On the positive side, Jim is making (what I believe) is his first appearance at a Con this year (Westercon) over the July 4th weekend in Layton, UT; which is just north of Salt Lake City and right next to Hill Air Force Base. I will be in attendance. The reason I'm being positive is I think (hope) Jim will have wrapped up Peace Talks by then.
That is a manner of opinion...
That is how I am increasing feeling about the whole series.. Actually I've felt this for some time.. Why? Because as the years go by, Jim gets occupied with more creative projects, like all of us he has a life and that gets more complicated... Result longer stretches between books, with a few unsatisfying crumbs scattered in between... Jim talks about Maggie at school spin offs, he is writing a whole new major series concurrent with the Dresden Files... Result, the books since Changes have seemed rushed, diluted even, sometimes especially the short stories, going through the motions... If Jim is floundering and I pray he isn't, it may because he is trying to stretch it out just a bit too thin, trying to put in six books where one focused one could tell it all.
Yes, to all of this.
I'm also becoming annoyed by things like the retconning we saw in Skin Game. Anna Valmont and the other two Churchmice didn't rip off Nicodemus. That's not why Nic killed Valmont's friends. They didn't know Nicodemus existed. I'm actually surprised none of the Beta readers caught that. It makes me worry that other errors might get introduced into the series.
Ghost story is one one of the better ones, especially if you like world building.
I really disagree with you here. I thought at least one early chapter in Ghost Story was sloppily written, and overall I think the story aimlessly meanders back and forth, rather than powerfully driving to a satisfying and emotional conclusion. When we get the big reveal, that explains why Molly is such a mess, I felt like, "Oh, I get it. Molly blames herself for Harry's death because she went along with his suicide plan. That's it? That was a long way to go just to find out that Harry set up his own assassination." What should have been an emotional gut punch was like getting hit by a pillow. Now that I think about, the Star Trek theme in Molly's head didn't add anything either.
That's not to say there weren't some very good parts in Ghost Story. I enjoyed Harry's discussions with Lea, Carmichael, Captain Murphy and Uriel, but overall I thought it was the most disappointing book in the series. I don't think you can compare it to something like Fool Moon; a book many people feel is mediocre, because Fool Moon was such an early effort. Jim was still learning his craft then.