@Fcrate. Thanks, but no, I don't want to kill them. I feel sorry for them. They just want to feed.
I'm going to put the pots on the terrace, far from any grass, where they don't go usually.
And I don't put poison anywhere, because it also poisons the cats and other animals. Also it rains a lot here, so there is a big chance, that the poison gets into the ground and our drink water.
And I can't buy anything I don't already have at home for gardening at the moment and possibly for the next few weeks, because the shops are closed for private people.
So I have to do with what I have here.
If I don't succeed, I have a neighbor with a greenhouse. She always has good vegetables and more than she can eat alone.
Next year I think I will construct a greenhouse too. Then I'm not so dependent on the weather and temperature outside.
We painted the stones today after the easter eggs. But only with water colour, because that's what we had here. I found some varnish. I will try to coat the stones with it, so maybe the colour stays. Wasn't bad. Better than on paper or the eggs. I never did that before. Was fun.
We were very lazy today. Lot of lying on blankets in the grass and enjoying the sun. The big kid and I did some reading.
By the way, I think I did a good Bob Ross impersonation on one of the stones. It was one we got two years ago from a quarry nearby. You can go there with tools and hack away some slate and sometimes you are lucky to find fossils. The small ones, like ammonites you are allowed to keep, but if you find big ones you have to give them to the museum. I painted one with the imprint of some animal's small poo.