it, but all in all, it was a grate movie, very emotinal n_n .